j3d.org Code

Package org.j3d.device.input.vfx

Implementations of InputDevices suitable for the Interactive Imaging Systems VFX3D HMD.


Class Summary
VFXDriver Class which implements a global driver interface for the VFX3D handling.

Package org.j3d.device.input.vfx Description

Implementations of InputDevices suitable for the Interactive Imaging Systems VFX3D HMD.

The drivers are MS Windows only as they require a native Windows DLL to compile. The drivers can be used to control both the InputDevice for the 3-DOF tracking, as well as the enable/disable calls for the underlying library, over which Java3D will then use it's normal stereo tracking.


The native code VFXsdk.c and VFXsdk.h come from the VFX SDK and may be freely redistributed.

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