j3d.org Code

Package org.j3d.loaders.c3d

Classes for parsing C3D files.


Interface Summary
C3DParseObserver An observer to process the parsing of a C3D file.

Class Summary
C3DAnalogData The representation of a single channel of analog samples.
C3DByteParameter A single parameter instance that represents String (character) data.
C3DFloatParameter A single parameter instance that represents String (character) data.
C3DHeader The representation of most of the header of a C3D file.
C3DIntParameter A single parameter instance that represents String (character) data.
C3DParameter Base representation of a single parameter.
C3DParameterGroup The representation of a single group of parameters.
C3DParser A low-level parser for the C3D file format.
C3DStringParameter A single parameter instance that represents String (character) data.
C3DTrajectoryData The representation of a single trajectory.

Package org.j3d.loaders.c3d Description

Classes for parsing C3D files.

C3D is an industry-standard file format used for storing and transmitting motion tracking data. It is produced by almost all mocap systems and every major 3D software suite can import the files .


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