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Uses of Class

Packages that use KeyframeTag
org.j3d.loaders.discreet Classes for parsing Discreet's 3DS Max .3ds file format. 

Uses of KeyframeTag in org.j3d.loaders.discreet

Subclasses of KeyframeTag in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
 class KeyframeAmbientBlock
          Representation of a collection of a single camera block in a keyframe.
 class KeyframeCameraBlock
          Representation of a collection of a single camera block in a keyframe.
 class KeyframeCameraTargetBlock
          Representation of a collection of a single camera block in a keyframe.
 class KeyframeFrameBlock
          Representation of a collection of a single frame block in a keyframe.
 class KeyframeLightBlock
          Representation of a keyframe general lighting handling.
 class KeyframeSpotlightBlock
          Representation of a keyframe spotlight handling.
 class KeyframeSpotlightTargetBlock
          Representation of a collection of a single camera block in a keyframe.

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