j3d.org Code


ABSOLUTE_HEIGHTS - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Auxillary flag to say to generate points as absolute values
absoluteRootMeanSquare - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeCRecord
RMSE of file's datum relative to absolute datum (x, y, z) (element 2).
absoluteSampleSize - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeCRecord
Sample size on which statistics for the datum RMSE calculations (element 3).
AbstractFreeFormTerrainData - Class in org.j3d.terrain
Abstract representation of free-form terrain data.
AbstractFreeFormTerrainData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractFreeFormTerrainData
Create a new instance.of this data class with all flags set to false.
AbstractStaticTerrainData - Class in org.j3d.terrain
An abstract representation of the base functionality for a TerrainData implementation.
AbstractStaticTerrainData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractStaticTerrainData
Create a new instance.of this data class with all flags set to false.
AbstractTerrainData - Class in org.j3d.terrain
An abstract representation of the base functionality for a TerrainData implementation.
AbstractTerrainData(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTerrainData
Create a new instance.of this data class with all flags set to false.
AbstractTiledTerrainData - Class in org.j3d.terrain
An abstract representation of the base functionality for a TerrainData implementation.
AbstractTiledTerrainData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTiledTerrainData
Create a new instance.of this data class with all flags set to false.
Ac3dMaterial - Class in org.j3d.loaders.ac3d
Defines a model to represent the properties of a surface material in the AC3D file format.
Ac3dMaterial() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Default constructor.
Ac3dObject - Class in org.j3d.loaders.ac3d
AC3DObject provides a modeling of the properties that constitute an object in the AC3D file format specification.
Ac3dObject() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Default constructor.
Ac3dParseObserver - Interface in org.j3d.loaders.ac3d
An observer to process the parsing of an AC3D file.
Ac3dParser - Class in org.j3d.loaders.ac3d
AC3DFileParser handles the work of parsing the AC3D data from a stream.
Ac3dParser() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dParser
Construct a default parser that does not have an input source.
Ac3dParser(Reader) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dParser
Construct a new parser that sources the data from the given reader.
Ac3dSurface - Class in org.j3d.loaders.ac3d
Representation of the attributes for a polygon surface in the AC3D file format definition.
Ac3dSurface() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Default constructor, which sets up the initial state.
actionChanges() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.Tracker
Can the action type of this sensor change over time?
actionMask - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
A mask of actions this tracker might return.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationToolbar
Process an action event on one of the buttons.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointToolbar
Process an action event on one of the buttons.
actionType - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
What action is this state record for
add(Particle) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleList
Adds the specified element to this list.
add(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Adds the specified element to this list.
add(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
add(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.ObjectArray
Add a new value to the array.
add(Object[]) - Method in class org.j3d.util.ObjectArray
Add an array of values in bulk to the array.
add(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.Queue
Add an element to the end of the queue.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this set.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this set.
addAll(HashSet) - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Adds all of the elements in the specified hash set to this set.
addChild(HAnimObject) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Add a child node to the existing collection.
addChild(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Add a child node to the existing collection.
addChild(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Add a child node to the existing collection.
addChild(Ac3dObject) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Add a child to this object.
addDeviceListener(DeviceListener) - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.DeviceManager
Add a listener for devices additions and removals.
addDeviceListener(DeviceListener) - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.USBManager
Add a listener for devices additions and removals.
addDisplacer(HAnimDisplacer) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Add a child node to the existing collection.
addHSVKeyFrame(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
Add a key frame set of values at the given key point.
addHSVKeyFrame(float, Color4f) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
Add a key frame set of values at the given key point.
addHumanoid(HAnimHumanoid) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HumanoidManager
Add a humanoid to the list to manage.
additiveBlend - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
Flag indicating the transparency blend is additive
addKeyFrame(float, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.BooleanInterpolator
Add a key frame set of values at the given key point.
addKeyFrame(float, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Coordinate2DInterpolator
Add a key frame set of values at the given key point.
addKeyFrame(float, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.CoordinateInterpolator
Add a key frame set of values at the given key point.
addKeyFrame(float, int) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.IntegerInterpolator
Add a key frame set of values at the given key point.
addKeyFrame(float, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.NormalInterpolator
Add a key frame set of values at the given key point.
addKeyFrame(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.PositionInterpolator
Add a key frame set of values at the given key point.
addKeyFrame(float, Point3f) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.PositionInterpolator
Add a key frame set of values at the given key point.
addKeyFrame(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.RotationInterpolator
Add a key frame set of values at the given key point.
addKeyFrame(float, Quat4f) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.RotationInterpolator
Add a key frame set of values at the given key point.
addKeyFrame(float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ScalarInterpolator
Add a key frame set of values at the given key point.
addParameter(C3DParameter) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameterGroup
Add a new parameter to the group.
addParticleFunction(ParticleFunction) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Append a new particle function to the list.
addParticleSystem(ParticleSystem) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystemManager
Add a new particle system to this manager.
addPatch(ROAMPatch) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMSplitMergeLandscape
Add the newly created patch to the renderer specific structures.
addRectField(int, int, float[], float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringSystem
Add a retangular field of spring node location points to this field.
addRef(int, int, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Append an additional reference to the surface.
addRGBKeyFrame(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
Add a key frame set of values at the given key point.
addRGBKeyFrame(float, Color4f) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
Add a key frame set of values at the given key point.
addSpring(SpringNode) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringNode
Add a spring between the given node and this node.
addSurface(Ac3dSurface) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Adds a Ac3dSurface at the given index.
addVertex(int, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Mutator to add one vertex at the specified index.
ADINDAN - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
allocatedSize - Variable in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Interpolator
The current size of the array data
alpha - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Red component of the color of the particle
altModifier - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
Alt key modifier
AMBIENT_LIGHT - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
Treat this as an ambient light
AMBIENT_LIGHT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for ambient light (0x2100)
AMBIENT_NODE_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the ambient keyframe data (0xB001)
ambientColor - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The ambient colour of this block - transcribed to 3 value RGB [0,1]
ambientInfo - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
Information about the ambient light tracks
ambientLight - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Ambient light setting.
analogSampleRate - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
The trajectory and analog sample rates
analogSamples - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DAnalogData
Analog sample data to go with each coordinate.
angle - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.FalloffData
The angle to use for the light to fall off to zero
angle - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.HotspotData
The angle for the hotspot something or other.
angle - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
The amount of rotation of the map (degrees or radians?)
animationLength - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
The length of this animation in frames
appendViewpoint(ViewpointData) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointToolbar
Add the given viewpoint to the end of the list of available viewpoints.
apply(Particle) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BoundingBoxParticleFunction
Notification that the system is about to do an update of the particles and to do any system-level initialisation.
apply(Particle) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ColorRampFunction
Apply this function to the given particle right now.
apply(Particle) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.FrameCountParticleFunction
Apply this function to the given particle right now.
apply(Particle) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.GravityParticleFunction
Apply this function to the given particle right now.
apply(Particle) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxTimeParticleFunction
Apply this function to the given particle right now.
apply(Particle) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleFunction
Apply this function to the given particle right now.
apply(Particle) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PhysicsFunction
Apply this function to the given particle right now.
apply(Particle) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.WindParticleFunction
Apply this function to the given particle right now.
ARC1950 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
ARC1960 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
ARC_SECONDS - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMRecord
Unit of measure is arc-seconds
AREA_SUSPECT - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Suspect areas in the data
AREA_SUSPECT_AND_VOID - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Suspect and void areas in the data
AREA_SUSPECT_NONE - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
No suspect or void areas in the data
AREA_VOID - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Void areas in the data
ARRAY_INCREMENT - Static variable in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Interpolator
The number of items to increment the array with
aspectRatio - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
An aspect ratio setting for the light, allowing for non-circular visuals
attenuation - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
The linear attentuation parameter of the light
AUSTRALIAN_GEODETIC_1966 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
AUSTRALIAN_GEODETIC_1984 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
AxisTracker - Class in org.j3d.device.input.jinput
A tracker implementation sourcing values from a USB axis.
AxisTracker(Component[], int[]) - Constructor for class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.AxisTracker
axisValue - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GenericHIDState
The value of all the axes


BACK_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the back view (0x3060)
backgroundBitmap - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
The name of the bitmap to use for the background, if set
backgroundMidpoint - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Percentage location of the mid point, [0,1]
bankAngle - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.CameraBlock
The rotation angle in degrees for the camera.
BASE_TO_BASE - Static variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.TreeNode
Base to base orientation of the edge split routine
BaseEmitter - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
Common base class that implements the ParticleInitializer interface for all emitters.
BaseEmitter() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Construct a new default emitter, with everything initialized to zeroes, except colour, which is white.
BaseEmitter(int, int, float[], float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Construct a new emitter instance for a point emitter.
bboxCenter - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
The current bboxCenter of the segment
bboxCenter - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
The current bboxCenter of the joint
bboxCenter - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
The current bboxCenter of the segment
bboxSize - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
The current bboxSize of the segment
bboxSize - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
The current bboxSize of the joint
bboxSize - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
The current bboxSize of the segment
beginPolling() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.AxisTracker
Notification that tracker polling is beginning.
beginPolling() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.Tracker
Notification that tracker polling is beginning.
BezierGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom.spline
Geometry generator for generating a single Bezier curve.
BezierGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spline.BezierGenerator
Construct a new generator with default settings of 16 line segments over the length of one curve.
BezierGenerator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spline.BezierGenerator
Construct a new generator with the specified number of tessellations over the length of the curve, regardless of extents.
BezierPatchGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom.spline
Geometry generator for generating rectangular Bezier patches.
BezierPatchGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spline.BezierPatchGenerator
Construct a new generator with default settings of 20 grid squares over the length of one surface.
BezierPatchGenerator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spline.BezierPatchGenerator
Construct a new generator with the specified number of tessellations over the side of the patch, regardless of extents.
bias - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
The bias of the spotlight ray
binormals - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
Listing of binormals for each vertex
BITMAP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
blendColor1 - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
blend colour 1.
blendColor2 - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
blend colour 2.
BlockDataInputStream - Class in org.j3d.io
A data input stream which allows reading of arrays of primative types as well as the standard types a DataInputStream allows.
BlockDataInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
Creates a BlockDataInputStream that uses the specified underlying InputStream.
blocks - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Listing of all the sub-objects in the mesh
blue - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Blue component of the color of the particle
blue - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ColorData
The blue component value
blueBlends - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
Individual blue component blend colour value
blurring - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
The amount of blurring of the texture
BooleanInterpolator - Class in org.j3d.util.interpolator
An interpolator that works with boolean values.
BooleanInterpolator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.BooleanInterpolator
Create a new sequencer instance with the default size for the number of key values.
BooleanInterpolator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.BooleanInterpolator
Create a step interpolator with the given basic size.
BooleanInterpolator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.BooleanInterpolator
Create a interpolator with the given basic size using the interpolation type.
booleanValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.BooleanInterpolator
Get the interpolated value of the point at the given key value.
BOTTOM_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the bottom view (0x3020)
bottomExtent - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
The bottom-most extent Lat-Long if not UTM.
boundingBox - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
bounding box for the particle
BoundingBoxParticleFunction - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
Clamps the position of a particle to within a BoundingBox.
BoundingBoxParticleFunction(float[], float[]) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.BoundingBoxParticleFunction
Create a new bounding box function with the given initial bounds
bounds - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.CharacterData
The 2D bounds of the character - in the X,Y plane.
BOX_MAP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the start of a cubic env map (0x4190)
BoxGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom
Generator of box coordinates, normals and texture coordinates.
BoxGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.BoxGenerator
Construct a box with the default size of 2, 2, 2.
BoxGenerator(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.BoxGenerator
Construct a box with the given dimensions.
boxMapMaterials - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
Names of the materials used for a cubic environment map.
BSplineCurveData - Class in org.j3d.geom.spline
Representation of data that represents a single B-Spline curve.
BSplineCurveData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineCurveData
BSplineGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom.spline
Geometry generator for generating a single B-Splinecurve.
BSplineGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Construct a new generator of degree 3 with default number of segments.
BSplineGenerator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Construct a new generator with the given degree but fixed number of segments.
BSplineGenerator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Construct a new generator with the specified number of tessellations over the length of the curve, regardless of extents.
BSplinePatchGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom.spline
Geometry generator for generating rectangular BSpline patches.
BSplinePatchGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplinePatchGenerator
Construct a new generator with default settings of 20 grid squares over the length of one surface.
BSplinePatchGenerator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplinePatchGenerator
Construct a new generator with the specified number of tessellations over the side of the patch, regardless of extents and default degree of 3 for both width and depth.
BSplinePatchGenerator(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplinePatchGenerator
Construct a new generator with the specified number of tessellations over the side of the patch, regardless of extents and the same degree for both width and depth.
BSplinePatchGenerator(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplinePatchGenerator
Construct a new generator with the specified number of tessellations over the side of the patch, regardless of extents and specific degree for both width and depth.
BSplineUtils - Class in org.j3d.geom.spline
Utility functionality useful for working with BSpline curves and surfaces.
BSplineUtils() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineUtils
BTHeader - Class in org.j3d.loaders.vterrain
Representation of the BT File format header information.
BTHeader() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
BTParser - Class in org.j3d.loaders.vterrain
A low-level parser for the VTerrain's Project BT file format.
BTParser() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTParser
Construct a new parser with no stream set.
BTParser(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTParser
Construct a new parser using the given stream.
bumpMap - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The bump map to be associated with this material
bumpMask - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The bump map to be associated with this material
bumpPercentage - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
Bump map percentage filter to apply.
button1 - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.WheelState
The button1 value
button1_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.WheelState
The button1 value changed
button2 - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.WheelState
The button2 value
button2_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.WheelState
The button2 value changed
button3 - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.WheelState
The button3 value
button3_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.WheelState
The button3 value changed
button4 - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.WheelState
The button4 value
button4_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.WheelState
The button4 value changed
buttonMode - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
What navigation mode should this button use
ButtonModeConstants - Class in org.j3d.device.input
Button action constants.
ButtonModeConstants() - Constructor for class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
buttonState - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
BYTE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
This parameter type is a byte type


C3DAnalogData - Class in org.j3d.loaders.c3d
The representation of a single channel of analog samples.
C3DAnalogData(int, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DAnalogData
Construct a new data object representing a specific trajectory
C3DByteParameter - Class in org.j3d.loaders.c3d
A single parameter instance that represents String (character) data.
C3DByteParameter(String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DByteParameter
Construct a new group that represents the given name
C3DFloatParameter - Class in org.j3d.loaders.c3d
A single parameter instance that represents String (character) data.
C3DFloatParameter(String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DFloatParameter
Construct a new group that represents the given name
C3DHeader - Class in org.j3d.loaders.c3d
The representation of most of the header of a C3D file.
C3DHeader() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
C3DIntParameter - Class in org.j3d.loaders.c3d
A single parameter instance that represents String (character) data.
C3DIntParameter(String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DIntParameter
Construct a new group that represents the given name
C3DParameter - Class in org.j3d.loaders.c3d
Base representation of a single parameter.
C3DParameter(int, String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
Construct a new group that represents the given name
C3DParameterGroup - Class in org.j3d.loaders.c3d
The representation of a single group of parameters.
C3DParameterGroup(String, boolean, int, String) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameterGroup
Construct a new group that represents the given name
C3DParseObserver - Interface in org.j3d.loaders.c3d
An observer to process the parsing of a C3D file.
C3DParser - Class in org.j3d.loaders.c3d
A low-level parser for the C3D file format.
C3DParser() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParser
Construct a new parser with no stream set.
C3DParser(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParser
Construct a new parser using the given stream to source the data from.
C3DStringParameter - Class in org.j3d.loaders.c3d
A single parameter instance that represents String (character) data.
C3DStringParameter(String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DStringParameter
Construct a new group that represents the given name
C3DTrajectoryData - Class in org.j3d.loaders.c3d
The representation of a single trajectory.
C3DTrajectoryData(String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DTrajectoryData
Construct a new data object representing a specific trajectory
C_ALL_LINES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_ALPHA_SPLIT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_ANG_THRESH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_ANIMLENGTH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_APPLY_DISP_GAMMA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_APPLY_FBUF_GAMMA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_APPLY_FILE_GAMMA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_ARCH_DENOM - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_ASNAPS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_AUTO_REFLECT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_AUTO_SMOOTH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_AUTO_UNIFY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_AUTO_WELD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_BACK_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_BACKUP_FILE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_BGND_METHOD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_BGND_PRES_RATIO - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_BGTYPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_BIAS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_BITMAP_DRAWER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_BLUR_DUR - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_BLUR_FRAMES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_BLUR_SAMPLES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_BOOLTYPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_BOOLWELD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_CAMNAME - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_COMM_PORT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_CONESEGS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_CONESIDES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_CONSTS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_CONT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_CUBDRAWER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_CUR_MNAME - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_CURMTL_FROM_MESH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_CURTIME - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_DETAIL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_DISP_GAMMA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_DITHER_24 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_DITHER_256 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_DXF_SMOOTH_ANG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_DXFNAME_SRC - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_EDITOR_OK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_ETAPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_FBUF_GAMMA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_FILE_IN_GAMMA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_FILE_OUT_GAMMA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_FLIDRAWER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_FLIFILE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_FONTSEL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_FORCE_WIRE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_FROZ_DISPLAY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_GAMMA_CORRECT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_GEOSMOOTH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_GET_SHAPE_MAKE_FACES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_GRIDS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_GRRANGE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_HEBOT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_HEDEG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_HEDIR - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_HEHT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_HEMISEGS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_HESEG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_HETOP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_HETURNS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_HI_CONTRAST - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_HOT_CHECK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_HOT_METHOD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_IN_DEVICE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_JPEG_COMPRESSION - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_KEYFRAMER_OK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_KF_SHOW_BACKFACE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_KTAPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_LO_CONTRAST - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_LOFT_L_REPEAT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_LOFT_UV_NORMALIZE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_LOFT_W_REPEAT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_LOFT_WITH_TEXTURE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_LOFTER_OK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_LTAPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_LTNAME - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAP_DISPLAY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAP_MATRIX - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAP_MATRIX_OLD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAP_SCALE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAP_WHT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAP_XYZ - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAPDRAWER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAPDRAWER1 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAPDRAWER2 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAPDRAWER3 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAPDRAWER4 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAPDRAWER5 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAPDRAWER6 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAPDRAWER7 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAPDRAWER8 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAPDRAWER9 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAPDRAWER_ENTRY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MAPTYPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MASTER_AMBIENT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MASTER_SCALES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MBLUR_DITHER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MD_CE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MD_CS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MD_PDET - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MD_SDET - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MD_SML - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MD_SMW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MDRAWER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MEDTILE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MESHSEL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MESHUNSEL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MFILE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MFTSYM - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MODDRAWER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MODFILE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MODICOUNT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MODMODEL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MODWMODE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MSCALE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MSCSYM - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MSHAX - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MSHCP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MSHLOCAL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MTLDRAWER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MTLFILE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_MTTSYM - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_NET_FIELD_ORDER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_NET_USE_GAMMA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_NET_USE_VPOST - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_NGPARMS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_NTH_SERIAL_NUM - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_NUM_FORMAT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_OBJECT_MBLUR - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_OBNAME - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_OPTIMIZE_LOFT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PAL_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PALFILE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PDRAWER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PFILE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PICKSIZE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PIXEL_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_POLYSEL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_POLYUNSEL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PREVMODE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PRISMSEGS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PRISMSIDES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PROGMODE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PTHLEVEL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PV_DOFNUM - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PV_FPS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PV_FROM - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PV_METHOD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PV_NTH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PV_RNG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PV_TO - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_PV_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_QUIKSTUFF - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RAX - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RAY_SHADOWS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_REFLIP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_REND_FIELDS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_REND_FROM - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_REND_NTH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_REND_TO - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_REND_TSTEP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RENDER_ALL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RENDTYPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_AA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_ANIMTYPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_COMPRESS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_DISPDEV - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_FILE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_HARDDEV - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_HIDE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_MAPSW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_OUTPUT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_OVASPECT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_OVH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_OVW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_PATH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_PICTYPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_RMODE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_SHADOW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_TODISK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RGB_TWOSIDE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RIPDRAWER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RIPFILE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RND_MIP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_RND_TURBO - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SAFE_FRAME - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SAVE_LAST - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SEE_3D - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SEE_CAMERAS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SEE_LIGHTS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SEG_END - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SEG_START - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SEL_ITEMTOG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SEL_RESET - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SHAPER_OK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SHOOK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SHOW_1STVERT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SHPDRAWER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SHPFILE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SHPLOCAL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SMOOTH_ANG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SMOOTHING - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SNAPS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SPHSEGS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SRDEG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SRDIAM - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SRDIR - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SRSEG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SS_THRESH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_STAPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_STICKY_KEYINF - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SUPER_BLACK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SUPER_SAMPLE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SXP_BUMP_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SXP_BUMP_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SXP_OPAC_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SXP_OPAC_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SXP_REFL_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SXP_SELFI_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SXP_SHIN_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SXP_SHIN_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SXP_SPEC_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SXP_SPEC_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SXP_TEXT2_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SXP_TEXT2_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SXP_TEXT_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_SXP_TEXT_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TAB_BASES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TAB_DIVS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TDRAWER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TENS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TESS_TENSION - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TESS_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TEXTURE_BLUR_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TGA_DEPTH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TILE_XY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TORSEGS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TORSIDES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TUBESEGS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TUBESIDES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TX_STRING - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TXDRAWER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_TXFILE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_USE_ALPHA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_USERAX - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_VERTMARK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_VIEW_PRES_RATIO - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_VP_FROM - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_VP_NTH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_VP_TO - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_VP_TSTEP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_VTR_FRAMES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_VTR_HD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_VTR_HDTL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_VTR_IN - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_VTR_PK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_VTR_SH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_VTR_TL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_WELD_LOFT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_WELD_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_WORK_MTLS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_WORK_MTLS_2 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_WORK_MTLS_3 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_WORK_MTLS_4 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_WORK_MTLS_5 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_WORK_MTLS_6 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_WORK_MTLS_7 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_WORK_MTLS_8 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_WORKMTL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
C_ZCLIP_POINT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
CacheAlreadySetException - Exception in org.j3d.texture
An exception for when an attempt is made to set a default cache type when one has already been set.
CacheAlreadySetException() - Constructor for exception org.j3d.texture.CacheAlreadySetException
Creates a new exception without detail message.
CacheAlreadySetException(String) - Constructor for exception org.j3d.texture.CacheAlreadySetException
Constructs an exception with the specified detail message.
calcAllNormals(ObjectMesh) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxUtils
Do all the parsing work.
calcBiNormalsAndTangents(TriangleMesh) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxUtils
Calculate the binormals tangents for a given tri-mesh.
calcNormals(TriangleMesh) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxUtils
Calculate the normals for a given tri-mesh.
CAMERA_NODE_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the camera keyframe data (0xB003)
CAMERA_OLD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The object ID represents an old camera data (0x4500)
CAMERA_RANGE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the camera range (clip params) (0x4720)
CAMERA_SEE_CONE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the camera see view cone (0x4710)
CAMERA_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the camera view (0x3080)
CameraBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a single camera and its paramaters needed for rendering.
CameraBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.CameraBlock
Create a new camera block and set it up with basic details.
cameraInfo - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
Information about the camera tracks
cameraMasks - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DTrajectoryData
The bit mask of camera IDs that contributed to each frame.
cameras - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectBlock
Cameras (viewpoints) registered with this object
cameraTargetInfo - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
Information about the camera target track
CAMP_AREA_ASTRO - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
canvasImageCaptured(BufferedImage) - Method in interface org.j3d.ui.CapturedImageObserver
Notification that an image has been captured from the canvas and is ready for processing.
canvasImageCaptured(BufferedImage) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.image.JPEGImageObserver
Notification that an image has been captured from the canvas and is ready for processing.
canvasImageCaptured(BufferedImage) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.image.JPEGSequenceObserver
Notification that an image has been captured from the canvas and is ready for processing.
CAPE - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
CapturedImageObserver - Interface in org.j3d.ui
An observer for when images have been captured from the Canvas3D.
castsShadows - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
Flag indicating that this light will cast shadows
changeLocale(String, String, String) - Method in class org.j3d.util.I18nManager
Manually change the locale to the given country and language settings to overrided the current settings.
changeValue - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GenericHIDState
Which values have changed since last update
channelNumber - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DAnalogData
The channel number for this analog data.
CHAR_TYPE - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
This parameter type is a character (string) type
CharacterCreator - Class in org.j3d.geom
Representation of font information needed to create polygonal text.
CharacterCreator(Font, double) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.CharacterCreator
Create a new fontstyle object representing the given font.
CharacterData - Class in org.j3d.geom
Data-holder class representing a single polygonalised character that has been created by the CharacterCreator.
CharacterData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.CharacterData
CharHashMap - Class in org.j3d.util
A hash map that uses primitive chars for the key rather than objects.
CharHashMap() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.CharHashMap
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with a default capacity and load factor, which is 20 and 0.75 respectively.
CharHashMap(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.CharHashMap
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial capacity and default load factor, which is 0.75.
CharHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.CharHashMap
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial capacity and the specified load factor.
checkFlag(int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Helper function that tests to see if the requested flag is set in the local instance state.
checkTexture(String) - Method in interface org.j3d.texture.TextureCache
Check to see if a filename is cached for a Texture.
children - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
The current collection of children nodes registered to this object.
children - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
The current collection of children nodes registered to this object.
children - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
The current collection of children nodes registered to this object.
childUpdateRequired(HAnimObject) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Notification that the child has changed and will need to recalculate it's vertex positions.
childUpdateRequired(HAnimObject) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Notification that the child has changed and will need to recalculate it's vertex positions.
childUpdateRequired(HAnimObject) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimObjectParent
Notification that the child has changed and will need to recalculate it's vertex positions.
CHUNK_IS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
CHUNK_NOT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
CHUNK_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
CHUNK_UNIQUE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
CircularList - Class in org.j3d.util
A circular list (buffer) implementation.
CircularList() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Constructs a new, empty list.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HumanoidManager
Clear all the humanoids currently being managed.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Clear the current internal structures to reduce the amount of memory used.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleList
Removes all of the elements from this set.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParser
Force a clear of the data that has been previous read by this parser.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMParser
Force a clear of the data that has been previous read by this parser.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTParser
Clear the internal data structures used by this parser.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
Instruct this patch that it is about to be removed from active duty.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.util.CharHashMap
Clears this hashtable so that it contains no keys.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Removes all of the elements from this set.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.util.DoubleHashMap
Clears this hashtable so that it contains no keys.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.util.FloatHashMap
Clears this hashtable so that it contains no keys.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Removes all of the elements from this set.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Interpolator
Reset the interpolator to be empty so that new key values are replacing the old ones.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Clears this hashtable so that it contains no keys.
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.util.ObjectArray
Clear the array so that it contains no values
clear() - Method in class org.j3d.util.Queue
Remove all elements in the queue.
clearAll() - Method in interface org.j3d.texture.TextureCache
Clear the entire cache now.
clearCachedObjects() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleList
Clean up the internal cache and reduce it to zero.
clearCachedObjects() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.TriangulationUtils
Clean up the internal cache and reduce it to zero.
clearCachedObjects() - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Clean up the internal cache and reduce it to zero.
clearChanged() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.DeviceState
Clear changed flags.
clearChanged() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
Clear changed flags.
clearChanged() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
Clear changed flags.
clearChanged() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.WheelState
Clear changed flags.
CLIPPED - Static variable in class org.j3d.util.frustum.ViewFrustum
The geometry has been clipped to the view frustum
clone() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Make a copy of this object with identical data.
close() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.obj.OBJFileReader
Releases used resources.
close() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Releases used resources.
CMAGIC - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
COL_TRACK_TAG_KEY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
collidable - Variable in class org.j3d.util.UserSupplementData
Flag to say whether this object or group is eligible for use in collision detection and avoidance routines.
color - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Initial colour to make all particles
color - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
The 3-component light colour value
COLOR24 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The information is for a 24bit colour (0x0011)
colorAvailable - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTerrainData
Flag indicating if colour data is available from this dataset.
ColorData - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
A single color data from the keyframe tracking.
ColorData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ColorData
COLORF - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The information is for a float color (0x0010)
colorIndexes - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Storage for color index information if the shape type requires it.
ColorInterpolator - Class in org.j3d.util.interpolator
An interpolator that works with color components.
ColorInterpolator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
Create a new linear interpolator instance with the default size for the number of key values and running in RGB color space.
ColorInterpolator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
Create an linear RGB interpolator with the given basic size.
ColorInterpolator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
Create a new linear interpolator instance with the default size for the number of key values and selectable color space.
ColorInterpolator(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
Create a interpolator with the given basic size using the interpolation type and color space to interpolate over.
ColorRampFunction - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
Apply a colour change over time to the particle.
ColorRampFunction() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.ColorRampFunction
Create a disabled, default color ramp function with no values defined.
ColorRampFunction(float[], float[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.ColorRampFunction
Create a new colour ramp generator that uses the given times and 3 component colour values for that time for the interpolation.
ColorRampFunction(float[], float[], int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.ColorRampFunction
Create a new colour ramp generator that uses the given times and 3 component colour values for that time for the interpolation.
ColorRampGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom.terrain
Utility class to create colors per vertex for a terrain model where the colour model is based on a ramp value.
ColorRampGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ColorRampGenerator
Construct a ramp generator with no color information set.
ColorRampGenerator(float[], Color3f[]) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ColorRampGenerator
Create a new colour ramp generator that uses the given heights and 3 component colour values for that height for the interpolation.
ColorRampGenerator(float[], Color4f[]) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ColorRampGenerator
Create a new colour ramp generator that uses the given heights and 4 component colour values for that height for the interpolation.
ColorRampGenerator(float[], float[][]) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ColorRampGenerator
Create a new colour ramp generator that uses the given heights and colour values for that height for the interpolation.
ColorRampGenerator(float[], float[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ColorRampGenerator
Create a new colour ramp generator that uses the given heights and colour values for that height for the interpolation.
colors - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Colour values if using per-vertex coloring.
colors - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeAmbientBlock
The track position info
colors - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeColorBlock
The sets of keyframe/value pairs
colors - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeLightBlock
Track colour info
colors - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeSpotlightBlock
Colour track info
ColorUtils - Class in org.j3d.util
An set of utility functions that convert from one color space to another.
ColorUtils() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.ColorUtils
columnNumber - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeBRecord
The column ID of DEM profile stored in this record (element 1).
columns - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
The number of columns of data in the file
compact() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Remove unused data from an indexed dataset.
ConeGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom
Generator of Cone raw coordinates and geometry normals.
ConeGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Construct a default cone of height 2 and bottom radius of 1.
ConeGenerator(float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Create a custom cone of the given height and radius that includes the bottom faces.
ConeGenerator(float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Create a custom cone of the given height and radius and can control the number of facets in the cone.
ConeGenerator(float, float, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Create a custom cone of the given height and radius and can toggle the use of the bottom faces.
ConeGenerator(float, float, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Create a custom cone of the given height and radius and can toggle the use of the bottom faces and control the number of facets in the cone.
connections - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringNode
Connections to other nodes
CONTAINER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
contains(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.CharHashMap
Tests if some key maps into the specified value in this hashtable.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.DoubleHashMap
Tests if some key maps into the specified value in this hashtable.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.FloatHashMap
Tests if some key maps into the specified value in this hashtable.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Tests if some key maps into the specified value in this hashtable.
containsKey(char) - Method in class org.j3d.util.CharHashMap
Tests if the specified object is a key in this hashtable.
containsKey(double) - Method in class org.j3d.util.DoubleHashMap
Tests if the specified object is a key in this hashtable.
containsKey(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.FloatHashMap
Tests if the specified object is a key in this hashtable.
containsKey(int) - Method in class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Tests if the specified object is a key in this hashtable.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.CharHashMap
Returns true if this HashMap maps one or more keys to this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.DoubleHashMap
Returns true if this HashMap maps one or more keys to this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.FloatHashMap
Returns true if this HashMap maps one or more keys to this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Returns true if this HashMap maps one or more keys to this value.
ControllerDevice - Interface in org.j3d.device.input
Devices which map data to controllers.
controlPointCoordinates - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
ControlPoint values used to generate patches
controlPoints - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineCurveData
The control points of the curve described as a flat array of values.
controlPointWeights - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
The control point weightings on the patch.
controlPointWeights - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
The control point weightings on the patch.
convert(byte[], short[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts byte in little/big endian order in srcBuffer to big/little endian signed short (2 bytes long) data.
convert(byte[], short[], int, int, int, short) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts bytes in little/big endian order in srcBuffer to big/little endian short (2 bytes long) data.
convert(byte[], int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts bytes in little/big endian order in srcBuffer to big/little endian signed integer (4 bytes long) data.
convert(byte[], int[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts bytes in little/big endian order in srcBuffer to big/little endian integer (4 bytes long) data.
convert(byte[], long[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts bytes in little/big endian order in srcBuffer to big/little endian long (8 bytes long) data.
convert(byte[], long[], int, int, int, long) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts bytes in little/big endian order in srcBuffer to big/little endian long (8 bytes long) data.
convert(short) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Convert a little/big endian signed short to a big/little endian signed short
convert(int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Convert a little/big endian signed integer to a big/little endian signed integer
convert(long) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Convert a little/big endian signed long to a big/little endian signed long
convert(int, byte[], int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts bytes in little/big endian order in srcBuffer to big/little endian signed integer data with a user defined block size of 2, 3, or 4 bytes.
convert(int, byte[], int[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts bytes in little/big endian order in srcBuffer to big/little endian signed integer data with a user defined block size of 2, 3, or 4 bytes.
convertGridToTileCoord(int) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTiledTerrainData
Convenience method to convert the grid coordinate to the tile that it belongs in.
convertHSVtoRGB(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.ColorUtils
Change an HSV color to RGB color.
convertHSVtoRGB(float, float, float, float[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.ColorUtils
Change an HSV color to RGB color.
convertLittleEndianToDouble(byte[], double[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts bytes in srcBuffer in little endian order to double data.
convertLittleEndianToFloat(byte[], float[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts bytes in srcBuffer in little endian order to float data.
convertRGBtoHSV(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.ColorUtils
Change an RGB color to HSV color.
convertRGBtoHSV(float, float, float, float[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.ColorUtils
Change an RGB color to HSV color.
convertRGBtoYIQ(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.ColorUtils
Change an RGB color to YIQ (JPEG) color.
convertRGBtoYUV(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.ColorUtils
Change an RGB color to YUV (YCrCb) color.
convertTileToGridCoord(int) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTiledTerrainData
Convenience method to convert the tile coordinate to a grid coordinate
convertToBigEndian(byte[], short[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Converts little endian data in srcBuffer to big endian signed short (2 bytes long) data.
convertToBigEndian(byte[], short[], int, int, int, short) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Converts little endian data in srcBuffer to big endian short (2 bytes long) data.
convertToBigEndian(byte[], int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Converts little endian data in srcBuffer to big endian signed integer (4 bytes long) data.
convertToBigEndian(byte[], int[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Converts little endian data in srcBuffer to big endian integer (4 bytes long) data.
convertToBigEndian(int, byte[], int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Converts little endian data in srcBuffer to big endian signed integer data with a user defined block size of 2, 3, or 4 bytes.
convertToBigEndian(int, byte[], int[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Converts little endian data in srcBuffer to big endian signed integer data with a user defined block size of 2, 3, or 4 bytes.
convertToIndexedTriangles() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Convert the GeometryInfo object to have primitive type TRIANGLE_ARRAY and be indexed.
convertToLittleEndian(short[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts signed short data in srcBuffer to bytes in little endian order.
convertToLittleEndian(int[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts signed int data in srcBuffer to bytes in little endian order.
convertToLittleEndian(int, int[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts signed int data in srcBuffer to bytes in little endian order with a user defined block size of 1, 2, 3 or 4 (1 is here for convinience).
convertToLittleEndian(long[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts signed long data in srcBuffer to bytes in little endian order.
convertToLittleEndian(float[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts float data in srcBuffer to bytes in little endian order.For the conversion the Float.floatToIntBits method is used.
convertToLittleEndian(double[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Converts double data in srcBuffer to bytes in little endian order.
convertYIQtoRGB(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.ColorUtils
Change an YIQ (JPEG) color to RGB color.
convertYUVtoRGB(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.ColorUtils
Change an YUV (YCrCb) color to RGB color.
Coordinate2DInterpolator - Class in org.j3d.util.interpolator
An interpolator that works with 2D positional coordinates.
Coordinate2DInterpolator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Coordinate2DInterpolator
Create a new linear interpolator instance with the default size for the number of key values.
Coordinate2DInterpolator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Coordinate2DInterpolator
Create an linear interpolator with the given basic size.
Coordinate2DInterpolator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Coordinate2DInterpolator
Create a interpolator with the given basic size using the interpolation type.
CoordinateInterpolator - Class in org.j3d.util.interpolator
An interpolator that works with positional coordinates.
CoordinateInterpolator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.CoordinateInterpolator
Create a new linear interpolator instance with the default size for the number of key values.
CoordinateInterpolator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.CoordinateInterpolator
Create an linear interpolator with the given basic size.
CoordinateInterpolator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.CoordinateInterpolator
Create a interpolator with the given basic size using the interpolation type.
coordinates - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.CharacterData
List of vertices needed to generate the text.
coordinates - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Storage for coordinate information.
coordinates - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DTrajectoryData
3D coordinate data for this frame.
coordinatesPerParticle() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleFactory
Request the number of coordinates each particle will use.
CoordinateUtils - Class in org.j3d.geom
A utility class that can be used to modify coordinate values of an item of geometry.
CoordinateUtils() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.CoordinateUtils
Create a default instance of the utility class.
coordIndex - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.CharacterData
The list of indices creating the triangles representing the text
createBufferedImage(Image) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.ImageUtils
Create a BufferedImage from the given source image.
createBufferedImage(ImageProducer) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.ImageUtils
Create a BufferedImage from the given source image producer.
createCharacterTriangles(char[], int, ArrayList) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CharacterCreator
From the provided font, generate the output triangles now.
createColorImage(float[][]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.HeightImageCreator
Create a color model image from the set of terrain points.
createDisplacer() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimFactory
Create a new default Displacer instance.
createFaceNormal(float[], int, int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryGenerator
Convenience method to create a normal for the given vertex coordinates and normal array.
createFaceNormal(float[][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryGenerator
Convenience method to create a normal for the given vertex coordinates and normal array and using a 2D array of coordinate values.
createFaceNormal(float[], int, int, int, float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.NormalUtils
Convenience method to create a normal for the given vertex coordinates and normal array.
createFaceNormal(float[][], int, int, int, float[][], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.NormalUtils
Convenience method to create a normal for the given vertex coordinates and normal array.
createGeometry() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
Create the geometry needed for this patch.
createGreyScaleImage(float[][]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.HeightImageCreator
Create a greyscale image from a set of terrain points.
createHeightField(BufferedImage) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.HeightDataCreator
Convert an image into a set of terrain points.
createHumanoid() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimFactory
Create a new default Humanoid instance.
createJoint() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimFactory
Create a new default Joint instance.
createManager() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimFactory
Create a new empty manager instance.
createParticle() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleFactory
Create a new particle instance.
createPatch(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMSplitMergeLandscape
Create a new patch object instance that is located at the given position within the tile.
createRadialNormal(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryGenerator
Create a normal based on the given vertex position, assuming that it is a point in space, relative to the origin.
createRadialNormal(float[], int, float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryGenerator
Create a normal based on the given vertex position, assuming that it is a point in space, relative to the given point.
createRadialNormal(float[], int, float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.NormalUtils
Create a normal based on the given vertex position, assuming that it is a point in space, relative to the origin.
createRadialNormal(float[][], int, float[][], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.NormalUtils
Create a normal based on the given vertex position, assuming that it is a point in space, relative to the origin.
createRadialNormal(float[], int, float[], int, float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.NormalUtils
Create a normal based on the given vertex position, assuming that it is a point in space, relative to the given point.
createRadialNormal(float[][], int, float[][], int, float[][], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.NormalUtils
Create a normal based on the given vertex position, assuming that it is a point in space, relative to the given point.
createSegment() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimFactory
Create a new default Segment instance.
createSite() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimFactory
Create a new default Site instance.
createTangents(int, int[], float[], float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.TriangleUtils
Generate tangent space vectors and Binormals (Bitangents).
createTangents(int, float[], float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.TriangleUtils
Generate tangent space vectors and Binormals (Bitangents).
ctrlModifier - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
Ctrl key modifier
current() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleList
Get the current item that is being pointed to in the list.
current() - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Get the current item that is being pointed to in the list.
currentFrame - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
The current frame number.
currentSize - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.TexCoordInterpolator
Current total number of items in the array
currentSize - Variable in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Interpolator
Current total number of items in the array
cycleAge - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
a resettable cyclable age
CylinderGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom
A simple cylinder that can be configured to have end caps.
CylinderGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a default cylinder with end caps.
CylinderGenerator(boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a default cylinder with the option of having end caps.
CylinderGenerator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a default cylinder with end caps and selectable number of faces around the radius.
CylinderGenerator(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a default cylinder with the option of having end caps and selectable number of faces around the radius.
CylinderGenerator(float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a cylinder of a given height and radius with ends.
CylinderGenerator(float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a cylinder of a given height and radius with ends and selectable number of faces around the radius.
CylinderGenerator(float, float, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a cylinder of a given height and radius with the option of ends.
CylinderGenerator(float, float, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a cylinder of a given height and radius with the option of ends.
CylinderGenerator(float, float, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a cylinder of a given height and radius with the option of ends and selectable number of faces around the radius.
CylinderGenerator(float, float, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a cylinder of a given height and radius with the option of ends and selectable number of faces around the radius.


data - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
The raw data array/object storage.
dataEdition - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Data edition as specified by the generator (element 28).
dataValidated - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Flag indicating the type of validate that has been performed on the data (element 24).
datum - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
The Datum used for the UTM zone
DCUE_BACKGROUND - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for a distance cued background (0x2310)
DEFAULT_CACHE_PROP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.texture.TextureCacheFactory
The system property name
DEFAULT_DATA_EDITION - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Default data edition in use.
DEFAULT_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Default pattern code for element 4
DEFAULT_POLY_SIDES - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Default number of sides in the polygon of element 10
DEFAULT_REF_SYSTEM_ANGLE - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Default angle offset between the two reference systems (element 13).
DEFAULT_SIZE - Static variable in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Interpolator
The default number of items in the interpolator
DEFAULT_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the default view (0x3000)
DefaultErrorReporter - Class in org.j3d.util
An implementation of the ErrorReporter interface that just writes everything to System.out.
DefaultErrorReporter() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.DefaultErrorReporter
Creates a new, default instance of the reporter
DEFORM_LIMIT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
degree - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineCurveData
The degree of the curve
DEM_1 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Values for Data Element 3
DEM_2 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
DEM_3 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
DEM_4 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
DEMParser - Class in org.j3d.loaders.dem
A low-level parser for the DEM file format.
DEMParser() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMParser
Construct a new parser with no stream set.
DEMParser(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMParser
Construct a new parser using the given stream to source the data from.
DEMParser(Reader) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMParser
Construct a new parser using the given reader to source the data from.
DEMRecord - Class in org.j3d.loaders.dem
Representation of the DEM File format Type C record.
DEMRecord() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMRecord
DEMTypeARecord - Class in org.j3d.loaders.dem
Representation of the DEM File format Type A record.
DEMTypeARecord() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
DEMTypeBRecord - Class in org.j3d.loaders.dem
Representation of the DEM File format Type B record.
DEMTypeBRecord() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeBRecord
DEMTypeCRecord - Class in org.j3d.loaders.dem
Representation of the DEM File format Type C record.
DEMTypeCRecord() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeCRecord
depth - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
depth of the particle
depthFacetCount - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
The number of sections used around the patch depth
description - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DAnalogData
The description string associated with this data
description - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
The description string, if set
description - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DTrajectoryData
The description string associated with this data
deviceAdded(InputDevice) - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.DeviceListener
A new device has been added to a manager.
DeviceListener - Interface in org.j3d.device.input
Notifies listeners of device additions and removals.
DeviceManager - Interface in org.j3d.device.input
Managers a class of devices.
deviceOri - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
An orientation vector in device coords
devicePos - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
The position of the tracker in device coordinates
deviceRemoved(InputDevice) - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.DeviceListener
A device has been removed.
DeviceState - Class in org.j3d.device.input
Holds a single devices state information.
DeviceState() - Constructor for class org.j3d.device.input.DeviceState
diffuseColor - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The diffuse colour of this block - transcribed to 3 value RGB [0,1]
dimensions - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
The dimensions of this parameter data
dir - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringNode
Direction the node is currently moving.
DIR_LIGHT_ATTENUATION - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the directional light attenuation (0x4625)
DIR_LIGHT_EXCLUDE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
DIR_LIGHT_INNER_RANGE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the spotlight inner range angle
DIR_LIGHT_LOCAL_SHADOW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the directional light local shadow (0x4640)
DIR_LIGHT_LOCAL_SHADOW2 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the directional light local shadow2 (0x4641)
DIR_LIGHT_MULTIPLIER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the spotlight multiplier
DIR_LIGHT_OFF - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the directional light off or on (0x4620)
DIR_LIGHT_OUTER_RANGE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the spotlight outer range angle
DIR_LIGHT_RANGE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
DIR_LIGHT_RAY_BIAS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
DIR_LIGHT_RAYSHAD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the directional light ray shaded (0x4627)
DIR_LIGHT_SEE_CONE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the directional light visible output (0x4650)
DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWED - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the directional light shadowed (0x4630)
DIR_LIGHT_SPOT_ASPECTRATIO - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents a spotlight aspect ratio (0x4657)
DIR_LIGHT_SPOT_OVERSHOOT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the spot light overshoot (0x4652)
DIR_LIGHT_SPOT_PROJECTOR - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the spot light projector (0x4653)
DIR_LIGHT_SPOT_RECT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the spot light as a rectangle source (0x4651)
DIR_LIGHT_SPOT_ROLLOFF - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents a spotlight rolloff angle (0x4656)
direction - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
The location or direction of the light, depending on whether it is a spotlight or directional light.
DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
Treat this as a directional light
disableStereo() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.vfx.VFXDriver
Disable the stereo output now.
displacers - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
The current collection of children nodes registered to this object.
DISTANCE_CUE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the distant cue for background (0x2300)
distanceFogDetails - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Details of a distance-cued fog instruction.
DoubleHashMap - Class in org.j3d.util
A hash map that uses primitive doubles for the key rather than objects.
DoubleHashMap() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.DoubleHashMap
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with a default capacity and load factor, which is 20 and 0.75 respectively.
DoubleHashMap(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.DoubleHashMap
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial capacity and default load factor, which is 0.75.
DoubleHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.DoubleHashMap
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial capacity and the specified load factor.
DUMMY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
A dummy chunk ID (0xFFFF)
DynamicClassLoader - Class in org.j3d.util
A generalised class used to dynamically load other classes according to a preset set of rules.


eastEdge - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Location of the SE corner, east edge.
EASTING - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMRecord
Array index of easting components of a coordinate.
edgeMatching - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Edge match status flag (element 30).
ElevationGridGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom.terrain
A generator that takes a set of height values as a grid and turns it into geometry.
ElevationGridGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Construct a default terrain with the following properties:
Size: 100x100 Points: 2x2
ElevationGridGenerator(float, float, int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Construct a default terrain with the given dimensions and points in each direction.
ElevationGridGenerator(float, float, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Construct a default terrain with the given dimensions and points in each direction.
ElevationGridGenerator(float, float, int, int, float[], float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Construct a customised terrain according to the full set of configurable data.
ElevationGridGenerator(float, float, int, int, float[][], float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Construct a default cylinder with the option of having end caps and selectable number of faces around the radius.
ElevationGridGenerator(float, float, int, int, float[], float, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Construct a customised terrain according to the full set of configurable data.
ElevationGridGenerator(float, float, int, int, float[][], float, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Construct a default cylinder with the option of having end caps and selectable number of faces around the radius.
elevationPattern - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The elevation points are random (false) or regular (true)(element 4)
elevations - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeBRecord
The elevation values stored in this record (element 6).
elevationUnitOfMeasure - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The type of unit of measure used for elevation values (element 9).
enableControlPointWeights(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the flag to say that calculations should be using the control point weights.
enableControlPointWeights(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Set the flag to say that calculations should be using the control point weights.
enabled - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
Is this light on or off right now.
enableParticleCreation(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Change the state about whether new particles should be created from this point onwards.
enableStereo(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.vfx.VFXDriver
Enable the VFX driver for a specific type of renderer.
enableTextureCoordinates(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Set a flag to say whether texture coordinates should be generated for this system.
endFrame - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
The last frame number for this animation.
EndianConverter - Class in org.j3d.io
Utility to convert little endian data to big endian data.
EndianConverter() - Constructor for class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
endPolling() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.AxisTracker
Notification that tracker polling is ending.
endPolling() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.Tracker
Notification that tracker polling is ending.
energy - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
currently unused and undefined
equals(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
Compare this parameter for equality to the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Compares the specified object with this set for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Compares the specified object with this set for equality.
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.j3d.util.SAXErrorHandler
Process a non-fatal error exception.
errorReport(String, Exception) - Method in class org.j3d.util.DefaultErrorReporter
Notification of a recoverable error.
errorReport(String, Exception) - Method in interface org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter
Notification of a recoverable error.
errorReporter - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimObject
Local reporter to put errors in
errorReporter - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Local reporter to put errors in
errorReporter - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystemManager
Local reporter to put errors in
ErrorReporter - Interface in org.j3d.util
Generalised interface for reporting errors of any kind that happens in the Web3D codebase.
EUROPEAN_DATUM_1950 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
EUROPEAN_DATUM_1979 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
evaluateNormals() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringSystem
Update the normals now following in any post-processing after the update.
eventDisplayFlag - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
Flags about each event derived from the file.
eventLabels - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
4 character label associated with each event time.
eventTimes - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
The time the events occur in seconds.
EXAMINE - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
EXAMINE_STATE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationState
The navigation state is Examine
ExplosionPointEmitter - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
Generates particles that explode from a point in space, in any direction.
ExplosionPointEmitter() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.ExplosionPointEmitter
Construct a new default emitter.
ExplosionPointEmitter(int, int, float[], float[], float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.ExplosionPointEmitter
Construct a new emitter instance for a point emitter.


FACE_ARRAY_ENTRY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
FACE_LIST - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the start of the face list
faceList - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialData
A listing of each face index this material belongs to
faces - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
Index lists for each face
FALL_TRACK_TAG_KEY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
falloffAngle - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
The falloff angle outside the hotspot till it reaches 0
FalloffData - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
A single set of spotlight falloff angle data from the keyframe tracking.
FalloffData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.FalloffData
falloffs - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFalloffBlock
The sets of keyframe/value pairs
falloffs - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeSpotlightBlock
Spotlight falloff track info
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.j3d.util.SAXErrorHandler
Process a non-fatal error exception.
fatalErrorReport(String, Exception) - Method in class org.j3d.util.DefaultErrorReporter
Notification of a non-recoverable error that halts the entire system.
fatalErrorReport(String, Exception) - Method in interface org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter
Notification of a non-recoverable error that halts the entire system.
FEET - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMRecord
Unit of measure is feet
FieldOfViewData - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
A single set of camera field of view angle data from the keyframe tracking.
FieldOfViewData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.FieldOfViewData
filename - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Name of the file (element 1).
filename - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
A string referencing the external keyframes
filename - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
The name of the file containing the raw texture file.
findKeyIndex(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Interpolator
Find the key in the array.
firstPositionX - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeBRecord
The X coord of the ground planimetric coordinates of the first elevation of this profile (element 3).
firstPositionY - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeBRecord
The Y coord of the ground planimetric coordinates of the first elevation of this profile (element 3).
FIXED_CACHE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.texture.TextureCacheFactory
ID for a fixed contents cache implementation
FLAG_CLOSEDLINE - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Surface flag for a closed line loop
FLAG_LINE - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Surface flag for an open line
FLAG_POLYGON - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Surface flag for a polygon
FLAG_SHADED - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Surface flag for a shaded polygon
FLAG_TWOSIDED - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Surface flag for a double sided polygon
flags - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeColorBlock
The flags associated with this rotation.
flags - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFalloffBlock
The flags associated with this rotation.
flags - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFOVBlock
The flags associated with this rotation.
flags - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeHotspotBlock
The flags associated with this rotation.
flags - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeMorphBlock
The flags associated with this rotation.
flags - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframePositionBlock
The flags associated with this rotation.
flags - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeRollBlock
The flags associated with this rotation.
flags - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeRotationBlock
The flags associated with this rotation.
flags - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeScaleBlock
The flags associated with this rotation.
flags1 - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.NodeHeaderData
First set of flag data
flags2 - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.NodeHeaderData
Second set of flag data
FLOAT_PERCENT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The information is for a percentage in flot (0x0031)
FLOAT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
This parameter type is a float type
FloatHashMap - Class in org.j3d.util
A hash map that uses primitive doubles for the key rather than objects.
FloatHashMap() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.FloatHashMap
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with a default capacity and load factor, which is 20 and 0.75 respectively.
FloatHashMap(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.FloatHashMap
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial capacity and default load factor, which is 0.75.
FloatHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.FloatHashMap
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial capacity and the specified load factor.
floatHSVValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
Get the interpolated value of the point at the given key value as an RGB value.
floatRGBValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
Get the interpolated value of the point at the given key value as an RGB value.
floatValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Coordinate2DInterpolator
Get the interpolated value of the point at the given key value.
floatValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.CoordinateInterpolator
Get the interpolated value of the point at the given key value.
floatValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.NormalInterpolator
Get the interpolated normal set for the given key value.
floatValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.PositionInterpolator
Get the interpolated value of the point at the given key value.
floatValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.RotationInterpolator
Get the interpolated value of the point at the given key value.
floatValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ScalarInterpolator
Get the interpolated value of the point at the given key value.
FLY - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
FLY_STATE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationState
The navigation state is Flying
focus - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.CameraBlock
The focus distance for the camera (in millimetres)
FOG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for fog (0x2200)
FOG_BACKGROUND - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for a fog background (0x2210)
fogBackground - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Flag to indicate that the background should also be fogged
fogColor - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Colour of the fog, if needed.
forceRegenerate() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Force the generator to create a new set of points without having to reset any other data.
fov - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.FieldOfViewData
The field of view angle to use
FOV_TRACK_TAG_KEY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
fovs - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeCameraBlock
The track field of view info
fovs - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFOVBlock
The sets of keyframe/value pairs
FractalTerrainGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom.terrain
A terrain generator using the standard "fractal" algorithm.
FractalTerrainGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Construct a default terrain with the following properties:
Size: 100x100 Height: 20 Sea Level: 0 Iterations: 20 Roughness: 2
FractalTerrainGenerator(float[][]) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Create a new fractal terrain that uses the given seed terrain
FractalTerrainGenerator(boolean, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Create a new fractal terrain that can select whether the sea is in use or not.
FractalTerrainGenerator(float[][], boolean, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Create a new fractal terrain that can select whether the sea is in use or not and is based on the given seed terrain.
FractalTerrainGenerator(float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Construct a new fractal terrain with a given width and depth.
FractalTerrainGenerator(float[][], float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Construct a fractal terrain of the given width and depth that is based on the given seed terrain.
FractalTerrainGenerator(float, int, float, long) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Construct a new terrain that starts at the given maximum height and is iterated through the given number of times.
FractalTerrainGenerator(float, float, float, int, float, long) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Construct a terrain generator with the given width and depth.
FractalTerrainGenerator(float, float, float, boolean, float, int, float, long, float[][]) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Construct a terrain generator with all items configurable.
FrameCountParticleFunction - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
Simple ParticleFunction that causes a ParticleSystem to run for a fixed number of frames from the start of this function, regardless of the particle's set lifetime.
FrameCountParticleFunction(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.FrameCountParticleFunction
frameNumber - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TrackData
The frame number of this item of data
frames - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
The listing of frames for this animation.
frameTime - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Inter-frame time delta.
FREEFORM_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.terrain.TerrainData
The source data comes in free-form data that may be accessed any way that the terrain rendering algorithm likes.
freeFormatText - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Some free-format text (element 1).
FreeFormTerrainData - Interface in org.j3d.terrain
A source of terrain data that has no fixed requirements for its access.
FRONTVIEW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the front view (0x3050)
FUNC_BUTTON_1 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_BUTTON_2 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_BUTTON_3 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_BUTTON_4 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_L1_BUTTON - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_LEFT_HAT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_LEFT_STICK_X - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_LEFT_STICK_Y - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_LEFT_STICK_Z - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_NAV_X - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_NAV_Y - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_NAV_Y_CENTERED - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_NONE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
Function constants
FUNC_ORIENT_X - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_ORIENT_Y - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_R1_BUTTON - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_RIGHT_STICK_X - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_RIGHT_STICK_Y - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_START_BUTTON - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_THROTTLE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_VIEWPOINT_NEXT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
FUNC_WHEEL_X - Static variable in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice


G_REF_GEOGRAPHIC - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Codes defining the ground reference system for element 5.
G_REF_STATEPLANE - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
G_REF_UTM - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Gamepad - Class in org.j3d.device.input.jinput
A gamepad device implemented using the JInput library.
Gamepad(Controller, String) - Constructor for class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Gamepad
GamepadDevice - Interface in org.j3d.device.input
Devices which map data to gamepads.
GamepadState - Class in org.j3d.device.input
Holds a single gamepad state.
GamepadState() - Constructor for class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
generate(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.BoxGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items based on the passed data.
generate(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items based on the passed data.
generate(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items based on the passed data.
generate(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items based on the passed data.
generate(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SphereGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items based on the passed data.
generate(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BezierGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items patchd on the passed data.
generate(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items patchd on the passed data.
generate(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items patchd on the passed data.
generate(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SpringGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items shaped on the passed data.
generate(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SuperShapeGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items patchd on the passed data.
generate(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ColorRampGenerator
Generate a new set of colors based on the passed data.
generate(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items based on the passed data.
generate(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items based on the passed data.
generate() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Generate height values only based on the current configuration.
generate(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.TorusGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items shaped on the passed data.
generateMixedTerrainTexture(int[], float[], int, int, BufferedImage[], float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.TextureGenerator
From the given height map and input textures, generate a single mixed RGB texture that can be drapped over the terrain.
generateMixedTerrainTexture(byte[], float[], int, int, BufferedImage[], float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.TextureGenerator
From the given height map and input textures, generate a single mixed RGB texture that can be drapped over the terrain.
generateMixedTerrainTexture(int[], float[][], BufferedImage[], float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.TextureGenerator
From the given height map and input textures, generate a single mixed RGB texture that can be drapped over the terrain.
generateMixedTerrainTexture(byte[], float[][], BufferedImage[], float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.TextureGenerator
From the given height map and input textures, generate a single mixed RGB texture that can be drapped over the terrain.
generateSmoothKnots(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Convenience method to set knots that give a better looking curve shape and set a new degree for the curve directly.
generateSmoothKnots() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Convenience method to set knots that give a better looking curve shape using the existing curve degree.
generateSmoothKnots(int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplinePatchGenerator
Convenience method to set knots that give a better looking curve shape and set a new degree for the curve directly.
generateSmoothKnots() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplinePatchGenerator
Convenience method to set knots that give a better looking curve shape using the existing curve degree.
generateSynthesisTexture(float[], float, float, int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.TextureGenerator
Generate a texture using spectral synthesis techniques into a height field of floats.
generateUnindexedCoordinates() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.MobiusGenerator
Generates new set of points.
GenericHIDState - Class in org.j3d.device.input
Holds a single generic HID state.
GenericHIDState() - Constructor for class org.j3d.device.input.GenericHIDState
genTexCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Flag indicating that texture coordinate values should be generated for the particles
GEODETIC_DATUM_1949 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
geometryComponents - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
The attributes of the geometry you want created.
GeometryData - Class in org.j3d.geom
Data representation of geometry information that is created through the various generator classes in this package.
GeometryData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
geometryData - Variable in class org.j3d.util.UserSupplementData
Geometry data that could be used as the source of terrain following or collision detection.
GeometryGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom
Abstract base representation of geometry generator of box raw coordinate and geometry normals.
GeometryGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.GeometryGenerator
GeometryInfo - Class in org.j3d.geom.triangulation
The GeometryInfo object holds data for processing by the Java3D geometry utility tools.
GeometryInfo(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
geometrySubType - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
A generator specific field that describes the type of output algorithm you would like to use for the geometry.
geometryType - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
This is the type of geometry that you want to have made
get(char) - Method in class org.j3d.util.CharHashMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped in this map.
get(double) - Method in class org.j3d.util.DoubleHashMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped in this map.
get(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.FloatHashMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped in this map.
get(int) - Method in class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped in this map.
get(int) - Method in class org.j3d.util.ObjectArray
Get the value at the given index.
getActionMask() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.AxisTracker
What action types does this sensor return.
getActionMask() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.Tracker
What action types does this sensor return.
getAmbientColor(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Get the current ambient colour set.
getAnalogSamples() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParser
Get the last parsed set of analog samples.
getApplication() - Method in class org.j3d.util.I18nManager
Get the currently set application string that langauge settings are being used for.
getBboxCenter(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current value of the bboxCenter.
getBboxCenter(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current value of the bboxCenter.
getBboxCenter(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Get the current value of the bboxCenter.
getBboxSize(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current value of the bboxSize.
getBboxSize(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current value of the bboxSize.
getBboxSize(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Get the current value of the bboxSize.
getBirthTime() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Get the wall clock time that this particle was born.
getBounds() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Retrieve the bounds of this particle in local coordinate space.
getBounds(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class org.j3d.util.frustum.ViewFrustum
Convenience method to fetch the axis-aligned bounding box that the view frustum encloses.
getCenter(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current value of the center.
getCenter(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current value of the center.
getCenter(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Get the current value of the center.
getCenterOfMass(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Get the current value of the centerOfMass.
getChild() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.GIODThickCylinder
getChild(int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get the child at the given index.
getChildren(HAnimObject[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current collection of children.
getChildren(Object[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Get the current collection of children.
getChildren(Object[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Get the current collection of children.
getColor(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Get the value of the initial colour that particles are set to.
getColor(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Retrieve the current colour that this particle has.
getColor(float[]) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Get the value of the initial colour that particles are set to.
getColorIndices() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Retrieves a reference to the array of indices into the color array.
getColors() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Retrieves a reference to the colors array.
getColors() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.VertexData
Return the complete set of color values held by this node.
getContourCounts() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Retrieves a reference to the array of contourCounts.
getCoord(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Get the current value of the coord.
getCoordinate(float[], int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.HeightMapTerrainData
Get the coordinate of the point in the grid.
getCoordinate(float[], float[], float[], int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.HeightMapTerrainData
Get the coordinate with all the information - texture and colors.
getCoordinate(float[], int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.SimpleTiledTerrainData
Get the coordinate of the point in the grid.
getCoordinate(float[], float[], float[], int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.SimpleTiledTerrainData
Get the coordinate with all the information - texture and colors.
getCoordinate(float[], int, int) - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TerrainData
Get the coordinate of the point in the grid.
getCoordinate(float[], float[], float[], int, int) - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TerrainData
Get the coordinate with all the information - texture and colors.
getCoordinateIndices() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Retrieves a reference to the array of indices into the coordinate array.
getCoordinates() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Retrieves a reference to the coordinate array.
getCoordinateWithColor(float[], float[], int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.HeightMapTerrainData
Get the coordinate of the point and the corresponding color value in the grid.
getCoordinateWithColor(float[], float[], int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.SimpleTiledTerrainData
Get the coordinate of the point and the corresponding color value in the grid.
getCoordinateWithColor(float[], float[], int, int) - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TerrainData
Get the coordinate of the point and the corresponding color value in the grid.
getCoordinateWithTexture(float[], float[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.HeightMapTerrainData
Get the coordinate of the point and correspond texture coordinate in the grid.
getCoordinateWithTexture(float[], float[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.SimpleTiledTerrainData
Get the coordinate of the point and correspond texture coordinate in the grid.
getCoordinateWithTexture(float[], float[], int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TerrainData
Get the coordinate of the point and corresponding texture coordinate in the grid.
getCoordIndex(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimDisplacer
Get the current value of the skinCoordIndex.
getCoords() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.VertexData
Return the complete set of coordinates held by this node.
getCreaseAngle() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get the crease angle that the object uses for rendering surfaces and calculating normals.
getCycleAge() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Get the set maximum cycle age.
getCycleTime() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Get the set maximum cycle time.
getData() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get the character data associated with this object.
getDefaultReporter() - Static method in class org.j3d.util.DefaultErrorReporter
Fetch the common global instance of the reporter.
getDegree() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Get the degree of the curve being generated.
getDepth() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Get the current depth of the particle.
getDepthDegree() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplinePatchGenerator
Get the degree of the curve being generated.
getDescription() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
Get the description used for this group.
getDescription() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameterGroup
Get the description used for this group.
getDevices() - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.DeviceManager
Get the device discovered by this manager.
getDevices() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.USBManager
Get the device discovered by this manager.
getDimension() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SphereGenerator
Get the dimensions of the sphere.
getDimensions() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.BoxGenerator
Get the dimensions of the box.
getDimensions() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Get the dimensions of the cone.
getDimensions() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Get the dimensions of the cylinder.
getDimensions() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SpringGenerator
Get the dimensions of the spring.
getDimensions() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Get the dimensions of the terrain.
getDimensions() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Get the dimensions of the terrain.
getDimensions() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.TorusGenerator
Get the dimensions of the cylinder.
getDimensions() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
Get the descriptions of the size of the dimensions of the object.
getDirection(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.WindParticleFunction
Fetch the current direction of the wind speed direction.
getDisplacements(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimDisplacer
Get the current value of the skinDisplacements.
getDisplacers(HAnimDisplacer[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current collection of children.
getEmissiveColor(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Get the current emissive colour set.
getFlags() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Accessor to get the current flag state.
getFlatness() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CharacterCreator
Get the flatness value used to create the internal glyphs.
getFont() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CharacterCreator
Get the Java 2D Font used to create this FontStyle object.
getFontRenderContext() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CharacterCreator
Get the Java 2D FontRenderContext used to create this FontStyle object.
getFoundLocale() - Method in class org.j3d.util.I18nManager
Get the loaded locale that was used for the resources file This can be used to create matching other internationalisation implementation details such as currency and number formatters.
getGravity(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.GravityParticleFunction
Get the current value of gravity.
getGravity(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringSystem
Get the currently set gravity strength and direction vector.
getGridDepth() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractFreeFormTerrainData
Get the total depth (number of points on the X axis) of the grid.
getGridDepth() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractStaticTerrainData
Get the depth (number of points on the X axis) of the grid.
getGridDepth() - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.FreeFormTerrainData
Get the total depth (number of points on the X axis) of the grid.
getGridDepth() - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.StaticTerrainData
Get the depth (number of points on the X axis) of the grid.
getGridStep() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMParser
Fetch information about the real-world stepping sizes that this grid uses.
getGridStep() - Method in interface org.j3d.loaders.HeightMapSource
Fetch information about the real-world stepping sizes that this grid uses.
getGridStep() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTParser
Fetch information about the real-world stepping sizes that this grid uses.
getGridWidth() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractFreeFormTerrainData
Get the total width (number of points on the Y axis) of the grid.
getGridWidth() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractStaticTerrainData
Get the width (number of points on the Y axis) of the grid.
getGridWidth() - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.FreeFormTerrainData
Get the total width (number of points on the Y axis) of the grid.
getGridWidth() - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.StaticTerrainData
Get the width (number of points on the Y axis) of the grid.
getGridXStep() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTerrainData
Get the real world distance between consecutive X values in the grid.
getGridXStep() - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TerrainData
Get the real world distance between consecutive X values in the grid.
getGridYStep() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTerrainData
Get the real world distance between consecutive Y values in the grid.
getGridYStep() - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TerrainData
Get the real world distance between consecutive Y values in the grid.
getGustiness() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.WindParticleFunction
Get the current gustiness that particles effected by.
getHeader() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParser
Get the last parsed file header information.
getHeader() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTParser
Get the header used to describe the last stream parsed.
getHeight() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Get the current height of the particle.
getHeight(float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.HeightMapTerrainData
Get the height at the given X,Z coordinate in the local coordinate system.
getHeight(float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.SimpleTiledTerrainData
Get the height at the given X,Z coordinate in the local coordinate system.
getHeight(float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.Landscape
Get the height at the given X,Z coordinate in the local coordinate system.
getHeight(float, float) - Method in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.HeightDataSource
Get the height at the given X,Z coordinate in the local coordinate system.
getHeightFromGrid(int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.HeightMapTerrainData
Get the height at the specified grid position.
getHeightFromGrid(int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.SimpleTiledTerrainData
Get the height at the specified grid position.
getHeightFromGrid(int, int) - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TerrainData
Get the height at the specified grid position.
getHeights() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMParser
Create a new height array from the pre-parsed values.
getHeights() - Method in interface org.j3d.loaders.HeightMapSource
Return the height map created for the last stream parsed.
getHeights() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTParser
Return the height map created for the last stream parsed.
getId() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
Get the assigned ID of this parameter.
getId() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameterGroup
Get the assigned ID of this parameter.
getIndex() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Get the index of this material in the file.
getInfo(String[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current collection of info strings.
getInverseWorldProjection(int, Matrix4d) - Method in class org.j3d.util.frustum.ViewFrustum
Request from the renderer-specific canvas the inverse projection matrix for the given canvasId.
getJoints(HAnimJoint[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current collection of joints.
getKnotMultiplicity(float[], float) - Static method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineUtils
Convenience method to return the current multiplicity of the given knot value in the knot array.
getKnotMultiplicity(float[], int, float) - Static method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineUtils
Convenience method to return the current multiplicity of the given knot value in the knot array.
getKnots() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Return a copy of the knot values.
getLifetimeVariation() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Get the amount of variation in the lifetime of the particles generated.
getLifetimeVariation() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Get the amount of variation in the lifetime of the particles generated.
getLimitOrientation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current value of the limitOrientation.
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointCellRenderer
Create a new renderer for the given component information and the setup values
getLocation() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get the current location displacement vector.
getLowerLimit(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current value of the lowerLimit.
getManager() - Static method in class org.j3d.util.I18nManager
Get the global instance of the internationalisation manager for the given root class.
getMass() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Get the current value of the mass of the segment.
getMass() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Get the current mass assigned to each particle.
getMass() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Gets the mass of this particle.
getMass() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Get the current mass assigned to each particle.
getMaterial() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Get the material index reference for this surface.
getMaterials() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dParser
Fetch the materials from the previously loaded file.
getMaxParticleCount() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Fetch the current value of the maximum particle count.
getMaxParticleCount() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Fetch the current value of the maximum particle count.
getMaxParticleCount() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Get the current maximum number of particles that should be created.
getMomentsOfInertia(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Get the current value of the momentsOfInertia.
getName() - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.InputDevice
Get the name of this device.
getName() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Gamepad
Get the name of this device.
getName() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Joystick
Get the name of this device.
getName() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Wheel
Get the name of this device.
getName() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimObject
Get the currently set name associated with this object.
getName() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Get the currently set name.
getName() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get the name associated with this object.
getName() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
Get the name of the parameter.
getName() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameterGroup
Get the name of the group
getNavigationState() - Method in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationStateListener
Callback to ask the listener what navigation state it thinks it is in.
getNavigationState() - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationStateManager
Callback to ask the listener what navigation state it thinks it is in.
getNavigationState() - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationToolbar
Callback to ask the listener what navigation state it thinks it is in.
getNext() - Method in class org.j3d.util.Queue
Return the next element from the front and remove it from the queue.
getNextFacet(double[], double[][]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Returns the data for a facet.
getNextObject() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.obj.OBJFileReader
Get the next object in the stream.
getNode(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringSystem
Get the node at the given index.
getNodeCount() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringSystem
Get the number of nodes that this system is currently maintaining.
getNormalIndices() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Retrieves a reference to the array of indices into the Normal array.
getNormals() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Retrieves a reference to the normal array.
getNumColorComponents() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Returns the number of color data components stored per vertex in the current GeometryInfo object (3 for RGB or 4 for RGBA).
getNumDevices() - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.DeviceManager
Get the number of devices discovered.
getNumDevices() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.USBManager
Get the number of devices discovered.
getNumKids() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get the number of children objects that this object aggregates.
getNumOfFacets() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Get number of facets per object.
getNumOfObjects() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Get number of objects in file.
getNumrefs() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Retrieve the number of vertex references for this surface.
getNumSurfaces() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Query for the number of surfaces that this object contains.
getNumTexCoordComponents() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Returns the number of texture coordinate components that are stored per vertex.
getNumvert() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get the number of verticies for the object.
getObjectMesh() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxParser
Get the last decoded mesh.
getObjectNames() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Get array with object names.
getObjects() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dParser
Fetch the objects from the previously loaded file.
getParameter(String) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameterGroup
Get a parameter description based on the name string.
getParameters() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameterGroup
Get all of the parameters for this group.
getParameters() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParser
Get the last parsed set of parameter groups.
getParsingMessages() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.obj.OBJFileReader
Get detailed messages on what was wrong when parsing.
getParsingMessages() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Get detailed messages on what was wrong when parsing.
getParticleInitializer() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Fetch the currently set initializer for particles.
getParticleLifetime() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Get the current maximum lifetime of the particles.
getParticleLifetime() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Get the current maximum lifetime of the particles.
getParticleVariation() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Get the amount of variation currently permitted in the particles.
getParticleVariation() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Get the amount of variation in the properties of the particles generated.
getPosition(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Retrieve the current position of this particle.
getPrimitive() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Get the current primitive.
getRequestedCountry() - Method in class org.j3d.util.I18nManager
Get the country code that is currently set.
getRequestedLanguage() - Method in class org.j3d.util.I18nManager
Get the language code that is currently set.
getRequestedLanguageVariant() - Method in class org.j3d.util.I18nManager
Get the language variant setting that is currently set.
getResourceName() - Method in class org.j3d.util.I18nManager
Get the name of the resource file that is being loaded.
getResultantForce() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Gets the resultantForce applied to a particle.
getRGBColor(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Get the current base colour set.
getRotation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current value of the rotation.
getRotation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current value of the rotation.
getRotation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Get the current value of the rotation.
getRotation() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get the rotation matrix for the object.
getScale(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current value of the scale.
getScale(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current value of the scale.
getScale(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Get the current value of the scale.
getScaleOrientation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current value of the scaleOrientation.
getScaleOrientation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current value of the scaleOrientation.
getScaleOrientation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Get the current value of the scaleOrientation.
getSegments(HAnimObject[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current collection of segments.
getSharedInstance() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CoordinateUtils
Fetch the currently shared singleton instance.
getSharedInstance() - Static method in class org.j3d.geom.NormalUtils
Fetch the currently shared singleton instance.
getShininess() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Get the shininess factor of the object.
getSites(HAnimObject[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current collection of sites.
getSkeleton(HAnimObject[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current collection of skeleton.
getSkinCoord(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current value of the skinCoord.
getSkinCoordIndex(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current value of the skinCoordIndex.
getSkinCoordWeight(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current value of the skinCoordWeight.
getSkinNormal(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current value of the skinNormal.
getSourceDataType() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTerrainData
Get the type of terrain data that we are dealing with.
getSourceDataType() - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TerrainData
Get the type of terrain data that we are dealing with.
getSpecularColor(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Get the current specular colour set.
getSpeed() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Get the current speed that particles are initialised with.
getSpeed() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Get the current speed that particles are initialised with.
getSpeed() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.WindParticleFunction
Get the current speed of the wind.
getSpringConstant() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringSystem
Get the currently set spring constant setting.
getState(GamepadState) - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.GamepadDevice
Get the current state of this device.
getState(int, int, TrackerState) - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.AxisTracker
Get the current state of this tracker.
getState(GamepadState) - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Gamepad
Get the current state of this device.
getState(JoystickState) - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Joystick
Get the current state of this device.
getState(WheelState) - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Wheel
Get the current state of this device.
getState(JoystickState) - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.JoystickDevice
Get the current state of this device.
getState(int, int, TrackerState) - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.Tracker
Get the current state of this tracker.
getState(WheelState) - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.WheelDevice
Get the current state of this device.
getStiffness(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current value of the stiffness.
getString(String) - Method in class org.j3d.util.I18nManager
Get the localised string for the given property name.
getStripCounts() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Retrieves a reference to the array of stripCounts.
getSurface(int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get the Ac3dSurface> at the given index.
getSurfaceArea() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Get the current surface area assigned to particles.
getSurfaceArea() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Gets the surfaceArea of the particle.
getSurfaceArea() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Get the current surface area assigned to particles.
getSystemName() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Gets the currently set systemName.
getTexCoordSetCount() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Returns the number of texture coordinate sets in this GeometryInfo.
getTexCoordSetMap() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Returns a reference to the texture coordinate set map.
getTexture() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get the texture file name associated with this material.
getTexture() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.HeightMapTerrainData
Fetch the BufferedImage that is used to cover the entire terrain.
getTexture(Rectangle) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractFreeFormTerrainData
Fetch the texture or part of a texture that can be applied to the sub-region of the overall object.
getTexture() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractStaticTerrainData
Fetch the BufferedImage that is used to cover the entire terrain.
getTexture(int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTiledTerrainData
Fetch the texture or part of a texture that can be applied to the sub-region of the overall object.
getTexture(Rectangle) - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.FreeFormTerrainData
Fetch the texture or part of a texture that can be applied to the sub-region of the overall object.
getTexture() - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.StaticTerrainData
Fetch the Texture that is used to cover the entire terrain.
getTexture(int, int) - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TiledTerrainData
Fetch the texture or part of a texture that can be applied to the sub-region of the overall object.
getTextureCoordinateIndices(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Retrieves a reference to the specified array of texture coordinate indices.
getTextureCoordinateIndices() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Returns a reference to texture coordinate index set 0.
getTextureCoordinates(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Returns a reference to the indicated texture coordinate array.
getTextureCoordinates() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Retrieves a reference to texture coordinate set 0.
getTextureCoordinates() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Accessor for the textureCoordinates property.
getTextureCoords() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.VertexData
Return the complete set of texture coordinates of this node
getTextureRepeat() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get the current texture repeat values.
getTextureSize() - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TextureTileGenerator
Get the total size of the underlying image in pixels.
getTextureTile(Rectangle) - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TextureTileGenerator
Fetch the texture tile for the given bounds, expresed in image pixel coordinates.
getTilesAvailableBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.SimpleTiledTerrainData
Fetch the area, in tile coordinates of the area that is currently available in memory.
getTilesAvailableBounds(Rectangle) - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TiledTerrainData
Fetch the area, in tile coordinates of the area that is currently available in memory.
getTileSize() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTiledTerrainData
Get the number of grid points along one side of a single tile.
getTileSize() - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TiledTerrainData
Get the number of grid points along one side of a single tile.
getTrackerCount() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Gamepad
Get the number of trackers.
getTrackerCount() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Joystick
Get the number of trackers.
getTrackerCount() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Wheel
Get the number of trackers.
getTrackerCount() - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.TrackerDevice
Get the number of trackers.
getTrackerPosition(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.vfx.VFXDriver
Fetch the current tracking position from the HMD.
getTrackers() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Gamepad
Get the trackers of this device.
getTrackers() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Joystick
Get the trackers of this device.
getTrackers() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Wheel
Get the trackers of this device.
getTrackers() - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.TrackerDevice
Get the trackers of this device.
getTrajectories() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParser
Get the last parsed set of trajectories.
getTranslation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current value of the translation.
getTranslation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current value of the translation.
getTranslation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Get the current value of the translation.
getTransparency() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Get the transparency amount.
getTreeNode() - Static method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.TreeNode
Either return a node from the cache or if the cache is empty, return a new tree node.
getTurbulence() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.WindParticleFunction
Get the current turbulence that particles are effected by.
getType() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get the type of object that this instance represents.
getType() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
Get the base data type of this parameter.
getTypeARecord() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMParser
Get the header used to describe the last stream parsed.
getTypeBRecords() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMParser
Fetch all of the type B records that were registered in this file.
getTypeCRecord() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMParser
Get the type C record from the file.
getUpperLimit(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the current value of the upperLimit.
getURL() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get the URL associated with this object.
getUseCoordIndexOnly() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Returns true if the data in this GeometryInfo is currently formatted in the USE_COORD_INDEX_ONLY format where a single index list is used to index into all data lists.
getValue() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
Get the data representation object.
getVelocity() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Gets the current velocity of the particle.
getVersion() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the currently set version string.
getVertex(int, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get an individual vertex at a given index.
getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.BoxGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the shape given in the definition.
getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the shape given in the definition.
getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the shape given in the definition.
getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the shape given in the definition.
getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SphereGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the shape given in the definition.
getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BezierGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the curve.
getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the curve.
getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the shape given in the definition.
getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SpringGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the shape given in the definition.
getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SuperShapeGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the curve.
getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the shape given in the definition based on the current width and height information.
getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the shape given in the definition.
getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.TorusGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the shape given in the definition.
getVertexCount() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.VertexData
Get the number of vertices registered here.
getVertices() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Get the entire array of vertices.
getVerticesIndex() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Get the array of vertices.
getVFXDriver() - Static method in class org.j3d.device.input.vfx.VFXDriver
Get hold of the single global instance of this driver.
getViewpoints(Object[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the current collection of viewpoints.
getVisibility() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.TreeNode
Get the visibility state of this node.
getWeight() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimDisplacer
Get the current value of the weight to be applied to the displacements.
getWidth() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Get the current width of the particle.
getWidthDegree() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplinePatchGenerator
Get the degree of the curve being generated.
GIODThickCylinder - Class in org.j3d.geom
A cylinder without end caps that has a thickness to it.
GIODThickCylinder(int, float, float, float, float, float, float, Appearance) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.GIODThickCylinder
Constructs a Cylinder with 'n' quads (faces), 'wo' width (diameter) of outer surface, 'wi' width (diameter) of inner surface, 'h' height, centered at 'xpos', 'ypos', 'zpos', and appearance 'cylinderAppearance'
globalMatrix - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Matrix that contains the global transformation down to this site
globalMatrix - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Matrix that contains the global transformation down to this site
gradientBackgroundColors - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Colours of the gradient background.
GravityParticleFunction - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
GravityMovementFunction applied a gravity force to Particles.
GravityParticleFunction() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.GravityParticleFunction
Construct the function with gravity acting in the traditional newtonian way - down the -Y axis at 9.8m/s^2.
GravityParticleFunction(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.GravityParticleFunction
Create a new function with gravity set to the given vector and value.
green - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Green component of the color of the particle
green - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ColorData
The green component value
greenBlends - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
Individual green component blend colour value
gridDepth - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractFreeFormTerrainData
The number of grid points per tile in depth
gridDepth - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractStaticTerrainData
The depth of the terrain in grid points.
gridPointsPerTile - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTiledTerrainData
The number of grid points per tile.
gridStepX - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTerrainData
The real world distance between each X (width) grid position
gridStepY - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTerrainData
The real world distance between each Y (depth) grid position
gridWidth - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractFreeFormTerrainData
The number of grid points per tile in width
gridWidth - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractStaticTerrainData
The width of the terrain in grid points.
groundReferenceSystem - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Code defining the ground reference system (element 5).
groundUnitOfMeasure - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The type of unit of measure used for X,Y values (element 8).
groundZoneSystem - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Code defining zone in the ground plane reference system (element 6).


HAnimDisplacer - Class in org.j3d.geom.hanim
Representation of a H-Anim Displacer object.
HAnimDisplacer() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimDisplacer
Construct a default instance of the displacer.
HAnimFactory - Interface in org.j3d.geom.hanim
Utility interface to mark an implementation that can generate each of the HAnim nodes without needing to know the specifics of the rendering strategy used.
HAnimHumanoid - Class in org.j3d.geom.hanim
Common base representation of a H-Anim Humanoid object.
HAnimHumanoid() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Create a new, default instance of the site.
HAnimJoint - Class in org.j3d.geom.hanim
Representation of a H-Anim Joint object.
HAnimJoint() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Create a new, default instance of the joint.
HAnimObject - Class in org.j3d.geom.hanim
Common object functionality for all objects that implement the H-Anim spec.
HAnimObject() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimObject
Initialize a new instance of the HAnimObject.
HAnimObjectParent - Interface in org.j3d.geom.hanim
Marker of a class that can act as a parent to a HAnimObject.
HAnimSegment - Class in org.j3d.geom.hanim
Representation of a H-Anim Segment object.
HAnimSegment() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Create a new, default instance of the segment.
HAnimSite - Class in org.j3d.geom.hanim
Representation of a H-Anim Site object.
HAnimSite() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Create a new, default instance of the site.
hasAccuracy - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Flag to say if accuracy of the elevation is known (element 14).
hasBottom() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Check to see that this cone has a bottom in use or not
hasChildUpdates - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Flag to indicate if anything has changed this frame
hasColor() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTerrainData
Check to see if this terrain data has per-vertex colours.
hasColor() - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TerrainData
Check to see if this terrain data has per-vertex colours.
hasControlPointWeights() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Get the current setting of the control point weight usage flag.
hasControlPointWeights() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Get the current setting of the control point weight usage flag.
hasEnds() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Check to see that this cylinder has ends in use or not
hashCode() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameterGroup
Generate a hashCode for this group.
hashCode() - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Returns the hash code value for this list.
hashCode() - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Returns the hash code value for this set.
HashSet - Class in org.j3d.util
A custom HashSet implementation.
HashSet() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Constructs a new, empty set; the backing HashMap instance has default initial capacity (16) and load factor (0.75).
HashSet(int, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Constructs a new, empty set; the backing HashMap instance has the specified initial capacity and the specified load factor.
HashSet(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Constructs a new, empty set; the backing HashMap instance has the specified initial capacity and default load factor, which is 0.75.
hasNext() - Method in class org.j3d.util.Queue
Check if queue has more elements.
hasRangeData - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
True if range and label data is available
hasSeaLevel() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Check to see that this cylinder has ends in use or not
hasTexture() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTerrainData
Check to see if this terrain data has any texturing at all - either tiled or simple.
hasTexture() - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TerrainData
Check to see if this terrain data has any texturing at all - either tiled or simple.
hatX - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
The hatX value
hatX_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
Did the hatX value change
hatY - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
The hatY value
hatY_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
Did the hatY value change
headerComplete(C3DHeader) - Method in interface org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParseObserver
The header of the file has been read.
height - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
height of the particle
HeightDataCreator - Class in org.j3d.geom.terrain
A converter utility for changing an image into a height field set of data points.
HeightDataCreator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.HeightDataCreator
Create a default data creator with the min and max heights set to 0 and 1.
HeightDataCreator(float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.HeightDataCreator
Create a data creator that has the minimum and maximum heights set but uses the default spacing of the cells.
HeightDataSource - Interface in org.j3d.ui.navigation
A marker interface to indicate that a class can contain direct height information without needing to calculate intersection points.
HeightImageCreator - Class in org.j3d.geom.terrain
A converter utility for changing height map information to and from images.
HeightImageCreator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.HeightImageCreator
Create a default map converter.
HeightImageCreator(Color4b, Color4b) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.terrain.HeightImageCreator
Create a new height map convertor that uses color range values when creating an image.If a parameter is null, it will set the color to either black or white depending on which is null.
HeightMapGeometry - Interface in org.j3d.ui.navigation
A marker interface to indicate that an item of geometry contains height map information that will be useful for terrain following and collision detection.
HeightMapSource - Interface in org.j3d.loaders
A marker interface that describs a parser implementation that produces heightfield information.
HeightMapTerrainData - Class in org.j3d.loaders
Generalised implementation of the TerrainData for any file format or loader that supports a static grid based data structure.
HeightMapTerrainData(HeightMapSource) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.HeightMapTerrainData
Create a new instance that sources the data from the given parser.
HeightMapTerrainData(float[][], boolean, Point2d) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.HeightMapTerrainData
Create a new instance that uses the passed height map data to this loader.
HEIRARCHY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents a heirarchy (0x4F00)
heirarchyPosition - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.NodeHeaderData
The position in the heirarchy
HI_SHADOW_BIAS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for a hi res shadow bias (0x1410)
HONG_KONG_1963 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
HORIZONTAL_DATUM_NAD27 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
North American Datum 1927 (NAD 27) horizontal datum
HORIZONTAL_DATUM_NAD83 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
North American Datum 1983 (NAD 83) horizontal datum
HORIZONTAL_DATUM_OLDHAWAII - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Old Hawaii Datum horizontal datum
HORIZONTAL_DATUM_PUERTORICO - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Puerto Rico Datum horizontal datum
HORIZONTAL_DATUM_WGS72 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
World Geodetic System 1972 (WGS 72) horizontal datum
HORIZONTAL_DATUM_WGS84 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 83) horizontal datum
horizontalDatum - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The horizontal datum in use (element 27)
HOT_TRACK_TAG_KEY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
hotspotAngle - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
The angle of effect for the spotlight
HotspotData - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
A single set of spotlight hotspot angle data from the keyframe tracking.
HotspotData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.HotspotData
hotspots - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeHotspotBlock
The sets of keyframe/value pairs
hotspots - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeSpotlightBlock
Spotlight hotspot track info
HSV_SPACE - Static variable in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
The interpolator should be in HSV color space
HU_TZU_SHAN - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
HumanoidManager - Class in org.j3d.geom.hanim
Utility class for managing a collection of HAnimHumanoids in a scene.
HumanoidManager() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HumanoidManager
Create a new, empty, instance of the manager.


I18nManager - Class in org.j3d.util
Manager of all internationalisation in the toolkit.
id - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
The integer ID value of this parameter
id - Variable in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointData
An identifier used to know which view data this is
ID2_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The chunk is version number (0x0005)
ImageLoader - Class in org.j3d.util
A convenience class that loads Icons for users and provides caching mechanisms.
ImageLoader() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.ImageLoader
ImageUtils - Class in org.j3d.util
A utility class that allows you to do various actions with images, such as conversions and creating items that are useful as textures.
ImageUtils() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.ImageUtils
imporvedTurbulence(double, double, double, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Create a turbulent noise output based on the core noise function.
improvedNoise(double, double, double) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Computes noise function for three dimensions at the point (x,y,z).
IN - Static variable in class org.j3d.util.frustum.ViewFrustum
The geometry is in the view frustum, either partially or completely
incAge() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Increment the cycle age.
INDEXED_LINE_STRIPS - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as an indexed line strip array
INDEXED_LINES - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as an indexed line array
INDEXED_QUADS - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as indexed quads
INDEXED_TRIANGLE_FANS - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as an indexed triangle fan array
INDEXED_TRIANGLE_STRIPS - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as an indexed triangle strip array
INDEXED_TRIANGLES - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as an indexed triangle array
indexes - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Storage for coordinate index information if the shape type requires it.
indexesCount - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
The number of items stored in the indexes array
indexify(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Create index lists for all data lists.
indexify() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
INDIAN - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
initialize(Particle) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ExplosionPointEmitter
Initialize a particle based on the rules defined by this initializer.
initialize(Particle) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxAgePointEmitter
Initialize a particle based on the rules defined by this initializer.
initialize(Particle) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxAgePointForceEmitter
Initialize a particle based on the rules defined by this initializer.
initialize(Particle) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxTimePointEmitter
Initialize a particle based on the rules defined by this initializer.
initialize(Particle) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Initialize a particle based on the rules defined by this initializer.
initialize(long) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Run the initial particle setup for the first frame now.
initialize(Particle) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PointEmitter
Initialize a particle based on the rules defined by this initializer.
initialize(Particle) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PolylineEmitter
Initialize a particle based on the rules defined by this initializer.
initialize(Tuple3f, Vector3f) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.Landscape
Initialise the landscape ready for viewing.
initialize(Tuple3f, Vector3f) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMSplitMergeLandscape
Initialise the landscape ready for viewing.
initialMass - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Initial mass that is imparted to all particles
innerRange - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
An inner range for the directional light
InputDevice - Interface in org.j3d.device.input
An input device.
insertKnot(BSplineCurveData, float, BSplineCurveData) - Static method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineUtils
Insert a new knot value into the curve.
insertKnot(BSplineCurveData, float, int, BSplineCurveData) - Static method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineUtils
Insert a new knot value multiple times into the curve.
insertParticleFunction(int, ParticleFunction) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Insert a particle function at a specific place in the list.
insertViewpoint(int, ViewpointData) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointToolbar
Insert the viewpoint at the given position in the list
inspected - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
True if the level 3 quality control process has been followed (element 23).
instanceName - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFrameBlock
The name of the object instance
INT_PERCENT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The information is for a percentage in int (0x0030)
INT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
This parameter type is a integer type
IntegerInterpolator - Class in org.j3d.util.interpolator
An interpolator that works with integer values.
IntegerInterpolator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.IntegerInterpolator
Create a new linear interpolator instance with the default size for the number of key values.
IntegerInterpolator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.IntegerInterpolator
Create a linear interpolator with the given basic size.
IntegerInterpolator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.IntegerInterpolator
Create a interpolator with the given basic size using the interpolation type.
INTERPCT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
interpolate(float, int, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.TexCoordInterpolator
Go find the appropriate set of texture coordinates now.
interpolatePoint(BSplineCurveData, float, float[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineUtils
Given the curve data, evaluate the exact point point on the curve in 3D space for the given value of t.
interpolationType - Variable in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Interpolator
The type of interpolation routine to use
Interpolator - Class in org.j3d.util.interpolator
An interpolator that works with positional coordinates.
Interpolator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Interpolator
Create a new interpolator instance with the default size for the number of key values.
Interpolator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Interpolator
Create an interpolator with the given basic size.
Interpolator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Interpolator
Create a interpolator with the given basic size and interpolation type.
IntersectionUtils - Class in org.j3d.geom
A collection of utility methods to do geometry intersection tests.
IntersectionUtils() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Create a default instance of this class with no internal data structures allocated.
INTERVAL_UNIT_ARCSEC - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
INTERVAL_UNIT_FEET - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
INTERVAL_UNIT_METERS - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
INTERVAL_UNIT_RADIANS - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
IntHashMap - Class in org.j3d.util
A hash map that uses primitive ints for the key rather than objects.
IntHashMap() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with a default capacity and load factor, which is 20 and 0.75 respectively.
IntHashMap(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial capacity and default load factor, which is 0.75.
IntHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial capacity and the specified load factor.
intValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.IntegerInterpolator
Get the interpolated value of the point at the given key value.
InvalidArraySizeException - Exception in org.j3d.geom
Exception for when one of the requested geometry generation arrays is not big enough to contain the data requested.
InvalidArraySizeException(int, int) - Constructor for exception org.j3d.geom.InvalidArraySizeException
Create an exception that contains a prefabricated message.
InvalidArraySizeException(String, int, int) - Constructor for exception org.j3d.geom.InvalidArraySizeException
Create an exception that contains the given message plus a pre-fabricated part.
InvalidFormatException - Exception in org.j3d.loaders
Exception for when the format of the input file does not match the expectations of the parser implementation.
InvalidFormatException() - Constructor for exception org.j3d.loaders.InvalidFormatException
Create a blank exception with no message
InvalidFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception org.j3d.loaders.InvalidFormatException
Create an exception that contains the given message.
inverse(Matrix4f, Matrix4f) - Method in class org.j3d.util.MatrixUtils
Calculate the inverse of a 4x4 matrix and place it in the output.
isConvexVertex(float[], int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.geom.TriangulationUtils
Check to see if this vertex is a concave vertex or convex.
isDataOnly - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeBRecord
Flag to say if this record only contains elevation values or if it is the header record for this column.
isDeviceActive() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.vfx.VFXDriver
Check to see if the device has been previously shut down.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleList
Check to see if this set contains elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.j3d.util.CharHashMap
Tests if this hashtable maps no keys to values.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Check to see if this set contains elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.j3d.util.DoubleHashMap
Tests if this hashtable maps no keys to values.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.j3d.util.FloatHashMap
Tests if this hashtable maps no keys to values.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Check to see if this set contains elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Tests if this hashtable maps no keys to values.
isEnabled() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BoundingBoxParticleFunction
Check to see if this function has been enabled or not currently.
isEnabled() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ColorRampFunction
Check to see if this function has been enabled or not currently.
isEnabled() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.FrameCountParticleFunction
Check to see if this function has been enabled or not currently.
isEnabled() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.GravityParticleFunction
Check to see if this function has been enabled or not currently.
isEnabled() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxTimeParticleFunction
Check to see if this function has been enabled or not currently.
isEnabled() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleFunction
Check to see if this function has been enabled or not currently.
isEnabled() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PhysicsFunction
Check to see if this function has been enabled or not currently.
isEnabled() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.WindParticleFunction
Check to see if this function has been enabled or not currently.
isHalf() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SphereGenerator
Check to see that this sphere is a half sphere or not
isLocked() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
Check to see if this parameter is marked as being locked (not editable).
isLocked() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameterGroup
Check to see if this parameter is marked as being locked (not editable).
isParticleCreationEnabled() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Fetch the current particle creation state.
isPointInFrustum(Point3d) - Method in class org.j3d.util.frustum.ViewFrustum
Checks if the point is inside the view frustum.
isTerrain - Variable in class org.j3d.util.UserSupplementData
Flag to say whether this object or group is eligible for use in terrain following routines.
isTextureCoordinateEnabled() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Get the current value of the texture coordinate generation state.
isTriangleInFrustum(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.frustum.ViewFrustum
Determines if the triangle defined by the 3 points is visible in the view frustum.
isTriangleInFrustum(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class org.j3d.util.frustum.ViewFrustum
Determines if the triangle defined by the 3 points is visible in the view frustum.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointToolbar
Listen for item changing events in the comboBox selection


Joystick - Class in org.j3d.device.input.jinput
A joystick device implemented using the JInput library.
Joystick(Controller, String) - Constructor for class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Joystick
JoystickDevice - Interface in org.j3d.device.input
Devices which map data to gamepads.
JoystickState - Class in org.j3d.device.input
Holds a single Joystick state.
JoystickState() - Constructor for class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
JPEGImageObserver - Class in org.j3d.ui.image
A one-shot image observer that turns the image into a JPEG image.
JPEGImageObserver() - Constructor for class org.j3d.ui.image.JPEGImageObserver
Construct a default observer with no filename set and it has not yet captured an image.
JPEGSequenceObserver - Class in org.j3d.ui.image
An image observer that turns each call into an separate JPEG image as a sequentially numbered set.
JPEGSequenceObserver() - Constructor for class org.j3d.ui.image.JPEGSequenceObserver
Construct a default observer with no filename set and it has not yet captured an image.


KEYFRAME_BOUNDS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe bounding box (0xB14)
KEYFRAME_CHUNK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The block ID represents a keyframe set
KEYFRAME_COLOR_TRACK_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe track color block (0xB025)
KEYFRAME_CURRENT_TIME - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the current keyframe time (0xB009)
KEYFRAME_FALLOFF_TRACK_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe track light falloff block (0xB028)
KEYFRAME_FOV_TRACK_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe camera field of view block (0xB023)
KEYFRAME_HEADER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe header block (0xB00A)
KEYFRAME_HIDE_TRACK_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe track hidden block (0xB029)
KEYFRAME_HOTSPOT_TRACK_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe track light hotspot block (0xB027)
KEYFRAME_INSTANCE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe instance name (0xB011)
KEYFRAME_MORPH_TRACK_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe track morph block (0xB026)
KEYFRAME_NODE_HEADER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe node header block (0xB010)
KEYFRAME_NODE_ID - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe node ID (0xB030)
KEYFRAME_PIVOT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe pivot coordinate (0xB013)
KEYFRAME_POSITION_TRACK_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe track position block (0xB020)
KEYFRAME_PRESCALE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe prescale (0xB012)
KEYFRAME_ROLL_TRACK_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe camera roll position block (0xB024)
KEYFRAME_ROTATION_TRACK_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe track rotation block (0xB021)
KEYFRAME_SCALE_TRACK_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe track scale block (0xB022)
KEYFRAME_SEGMENT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe segment data (0xB008)
KEYFRAME_SMOOTH_MORPH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the keyframe smooth morph value (0xB015)
KeyframeAmbientBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a collection of a single camera block in a keyframe.
KeyframeAmbientBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeAmbientBlock
KeyframeBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a collection of keyframes for animating the object.
KeyframeBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
KeyframeCameraBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a collection of a single camera block in a keyframe.
KeyframeCameraBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeCameraBlock
KeyframeCameraTargetBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a collection of a single camera block in a keyframe.
KeyframeCameraTargetBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeCameraTargetBlock
KeyframeColorBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a keyframe's collection of color information.
KeyframeColorBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeColorBlock
KeyframeFalloffBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a keyframe's collection of spotlight falloff information.
KeyframeFalloffBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFalloffBlock
KeyframeFOVBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a keyframe's collection of field of view information.
KeyframeFOVBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFOVBlock
KeyframeFrameBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a collection of a single frame block in a keyframe.
KeyframeFrameBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFrameBlock
Construct a new instance of this frame.
KeyframeHotspotBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a keyframe's collection of spotlight hotspot information.
KeyframeHotspotBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeHotspotBlock
KeyframeLightBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a keyframe general lighting handling.
KeyframeLightBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeLightBlock
KeyframeMorphBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a keyframe's collection of object morph information.
KeyframeMorphBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeMorphBlock
KeyframePositionBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a keyframe's collection of position information.
KeyframePositionBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframePositionBlock
KeyframeRollBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a keyframe's collection of camera roll information.
KeyframeRollBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeRollBlock
KeyframeRotationBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a keyframe's collection of rotational information.
KeyframeRotationBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeRotationBlock
keyframes - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Listing of all keyframe blocks available
KeyframeScaleBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a keyframe's collection of scale information.
KeyframeScaleBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeScaleBlock
KeyframeSpotlightBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a keyframe spotlight handling.
KeyframeSpotlightBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeSpotlightBlock
KeyframeSpotlightTargetBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a collection of a single camera block in a keyframe.
KeyframeSpotlightTargetBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeSpotlightTargetBlock
KeyframeTag - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Base class representing the common data between all the keyframe tag types.
KeyframeTag() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeTag
keys - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.TexCoordInterpolator
The keys as a single array for fast searching
keys - Variable in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Interpolator
The keys as a single array for fast searching
keySet() - Method in class org.j3d.util.DoubleHashMap
Returns an array with all keys.
keySet() - Method in class org.j3d.util.FloatHashMap
Returns an array with all keys.
keySet() - Method in class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Returns an array with all keys.
keySet(int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Returns an array with all keys.
keySetSorted() - Method in class org.j3d.util.FloatHashMap
Returns a sorted array with all keys.
keySetSorted() - Method in class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Returns a sorted array with all keys.
keySetSorted(int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Returns a sorted array with all keys.
keysSorted() - Method in class org.j3d.util.DoubleHashMap
Returns a sorted array with all keys.
knots - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineCurveData
The knot values for the curve


l1Button - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The l1Button value
l1Button_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The l1Button value
label - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DAnalogData
The name or label associated with this trajectory data
label - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DTrajectoryData
The name or label associated with this trajectory data
Landscape - Class in org.j3d.terrain
Representation of a piece of rendered terrain data.
Landscape(ViewFrustum, TerrainData) - Constructor for class org.j3d.terrain.Landscape
Create a new Landscape with the set view and data.
landscapeView - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.Landscape
The current viewing frustum that is seeing the landscape
largestContourInterval - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The largest primary contour interval (element 17).
largestIntervalUnits - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The units for the largest interval (element 18).
LAST_CACHE_ID - Static variable in interface org.j3d.texture.TextureCacheFactory
The last ID for global, inbuilt cache types
LAYER_FOG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for layered fog (0x2302)
layerFogDetails - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Details of a vertically layered constant atmospheric fog.
layerFogDetails[0] lower Y boundary
layerFogDetails[1] upper Y boundary
layerFogDetails[2] fog density.
layerFogFlags - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Flags associated with the layered fog.
LEFT_TO_RIGHT - Static variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.TreeNode
Left to right orientation of the edge split routine
LEFT_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the left view (0x3030)
leftExtent - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
The left-most extent Lat-Long if not UTM.
leftHatX - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The leftHatX value
leftHatX_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The leftHatX value
leftHatY - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The leftHatY value
leftHatY_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The leftHatY value
leftStickX - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The leftStickX value
leftStickX_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The leftStickX value
leftStickY - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The leftStickY value
leftStickY_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The leftStickY value
levelType - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The DEM level used (element 3).
lifetime - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Base lifetime in milliseconds
lifetimeVariation - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
The amount of lifetime variation permitted
LIGHT_NODE_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the light keyframe data (0xB005)
LIGHT_TARGET_NODE_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the light-target keyframe data (0xB006)
LightBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a single light and its paramaters needed for rendering.
LightBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
Create a new light block and set it up for a basic directional light.
lightInfo - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
Information about the light tracks
lights - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectBlock
Set of lights surrounding this mesh
LIN_COLOR24 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The information is for a 24bit colour (0x0012)
LIN_COLORF - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The information is for a float colour (0x0013)
LINE_STRIPS - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as an line strip array
LINEAR - Static variable in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Interpolator
The interpolator should act as a linear interpolator between keys
linearFogDetails - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Details of a basic global fog instruction.
LINES - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as a line array
LittleEndianConverter - Class in org.j3d.loaders.stl
Utility to convert little endain data to big endian data.
LittleEndianConverter() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
LMAGIC - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is a large magic number (0x2d2d)
loadBasicClass(String) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.DynamicClassLoader
Load the named class with no checking of the background.
loadCheckedClass(String, String) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.DynamicClassLoader
Load the class that has the given class as a super class.
loadCheckedClass(String, Class) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.DynamicClassLoader
Load the class that has the given class as a super class.
loadIcon(String) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.ImageLoader
Load an icon for the named image file.
loadImage(String) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.ImageLoader
Load an image for the named image file.
localCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
Local coordinate system reference (a 4x3 matrix)
localElevationDatum - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeBRecord
Elevation of the local datum for the profile (element 4).
localMatrix - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Local matrix value that combines all the fields together
localMatrix - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Local matrix value that combines all the fields together
localMatrix - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Local matrix value that combines all the fields together
location - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.CameraBlock
The location of the the camera,
locked - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringNode
Is this node currently locked in position?
locked - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
Indicating if the parameter is locked
LOCKED_PARAM_MSG - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
Message when attempting to write to a locked group
lookAt(Point3f, Point3f, Vector3f, Matrix4f) - Method in class org.j3d.util.MatrixUtils
Perform a LookAt camera calculation and place it in the given matrix.
lookAt(Point3d, Point3d, Vector3d, Matrix4d) - Method in class org.j3d.util.MatrixUtils
Perform a LookAt camera calculation and place it in the given matrix.
LOOKAT_STATE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationState
The navigation state is Examine
LOW_SHADOW_BIAS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for a lo res shadow bias (0x1410)
LRU_CACHE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.texture.TextureCacheFactory
ID for a Least-Recently-Used cache implementation


M_BEVEL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
M_FIT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
M_SCALE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
M_TEETER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
M_TWIST - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAIN_CHUNK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the header magic number (0x4d4d)
manualPlatformMove(Matrix4d) - Method in class org.j3d.util.frustum.ViewFrustum
Manually re-orient the view frustum by this given matrix.
mapProjectionParams - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Extra map projection parameters used when not using UTM, Geo or State-plane (element 7).
MASK_NONE - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.Tracker
This sensor only issues button events
MASK_ORIENTATION - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.Tracker
This sensor can change orientation in the scene
MASK_PICKING - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.Tracker
This sensor can pick items in the scene
MASK_POSITION - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.Tracker
This sensor can change position in the scene
mass - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Mass of the object in kilograms
MASTER_SCALE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The chunk is master object scale (0x0100)
masterScale - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
The master (uniform) scale to apply to all the objects
MAT_ACUBIC - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents automatic cube map generation (0xA3100)
MAT_ADDITIVE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents an additive transparency blend (0xA083)
MAT_AMBIENT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the ambient color (0xA010)
MAT_BUMP_PERCENT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents a percentage scale of the bumpmap to apply
MAT_BUMPMAP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the bump texture map to apply (0xA230)
MAT_BUMPMASK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_DECAL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents a decalled texture (0xA082)
MAT_DIFFUSE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the diffuse color (0xA020)
MAT_FACEMAP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_MAP_ANG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents an texture rotation angle (0xA35C)
MAT_MAP_BCOL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the blue blend colour for textures (0xA360)
MAT_MAP_COL1 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the first blend colour for textures (0xA360)
MAT_MAP_COL2 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the second blend colour for textures (0xA360)
MAT_MAP_GCOL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the green blend colour for textures (0xA360)
MAT_MAP_RCOL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the red blend colour for textures (0xA360)
MAT_MAP_TEXBLUR - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents an texture blur param to apply (0xA353)
MAT_MAP_TEXBLUR_OLD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents an outdated texture blur param to apply (0xA352)
MAT_MAP_TILING - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the texture map tiling param to apply (0xA351)
MAT_MAP_TILINGOLD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_MAP_UOFFSET - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents an texture u translation (0xA358)
MAT_MAP_USCALE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents an texture u-coord scale (0xA354)
MAT_MAP_VOFFSET - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents an texture v translation (0xA35A)
MAT_MAP_VSCALE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents an texture v-coord scale (0xA356)
MAT_MAPNAME - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the name of the texture file to use (0xA300)
MAT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The name of a material (0xA000)
MAT_OPACMAP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the opacity texture map to apply (0xA210)
MAT_OPACMASK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_PHONGSOFT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_REFBLUR - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_REFLMAP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the reflection texture map to apply (0xA220)
MAT_REFLMASK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SELF_ILLUM - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SELF_ILPCT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SELFIMAP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SELFIMASK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SHADING - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the shading style
MAT_SHIN2PCT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the shininess strength (0xA041)
MAT_SHIN3PCT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the shininess second strength factor (0xA042)
MAT_SHININESS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the shininess ratio (0xA040)
MAT_SHINMAP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the shininess map (0xA33C)
MAT_SHINMASK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SPECMAP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the specular texture map to apply (0xA204)
MAT_SPECMASK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SPECULAR - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the specual color (0xA030)
MAT_SUPERSMP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_BUMP_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_BUMP_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_OPAC_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_OPAC_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_REFL_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_SELFI_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_SELFI_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_SHIN_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_SHIN_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_SPEC_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_SPEC_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_TEXT2_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_TEXT2_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_TEXT_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_SXP_TEXT_MASKDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_TEX2MAP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents a second base material texture map (0xA33A)
MAT_TEX2MASK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_TEXMAP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the base texture map to apply (0xA200)
MAT_TEXMASK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_TRANSPARENCY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the transparency (0xA050)
MAT_TWO_SIDE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents two-sided lighting should be used (0xA081)
MAT_USE_REFBLUR - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_USE_XPFALL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_WIREABS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_WIREFRAME - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the flag for rendering in wireframe
MAT_WIRESIZE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
ID represents the wire thickness (0xA087)
MAT_XPFALL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MAT_XPFALLIN - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MATERIAL_BLOCK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The object ID represents a piece of material
MATERIAL_FILE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The block ID is for Material (.mat) file (0x3dff)
MATERIAL_LIB - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The block ID is for Material Library info (0x3daa)
MATERIAL_LIST - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the start of the material list
MATERIAL_OLD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents an old-style material list
MaterialBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a collection of material definitions that form a single block of data in the file.
MaterialBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
Create a new instance of this material block with the defaults set.
materialComplete(Ac3dMaterial) - Method in interface org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dParseObserver
A material block has been read from the file.
MaterialData - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
A single set of material information for each triangle mesh.
MaterialData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialData
materialName - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialData
The name of the material to use from the material library
materials - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Listing of all material information
materials - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
Listing of the material groups needed
matrixChanged - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Flag to indicate the root matrix values have changed, thus needing to regenerate the entire skeleton and vertices.
matrixChanged - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Flag to indicate the root matrix values have changed, thus needing to regenerate the entire skeleton and vertices.
matrixChanged - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Flag to indicate the root matrix values have changed, thus needing to regenerate the entire skeleton and vertices.
MatrixUtils - Class in org.j3d.util
A utility class that performs various matrix operations on the javax.vecmath package.
MatrixUtils() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.MatrixUtils
Construct a default instance of this class.
MaxAgePointEmitter - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
Emits particles at a fixed point in space which only have a maximum time limit and color set - all other values are zeroed out.
MaxAgePointEmitter(int, int, float[], float[], float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxAgePointEmitter
Construct a new emitter instance for a point emitter.
MaxAgePointForceEmitter - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
MaxAgePointEmitter checks the age of a Particle and reinitializes it by moving it to a point in space and clearing resultant force and velocity and setting a new randomized force on the Particle.
MaxAgePointForceEmitter(int, int, float[], float[], float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxAgePointForceEmitter
Construct a new emitter instance for a point emitter that gives the particle a random force direction and strength.
maxBounds - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFrameBlock
Bounding box maximum positions of the mesh
MaxConstants - Interface in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
A definitive collection of all known chunk identifiers in the Discreet 3DS Max file format.
maxElevation - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeBRecord
Maximum elevation of this profile (element 5).
maxHeight - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The maximum elevation of the DEM (element 12).
maxInterpolationGap - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
The maximum interpolation gap between frames.
MaxParser - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
A low-level parser for the Discreet 3DS Max file format.
MaxParser() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxParser
Construct a new parser with no stream set.
MaxParser(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxParser
Construct a new parser using the given stream to source the data from.
maxParticleCount - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Maximum number of particles this system can handle
MaxTimeParticleFunction - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
A ParticleFunction that is used to cull particles that have reached their maximum allowed time.
MaxTimeParticleFunction() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxTimeParticleFunction
Construct a new function that manages a particle's lifetime based on the maximum age it can be
MaxTimePointEmitter - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
Emitter that limits the maximum age based on wall-clock existance time.
MaxTimePointEmitter(int, int, float[], float[], float[], float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxTimePointEmitter
Construct a new emitter instance for a point emitter.
MaxUtils - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Utility class for working on the parsed 3DS objects to create additional data structures.
MaxUtils() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxUtils
maxY - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
The maximum Y for this patch
MESH_COLOR - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the mesh colour (0x4165)
MESH_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the 3D editor header magic number (0x3d3d)
MESH_MATRIX - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the start of a mesh matrix
MESH_TEXTURE_INFO - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the start mesh texture info (0x4170)
MESH_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is the version of the mesh being read (0x3d3e)
meshes - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectBlock
Array of mesh instances forming this block.
meshVersion - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
The version of the mesh that was read
messageReport(String) - Method in class org.j3d.util.DefaultErrorReporter
Notification of an informational message from the system.
messageReport(String) - Method in interface org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter
Notification of an informational message from the system.
METERS - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMRecord
Unit of measure is meters
MidiDevice - Interface in org.j3d.device.input
Devices which map data to the MIDI spec.
minBounds - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFrameBlock
Bounding box minimum positions of the mesh
minElevation - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeBRecord
Minimum elevation of this profile (element 5).
minHeight - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The minimum elevation of the DEM (element 12).
minY - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
The minimumY for this patch
MobiusGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom
A mobius strip geometry generator with specified number of divisions per strip, number of strips, position, and appearance.
MobiusGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.MobiusGenerator
Constructs a mobius strip with 28 divisions per strip, 14 strips.
MobiusGenerator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.MobiusGenerator
Constructs a mobius strip with number of divisions per strip and number of strips.
MORPH_TRACK_TAG_KEY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
MorphData - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
A single set of morph target data from the keyframe tracking.
MorphData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MorphData
morphs - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFrameBlock
The track morph info
morphs - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeMorphBlock
The sets of keyframe/value pairs
morphSmoothingAngle - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFrameBlock
Smoothing factor in radians when morphing.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationMouseProcessor
Process a mouse drag event to change the current movement value from the previously set value to the new value
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationMouseProcessor
Process a mouse press and set the behavior running.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationMouseProcessor
Process a mouse release to return all the values back to normal.
MSH_MAT_GROUP_ENTRY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
multiple - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
A multiplier value for the standard light settings


N_AMBIENT_LIGHT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents number of ambient lights (0x4680)
N_CAMERA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents number of cameras (0x4700)
N_D_L_OLD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The object ID represents an old normal data (0x4400)
N_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the number of directional lights (0x4600)
NAD27 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
NAD83 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
name - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimObject
The name of the object
name - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
The name of the parameter
name - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The name of this material
name - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.NodeHeaderData
The name of the object
name - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectBlock
A name or label associated with this block.
name - Variable in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointData
A string representing a name of the viewpoint.
NAMED_OBJECT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The block ID is for a new object mesh (0x4000)
naturalLengths - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringNode
Natural length of each connection
NAV1 - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
These specify which slot of the NavigationInfo.type field to use
NAV2 - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
NAV3 - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
NAV4 - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
NAV5 - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
NAV6 - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
NAV7 - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
NAV8 - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
NavigationMouseProcessor - Interface in org.j3d.ui.navigation
Abstract interface to take mouse events and process them for a navigation response.
NavigationState - Interface in org.j3d.ui.navigation
A collection of navigation state information constants.
NavigationStateListener - Interface in org.j3d.ui.navigation
A listener interface used to communicate changes in the navigation state from one handler to another.
NavigationStateManager - Class in org.j3d.ui.navigation
A handler for navigation state to make sure that all the right events are passed around the system and everyone agrees on the same state.
NavigationStateManager(Component) - Constructor for class org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationStateManager
Create a new state manager that deals with the given canvas.
NavigationToolbar - Class in org.j3d.ui.navigation
A toolbar for all navigation commands.
NavigationToolbar() - Constructor for class org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationToolbar
Create a new horizontal navigation toolbar with an empty list of viewpoints and disabled user selection of state.
NavigationToolbar(boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationToolbar
Create a new navigation toolbar with an empty list of viewpoints but controllable direction for the buttons.
NECornerCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Coordinates of the north-east corner (element 11).
needsExternalProj - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
True if this needs the external projection file for more information
negate(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.NormalUtils
Negate the normals, in place.
negate(float[][], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.NormalUtils
Negate the normals, in place.
negate(float[], int, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.NormalUtils
Translate the coordintes by the given amount in each direction and place them in the destination array.
NETWORK_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
newFrame(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BoundingBoxParticleFunction
Apply this function to the given particle right now.
newFrame(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ColorRampFunction
Notification that the system is about to do an update of the particles and to do any system-level initialisation.
newFrame(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.FrameCountParticleFunction
Notification that the system is about to do an update of the particles and to do any system-level initialisation.
newFrame(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.GravityParticleFunction
Notification that the system is about to do an update of the particles and to do any system-level initialisation.
newFrame(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxTimeParticleFunction
Notification that the system is about to do an update of the particles and to do any system-level initialisation.
newFrame(int) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleFunction
Notification that the system is about to do an update of the particles and to do any system-level initialisation.
newFrame(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PhysicsFunction
Notification that the system is about to do an update of the particles and to do any system-level initialisation.
newFrame(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.WindParticleFunction
Notification that the system is about to do an update of the particles and to do any system-level initialisation.
next() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleList
Fetch the next item in the list from this one and advance the current pointer to it.
next() - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Fetch the next item in the list from this one and advance the current pointer to it.
nNormal - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringNode
number of valid normals from the contributing connections
NO_CAST - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID for an object that doesn't cast a shadow (0x4012)
NO_DATUM - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
NO_STATE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationState
The navigation state is such that there is no navigation
nodeHeader - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeTag
Node header data, if specified
NodeHeaderData - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
The node header data for keyframe chunk descriptions.
NodeHeaderData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.NodeHeaderData
nodeId - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeTag
An identifier for the node
noise1(float) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.PerlinNoiseGenerator
1-D noise generation function using the original perlin algorithm.
noise2(float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Create noise in a 2D space using the orignal perlin noise algorithm.
noise3(float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Create noise in a 3D space using the orignal perlin noise algorithm.
normal - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringNode
A reference to the global array containing normal information
NORMAL_DATA - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Request for lighting normal data to be produced
normalIndexes - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Storage for normal index information if the shape type requires it.
NormalInterpolator - Class in org.j3d.util.interpolator
An interpolator that works with sets of normals.
NormalInterpolator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.NormalInterpolator
Create a new linear interpolator instance with the default size for the number of key values.
NormalInterpolator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.NormalInterpolator
Create an linear interpolator with the given basic size.
NormalInterpolator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.NormalInterpolator
Create a interpolator with the given basic size using the interpolation type.
normals - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Storage for lighting normal information.
normals - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
Listing of normals for each vertex
normalsChanged - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Flag indicating base values have changed
NormalUtils - Class in org.j3d.geom
A utility class that can be used to modify or create normal values of an item of geometry.
NormalUtils() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.NormalUtils
Create a default instance of the utility class.
NORTHING - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMRecord
Array index of northing components of a coordinate.
NOTHING - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
NULL_CHUNK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The NULL chunk (0x0000)
numAmbients - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
The number of valid ambient light blocks
numAnalogChannels - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
The number of analog channels recorded in the file
numAnalogSamples - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DAnalogData
The number of analog samples per frame of coordinate data
numAnalogSamplesPer3DFrame - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
The number of analog samples per frame of 3D data
numBlocks - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Number of valid blocks available
numButtons - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
The number of buttons the tracker has
numCameras - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
number of valid camera blocks to read
numCameras - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectBlock
The number of valid camera objects
numCameraTargets - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
Number of valid camera targets to read
numCanvases - Variable in class org.j3d.util.frustum.ViewFrustum
The number of different canvases provided
numChildren - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
The number of valid children of this object
numChildren() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the number of currently valid children.
numChildren - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
The number of valid children of this object
numChildren() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Get the number of currently valid children.
numChildren - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
The number of valid children of this object
numChildren() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Get the number of currently valid children.
numColorComponents() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleFactory
Request the number of color components this particle uses.
numColumns - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The number of rows of profiles in the DEM (element 16).
numColumns - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeBRecord
The number of columns covered by this record (element 2).
numConnections - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringNode
The number of valid items in the SpringNode.connections array
numControlPoints - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineCurveData
The number of valid points in the controlPoints array.
numCoord() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Get the number of elements in coord
numCoordIndex() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimDisplacer
Get the number of elements in the skinCoordIndex field, and by association skinCoordWeight (if any weights have been set).
numDepthControlPoints - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
The number of control points in the depth
numDimensions() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
Get the number of dimensions that this object has.
numDisplacements() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimDisplacer
Get the number of elements in the skinDisplacements field, and by association skinCoordWeight (if any weights have been set).
numDisplacers - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
The number of valid children of this object
numDisplacers() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the number of currently valid children.
numFaces - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialData
The number of faces this material node effects
numFaces - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
Total number of valid faces.
numFrames - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DAnalogData
The number of valid frames of coordinate data
numFrames - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DTrajectoryData
The number of valid frames of coordinate data
numFrames - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
The number of valid frames in this block
numIndex - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.CharacterData
The number of valid coordinate indices in the list
numInfo() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the number of elements in the info string array.
numJoints() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the number of currently valid joints.
numKeyframes - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
The number of valid keyframe blocks available
numKeys - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeColorBlock
The number of valid keys to use
numKeys - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFalloffBlock
The number of valid keys to use
numKeys - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFOVBlock
The number of valid keys to use
numKeys - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeHotspotBlock
The number of valid keys to use
numKeys - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeMorphBlock
The number of valid keys to use
numKeys - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframePositionBlock
The number of valid keys to use
numKeys - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeRollBlock
The number of valid keys to use
numKeys - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeRotationBlock
The number of valid keys to use
numKeys - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeScaleBlock
The number of valid keys to use
numKnots - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineCurveData
The number of valid knot values in the knots array
numLights - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
number of valid light blocks to read
numLights - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectBlock
Listing of lights effecting this object
numLowerLimit() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the number of elements in lowerLimit
numMaterials - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
The number of valid materials available
numMaterials - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
Number of valid material groups available
numMeshes - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectBlock
Number of valid items in the mesh list
numMomentsOfInertia() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
numNormalValues - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
The number of patch coordinates in depth
numParticlesToCreate(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ExplosionPointEmitter
The number of particles that should be created and initialised this frame.
numParticlesToCreate(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxAgePointEmitter
The number of particles that should be created and initialised this frame.
numParticlesToCreate(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxAgePointForceEmitter
The number of particles that should be created and initialised this frame.
numParticlesToCreate(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxTimePointEmitter
The number of particles that should be created and initialised this frame.
numParticlesToCreate(int) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
The number of particles that should be created and initialised this frame.
numParticlesToCreate(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PointEmitter
The number of particles that should be created and initialised this frame.
numParticlesToCreate(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PolylineEmitter
The number of particles that should be created and initialised this frame.
numPatchValues - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
The number of patch coordinates in depth
numPolygonSides - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The number of sides of the polygon that the DEM covers (element 10).
numRows - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The number of rows of profiles in the DEM (element 16).
numRows - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeBRecord
The number of rows covered by this record (element 2).
numSegments() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the number of currently valid segments.
numSites() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the number of currently valid sites.
numSkeleton - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
The number of valid viewpoints of this object
numSkeleton() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the number of currently valid skeleton.
numSkinCoord() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the number of elements in skinCoord
numSkinCoord - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
The number of items in skinCoordIndex and skinCoordWeight fields
numSkinCoord() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the number of elements in the skinCoordIndex field, and by association skinCoordWeight (if any weights have been set).
numSkinCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
The number of items in the coordinate list (raw number, not * 3)
numSkinNormal() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the number of elements in skinNormal
numSkinNormals - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
The number of items in the coordinate list (raw number, not * 3)
numSourceCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
The current number of source skin coordinates
numSourceNormals - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
The current number of source skin normals
numSpotlights - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
Number of valid spotlights to read
numSpotlightTargets - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
Number of valid spotlight targets to read
numStiffness() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the number of elements in stiffness
numStrips - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
The number of items stored in the strip counts
numTexCoordComponents() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleFactory
Request the number of texture coordinate components this particle uses.
numTexCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
The number of texture coordinates
numTexcoordValues - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
The number of patch coordinates in depth
numTimeEvents - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
The number of defined time events.
numTrajectories - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
The number of trajectories stored within the file.A trajectory is also sometimes known as a marker, refering to the shiny reflective markers used in motion capture systems.
numTrajectorySamples - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
The number of trajectory samples stored within the file
numUpperLimit() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the number of elements in upperLimit
numVertices - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
The number of valid vertices in this mesh
numViewpoints - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
The number of valid viewpoints of this object
numViewpoints() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the number of currently valid viewpoints.
numWeights - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineCurveData
The number of valid weight values in the weights array
numWidthControlPoints - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
The number of control points in the width
NWCornerCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Coordinates of the north-west corner (element 11).
NWTree - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
The values of the nodes in the NW triangle of this patch


O_CONST - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for plane constants (0x1500)
OBJ_FAST - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID for a fast object (0x4014)
OBJ_FROZEN - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID for a frozen object (0x4016)
OBJ_HIDDEN - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID for a hidden object (0x4010)
OBJ_MATTE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID for a matte object (0x4013)
OBJ_NOT_SHADOWED - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID for an object that is not shadowed (0x4017)
OBJ_PROCEDURAL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID for a procedural object (0x4015)
OBJECT_NODE_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the object keyframe data (0xB002)
ObjectArray - Class in org.j3d.util
Simple dynamic array structure that holds Object instances.
ObjectArray() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.ObjectArray
Create a new default array with size 512 items
ObjectArray(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.ObjectArray
Create an array with the given initial size.
ObjectBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a collection of triangle meshes that form a single block of data in the file.
ObjectBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectBlock
Construct a new instance with meshes initialised to a size of 8.
objectComplete(Ac3dObject, Ac3dObject) - Method in interface org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dParseObserver
An object has been completed.Object calls are top donw - the parent is read and sent, but at the time it is sent does not yet contain the children.
objectCount - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Counter for the number of children that have requested IDs
objectId - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectBlock
The ID associated with this block.
objectIndex - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Index of this joint into the global array of values.
ObjectMesh - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a complete set of meshes to give a single object from the file.
ObjectMesh() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Construct a new instance with blocks initialised to a size of 8.
objectName - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MorphData
The name of the object that needs to be morphed
OBJFileReader - Class in org.j3d.loaders.obj
Class to read OBJ files.
OBJFileReader(File) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.obj.OBJFileReader
Creates a OBJFileReader object to read a OBJ file from a file.
OBJFileReader(String) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.obj.OBJFileReader
Creates a OBJFileReader object to read a OBJ file from a file.
OBJFileReader(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.obj.OBJFileReader
Creates a OBJFileReader object to read a OBJ file from a file.
OBJFileReader(URL) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.obj.OBJFileReader
Creates a OBJFileReader object to read a OBJ file from an URL.
OBJFileReader(URL, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.obj.OBJFileReader
Creates a OBJFileReader object to read a OBJ file from an URL.
OBJFileReader(URL, Component) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.obj.OBJFileReader
Creates a OBJFileReader object to read a OBJ file from an URL.
OBJFileReader(URL, Component, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.obj.OBJFileReader
Creates a OBJFileReader object to read a OBJ file from an URL.
OBJFileReader(File, Component) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.obj.OBJFileReader
Creates a OBJFileReader object to read a OBJ file from a file.
OBJFileReader(File, Component, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.obj.OBJFileReader
Creates a OBJFileReader object to read a OBJ file from a file.
OBJFileReader(String, Component) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.obj.OBJFileReader
Creates a OBJFileReader object to read a OBJ file from a file.
OBJFileReader(String, Component, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.obj.OBJFileReader
Creates a OBJFileReader object to read a OBJ file from a file.
offset - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringNode
The offset into the array to work with the normal and positions.
OLD_HAWAIIAN_MEAN - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
OMAN - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
onRemove() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Notification that this particle system has been removed from the scene graph and it cleanup anything needed right now.
opacityMap - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The opacity map to be associated with this material
opacityMask - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The opacity map to be associated with this material
ORDNANCE_SURVEY_1936 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
org.j3d.device.input - package org.j3d.device.input
Input devices.
org.j3d.device.input.jinput - package org.j3d.device.input.jinput
Devices implemented using the JInput native device drivers.
org.j3d.device.input.vfx - package org.j3d.device.input.vfx
Implementations of InputDevices suitable for the Interactive Imaging Systems VFX3D HMD.
org.j3d.geom - package org.j3d.geom
Items of geometry that can be used in a Java 3D scenegraph.
org.j3d.geom.hanim - package org.j3d.geom.hanim
Generalised classes describing humanioid figures that are compliant with the H-Anim 1.1 specification.
org.j3d.geom.particle - package org.j3d.geom.particle
Generalised classes for providing particle systems in any rendering environment.
org.j3d.geom.spline - package org.j3d.geom.spline
Spline and parametric surface geometry.
org.j3d.geom.spring - package org.j3d.geom.spring
Implementation of a Spring system for modelling system dynamics.
org.j3d.geom.terrain - package org.j3d.geom.terrain
Class for processing and generating terrain type geometry.
org.j3d.geom.triangulation - package org.j3d.geom.triangulation
Classes for triangulating geometry.
org.j3d.io - package org.j3d.io
Common I/O classes for Java 3D.
org.j3d.loaders - package org.j3d.loaders
General classes usable across multiple loader instances.
org.j3d.loaders.ac3d - package org.j3d.loaders.ac3d
Classes for parsing and loading AC3D files v3.0 and later.
org.j3d.loaders.c3d - package org.j3d.loaders.c3d
Classes for parsing C3D files.
org.j3d.loaders.dem - package org.j3d.loaders.dem
Class for parsing and loading USGS Digital Elevation Model (DEM) files.
org.j3d.loaders.discreet - package org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Classes for parsing Discreet's 3DS Max .3ds file format.
org.j3d.loaders.obj - package org.j3d.loaders.obj
OBJ loader.
org.j3d.loaders.stl - package org.j3d.loaders.stl
Class for parsing and loading STL files.
org.j3d.loaders.vterrain - package org.j3d.loaders.vterrain
Class for parsing and loading file formats from the Virtual Terrain Project (VTP) file formats.
org.j3d.terrain - package org.j3d.terrain
Generalised utility classes for all terrain culling algorithms.
org.j3d.terrain.roam - package org.j3d.terrain.roam
ROAM terrain rendering implementation.
org.j3d.texture - package org.j3d.texture
Generalised classes for handling of textures.
org.j3d.texture.procedural - package org.j3d.texture.procedural
Classes for providing 2D screen overlays for a 3D canvas.
org.j3d.ui - package org.j3d.ui
User Interface components used to complement Java 3D capabilities.
org.j3d.ui.image - package org.j3d.ui.image
Image handling facitilites to compliment the user interface components.
org.j3d.ui.navigation - package org.j3d.ui.navigation
User interface components and capabilities for implementing simple navigation on any Canvas 3D.
org.j3d.util - package org.j3d.util
Generalised utility classes for using Java 3D.
org.j3d.util.frustum - package org.j3d.util.frustum
Generalised utility classes for all representing view frustum information.
org.j3d.util.interpolator - package org.j3d.util.interpolator
Interpolator utility classes that may be used anywhere.
originCode - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Mapping origin code (Element 2).
OUT - Static variable in class org.j3d.util.frustum.ViewFrustum
The geometry is outside the view frustum
outerRange - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
An outer range for the directional light
outputCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Reference to the object that we place the modified coordinates in.
outputCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Reference to the object that we place the modified coordinates in.
outputNormals - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Reference to the object that we place the modified normals in.
outputNormals - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Reference to the object that we place the modified normals in.


P_ALPH_ALPHA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_ALPH_BLUR - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_ALPH_C0 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_ALPH_CUTOFF - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_ALPH_IMAGE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_ALPH_KCOL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_ALPH_NONE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_ALPH_OP_KEY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_ALPH_OP_NOCONV - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_ALPH_OP_PSEUDO - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_ALPH_PCOL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_ALPH_PSEUDO - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_ALPH_QUEIMG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_ALPH_QUES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_ALPHANEG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_CUSTOM_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_PROc_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_QUEUE_ALIGN - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_QUEUE_ENTRY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_QUEUE_GRADIENT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_QUEUE_IMAGE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_QUEUE_KF - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_QUEUE_MB_REPEAT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_QUEUE_MOTBLUR - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_QUEUE_NONE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_QUEUE_OFFSET - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_QUEUE_PROC - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_QUEUE_RESIZE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_QUEUE_SOLID - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_QUEUE_USEIGAMMA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_RANGES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_TRAN_FADEIN - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_TRAN_FADEOUT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_TRAN_FRAMES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_TRAN_IMAGE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_TRAN_NONE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
P_TRANNEG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
PAN - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
PAN_COLLISION - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
PAN_STATE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationState
The navigation state is Panning
parametersComplete(C3DParameterGroup[]) - Method in interface org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParseObserver
The parameter block has been read.
parent - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
The parent of this joint
PARENT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
PARENT_OBJECT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents a parent object pointer (0x4F10)
parse(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dParser
Performs the action of parsing the data stream already set.
parse(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParser
Parse the stream now and start generating the output.
parse(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMParser
Do all the parsing work.
parse() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxParser
Do all the parsing work.
parse() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTParser
Do all the parsing work.
ParsingErrorException - Exception in org.j3d.loaders
Exception for when an internal error was detected by the parsing system.
ParsingErrorException() - Constructor for exception org.j3d.loaders.ParsingErrorException
Create a blank exception with no message
ParsingErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception org.j3d.loaders.ParsingErrorException
Create an exception that contains the given message.
Particle - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
An abstract Particle that defines some physical properties and life-cycle properties.
Particle() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Construct a new particle instance.
particleCount - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
The maximum number of particles to generate
particleCount - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Current number of live particles
ParticleFactory - Interface in org.j3d.geom.particle
Abstract representation of a mechanism to create instances of Particles.
ParticleFunction - Interface in org.j3d.geom.particle
ParticleFunction is the basic interface for functions that can modify the fields of a Particle.
ParticleInitializer - Interface in org.j3d.geom.particle
The ParticleInitializer is registered with a ParticleSystem and is responsible for creating and initialising the particles.
particleLife - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
The maximum lifetime of this particle in milliseconds
ParticleList - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
A special-case linked-list (buffer) implementation for particle systems.
particleList - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
List of currently active particle instances
ParticleSystem - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
Abstract representation of a ParticleSystem.
ParticleSystem(String, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Create a new ParticleSystem.
ParticleSystemManager - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
The ParticleSystemManager is a simple manager that controls all of the available particle systems as a single set of updates.
ParticleSystemManager() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystemManager
Create a new manager, with no systems registered.
PATCH_SIZE - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
The final size in number of grid points for this patch
patchChanged - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Flag indicating base values have changed
patchCoordinates - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
The points on the patch.
PatchGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom.spline
Base geometry generator defintion for all forms of spline-based patches.
PatchGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Construct a new generator with no control points set.
patchNormals - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
The smoothed normal for each point on the patch.
patchSize - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMSplitMergeLandscape
The patch size to use for this landscape
patchTexcoords - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
The texture coordinate for each point on the patch.
PATH_3D - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents a 3D path (0x6000)
PATH_MATRIX - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
peekNext() - Method in class org.j3d.util.Queue
Return the next element from the front of the queue.
percentageVoid - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
If element 25 indicates a void, this field contains the percentage of nodes in the file set to void (element 29).
PerlinNoiseGenerator - Class in org.j3d.texture.procedural
Computes Perlin Noise for three dimensions.
PerlinNoiseGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.texture.procedural.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Create a new noise creator with the default seed value
PerlinNoiseGenerator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.texture.procedural.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Create a new noise creator with the given seed value for the randomness
PhysicsFunction - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
Movement function that performs basic F=MA calculations for all the physics that have been set up in this frame by other functions.
PhysicsFunction() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.PhysicsFunction
Create a new default physics function to apply to particles.
pickDir - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
PICKING - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
pickingEnabled - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
Is picking enabled for this button
pickStart - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Transformed pick items
PIVOT_LIMITS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents pivot limits (0x4F30)
PIVOT_OBJECT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents a pivot object (0x4F20)
PIVOT_ORDER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents pivot order (0x4F40)
pivotPoint - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFrameBlock
The pivot point coordinate for this block
POINT_ARRAY_ENTRY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
POINT_FLAG_ARRAY_ENTRY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
PointEmitter - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
Particle emitter that generates particles with an initial speed and direction from a single point in space.
PointEmitter() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.PointEmitter
Construct a new default emitter.
PointEmitter(int, int, float[], float[], float[], float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.PointEmitter
Construct a new emitter instance for a point emitter that gives the particle a random force direction and strength.
pointHSVValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
Get the interpolated value of the point at the given key value.
pointRGBValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
Get the interpolated HSV value of the point at the given key value.
pointValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.PositionInterpolator
Get the interpolated value of the point at the given key value.
pointValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.RotationInterpolator
Get the interpolated value of the point at the given key value.
POLY_2D - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The block ID represents a 2D polygon (0x5000)
POLYGON_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Send to the constructor to inform that the data is arranged as possibly multi-contour, possible non-planar polygons.
PolylineEmitter - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
An emitter that generates particles along a single polyline length.
PolylineEmitter() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.PolylineEmitter
Construct a new default emitter.
PolylineEmitter(int, int, float[], float[], float[], float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.PolylineEmitter
Construct a new emitter instance for a point emitter.
PolylineEmitter(int, int, float[], int, float[], float[], float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.PolylineEmitter
Construct a new emitter instance for a point emitter.
POS_TRACK_TAG_KEY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
position - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Current position of the particle
position - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringNode
A reference to the global array containing position information
PositionData - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
A single set of position data from the keyframe tracking.
PositionData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.PositionData
PositionInterpolator - Class in org.j3d.util.interpolator
An interpolator that works with positional coordinates.
PositionInterpolator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.PositionInterpolator
Create a new linear interpolator instance with the default size for the number of key values.
PositionInterpolator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.PositionInterpolator
Create an linear interpolator with the given basic size.
PositionInterpolator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.PositionInterpolator
Create a interpolator with the given basic size using the interpolation type.
positions - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeCameraBlock
The track position info
positions - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeCameraTargetBlock
The track position info
positions - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFrameBlock
The track position info
positions - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeLightBlock
The track position info
positions - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframePositionBlock
The sets of keyframe/value pairs
positions - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeSpotlightBlock
The track position info
positions - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeSpotlightTargetBlock
The track position info
prettyPrint() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Convenience method to print out all the data associated with this geometry array.
previous() - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Fetch the previous item in the list from this one and retire the current pointer to it.
PROCEDURE_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the start of a procedure data (0x4182)
PROCEDURE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the start of a procedure (0x4181)
PROCESS_CTOG - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
PROCESS_DCASS - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
PROCESS_DLG_CPS3 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
PROCESS_DLG_LINETRACE - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
PROCESS_ELECTRONIC - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
PROCESS_GRIDEM - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
PROCESS_RESAMPLE - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Values for data element 1 - Process code.
processCode - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Code indicating the process used to create values (element 1)
processSpringNode(SpringNode, float[]) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringEvaluatorCallback
Process this node now.
PROJECT_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The block ID is for Project (.prj file ) info (0x3dc2)
PROVISIONAL_S_AMERICAN_1956 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
PUERTO_RICO - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
PULKOVO_1942 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
put(char, Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.CharHashMap
Maps the specified key to the specified value in this hashtable.
put(double, Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.DoubleHashMap
Maps the specified key to the specified value in this hashtable.
put(float, Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.FloatHashMap
Maps the specified key to the specified value in this hashtable.
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Maps the specified key to the specified value in this hashtable.


QUAD_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Send to the constructor to inform that the data will be arranged so that each set of four vertices form an independent quad
QUADS - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as individual unindexed quads
QUATERNION - Static variable in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.RotationInterpolator
Flag to nominate that the interpolation routine should be quaternions
Queue - Class in org.j3d.util
Simple 'First In First Out' (FIFO) queue.
Queue() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.Queue


r1Button - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The r1Button value
r1Button_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The r1Button value
RADIANS - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMRecord
Unit of measure is radians
randomiser - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Random number generator for sign values
ranges - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.CameraBlock
Atmospheric effect ranges for the camera.
RAY_BIAS - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for a ray bias (0x1460)
rayCylinder(float[], float[], int, float[], float, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Compute the intersection point of the ray and an infinite cylinder.
rayCylinder(Point3d, Vector3d, int, float[], float, Point3d) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Compute the intersection point of the ray and an infinite cylinder.
rayIndexedQuadArray(Point3d, Vector3d, float, float[], int[], int, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Test an array of indexed quads for intersection.
rayIndexedTriangleArray(Point3d, Vector3d, float, float[], int[], int, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Test an array of indexed triangles for intersection.
rayPlane(float[], float[], float[], float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Compute the intersection point of the ray and a plane.
rayPlane(Point3d, Vector3d, float[], Point3d) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Compute the intersection point of the ray and a plane.
rayPolygon(Point3d, Vector3d, float, float[], int, Point3d) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Test to see if the polygon intersects with the given ray.
rayQuadArray(Point3d, Vector3d, float, float[], int, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Test an array of quads for intersection.
raySphere(float[], float[], float[], float, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Compute the intersection point of the ray and a sphere.
raySphere(Point3d, Vector3d, float[], float, Point3d) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Compute the intersection point of the ray and a sphere.
rayTriangleArray(Point3d, Vector3d, float, float[], int, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Test an array of triangles for intersection.
rayTriangleFanArray(Point3d, Vector3d, float, float[], int[], int, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Test an array of triangle fans for intersection.
rayTriangleStripArray(Point3d, Vector3d, float, float[], int[], int, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Test an array of triangles strips for intersection.
rayUnknownGeometry(Point3d, Vector3d, float, GeometryData, Matrix4d, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Convenience method to process a GeometryData and ask the intersection code to find out what the real geometry type is and process it appropriately.
read(byte[]) - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
read(byte[], short[], int, int, InputStream) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Reads little/big endian data from an InputStream and converts it to big/little endian signed short (2 bytes long) data.
read(byte[], short[], int, int, InputStream, short) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Reads little/big endian data from an InputStream and converts it to big/little endian short (2 bytes long) data.
read(byte[], int[], int, int, InputStream) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Reads little/big endian data from an InputStream and converts it to big/little endian signed int (4 bytes long) data.
read(byte[], int[], int, int, InputStream, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Reads little/big endian data from an InputStream and converts it to big/little endian int (4 bytes long) data.
read(int, byte[], int[], int, int, InputStream) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Reads little/big endian data from an InputStream and converts it to to big/little endian signed integer data with a user defined block size of 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes (1 is here for conveniance).
read(int, byte[], int[], int, int, InputStream, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Reads little/big endian data from an InputStream and converts it to to big/little endian signed integer data with a user defined block size of 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes (1 is here for conveniance).
read(byte[], short[], int, int, InputStream) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Reads little endian data from an InputStream and converts it to big endian signed short (2 bytes long) data.
read(byte[], short[], int, int, InputStream, short) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Reads little endian data from an InputStream and converts it to big endian short (2 bytes long) data.
read(byte[], int[], int, int, InputStream) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Reads little endian data from an InputStream and converts it to big endian signed int (4 bytes long) data.
read(byte[], int[], int, int, InputStream, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Reads little endian data from an InputStream and converts it to big endian int (4 bytes long) data.
read(int, byte[], int[], int, int, InputStream) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Reads little endian data from an InputStream and converts it to to big endian signed integer data with a user defined block size of 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes (1 is here for conveniance).
read(int, byte[], int[], int, int, InputStream, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Reads little endian data from an InputStream and converts it to to big endian signed integer data with a user defined block size of 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes (1 is here for conveniance).
read2ByteBlock(InputStream) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Reads 2 bytes in little/big endian format and converts it to a big/little endian signed int.
read2ByteBlock(InputStream) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Reads 2 bytes in little endian format and converts it to a signed int.
read3ByteBlock(InputStream) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Reads 3 bytes in little/big endian format and converts it to a big/little endian signed int.
read3ByteBlock(InputStream) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Reads 3 bytes in little endian format and converts it to a signed int.
read4ByteBlock(InputStream) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Reads 4 bytes in little/big endian format and converts it to a big/little endian signed int.
read4ByteBlock(InputStream) - Static method in class org.j3d.loaders.stl.LittleEndianConverter
Reads 4 bytes in little endian format and converts it to a signed int.
read8ByteBlock(InputStream) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Reads 8 bytes in little/big endian format and converts it to a big/little endian signed long.
readBoolean() - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
readByte() - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
readChar() - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
readDouble() - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
readFloat() - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
readFloats(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
Reads n floats into an array.
readFully(byte[]) - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
readInt() - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
readInts(int[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
Reads n ints into an array.
readLine() - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
readLong() - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
readShort() - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
readUTF() - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
readUTF(DataInput) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
recomputeIndices() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Redo indexes to guarantee connection information.
red - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Red component of the color of the particle
red - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ColorData
The red component value
redBlends - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
Individual red component blend colour value
referenceOrientation - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Counterclockwise angle in radians from the primary axis of the reference system to the local reference system (element 13).
reflectionMap - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The reflection map (environment map) associated with this material
reflectionMask - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The reflection map (environment map) associated with this material
regenerateNormals() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Convenience method to regenerate the smoothed normals for the patch.
regeneratePatch() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BezierPatchGenerator
Regenerate the patch coordinate points according to the bezier surface function.
regeneratePatch() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplinePatchGenerator
Regenerate the patch coordinate points according to the NURBS surface function.
regeneratePatch() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Regenerate the patch coordinate points in accordance with the derived classes algorithm type.
regenerateTexcoords() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Regenerate the texture coordinate points.
rehash() - Method in class org.j3d.util.CharHashMap
Increases the capacity of and internally reorganizes this hashtable, in order to accommodate and access its entries more efficiently.
rehash() - Method in class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Increases the capacity of and internally reorganizes this hashtable, in order to accommodate and access its entries more efficiently.
RELATIVE_HEIGHTS - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Auxillary flag to say to generate points as relative values
relativeRootMeanSquare - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeCRecord
RMSE of DEM data relative to file's datum (x, y, z) (element 5).
relativeSampleSize - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeCRecord
Sample size on which statistics for the relative datum RMSE calculations (element 6).
releaseTexture(String) - Method in interface org.j3d.texture.TextureCache
Explicitly remove the named texture and image component from the cache.
releaseTexture(URL) - Method in interface org.j3d.texture.TextureCache
Explicitly remove the named texture and image component from the cache.
remove() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleList
Removes the current element from this set if it is present.
remove(char) - Method in class org.j3d.util.CharHashMap
Removes the key (and its corresponding value) from this hashtable.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Removes the specified element from this set if it is present.
remove(double) - Method in class org.j3d.util.DoubleHashMap
Removes the key (and its corresponding value) from this hashtable.
remove(float) - Method in class org.j3d.util.FloatHashMap
Removes the key (and its corresponding value) from this hashtable.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Removes the specified element from this set if it is present.
remove(int) - Method in class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Removes the key (and its corresponding value) from this hashtable.
remove(int) - Method in class org.j3d.util.ObjectArray
Remove the value at the given index.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.ObjectArray
Remove the first instance of the object found from this array.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.Queue
Remove the given item from the list.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Removes from this set all of its elements that are contained in the specified collection.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Removes from this set all of its elements that are contained in the specified collection.
removeAll(HashSet) - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Removes from this collection all of its elements that are contained in the specified hash set.
removeChild(HAnimObject) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Remove a child node from the existing collection.
removeChild(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Remove a child node from the existing collection.
removeChild(Object) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Remove a child node from the existing collection.
removeDeviceListener(DeviceListener) - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.DeviceManager
Remove a listener for device additions and removals.
removeDeviceListener(DeviceListener) - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.USBManager
Remove a listener for device additions and removals.
removeDisplacer(HAnimDisplacer) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Remove a child node from the existing collection.
removeHumanoid(HAnimHumanoid) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HumanoidManager
Remove a humanoid from the managed list.
removeParameter(C3DParameter) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameterGroup
Remove the given parameter from this group.
removeParticleFunction(ParticleFunction) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Remove the first instance of the function defined.
removeParticleSystem(ParticleSystem) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystemManager
Remove a system from this manager.
removeViewpoint(ViewpointData) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointToolbar
Remove the viewpoint from the list.
repaint(long, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons to provide an empty method when no processing really needs to be done.
repaint(Rectangle) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons to provide an empty method when no processing really needs to be done.
requestNextObjectIndex() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Get the object's index into the greater list of things.
requestNextObjectIndex() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Get the object's index into the greater list of things.
requestNextObjectIndex() - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimObjectParent
Get the object's index into the greater list of things.
reset() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleList
Reset the list pointer to just before the first item in the list.
reset(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Removes all data from the GeometryInfo and resets the primitive.
reset(Reader) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dParser
Reset the parser with a new input reader.
reset(InputStream) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParser
Reset the parser to use the new stream.
reset(InputStream) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMParser
Reset the parser to use the new stream.
reset(Reader) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMParser
Reset the parser to use the new stream.
reset(InputStream) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxParser
Reset the parser to use the new stream.
reset(InputStream) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTParser
Reset the parser to use the new stream.
resetFrameCount() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.FrameCountParticleFunction
Reset the function to have a zero frame count again.
resetNaturalLengths() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringNode
Regenerate the natural lengths based on the current separation between this node and it's connections.
resetNaturalLengths() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringSystem
Regenerate the natural lengths between the various nodes based on the current separation between each node's current position and it's connections.
resetRequested - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
Flag to indicate if a clear has been requested
resetZeroPosition() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.vfx.VFXDriver
Reset the zero position of the tracker to be it's current orientation.
residuals - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DTrajectoryData
Accuracy information about the coordinates made each frame.
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class org.j3d.util.SAXEntityResolver
Resolve the combination of system and public identifiers.
resultantForce - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Force applied to the particle in newtons
retainAll(HashSet) - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Retain everything that is in the given set, in this set.
retainAll(HashSet, HashSet) - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Retain everything that is in the given set, in this set, and move anything that is not, into the alternate set.
revalidate() - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons to provide an empty method when no processing really needs to be done.
reverse() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Reverse the order of all lists.
revision - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
The revision information
revisionDate - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The year the data was last revised or checked (element 22).
RGB_SPACE - Static variable in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
The interpolator should be RGB color space
RIGHT_TO_LEFT - Static variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.TreeNode
right to left orientation of the edge split routine
RIGHT_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the right view (0x3040)
rightExtent - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
The right-most extent Lat-Long if not UTM.
rightStickX - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The rightStickX value
rightStickX_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The rightStickX value
rightStickY - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The rightStickY value
rightStickY_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The rightStickY value
ROAMPatch - Class in org.j3d.terrain.roam
A patch represents a single piece of terrain geometry that can be rendered as a standalone block within ROAM.
ROAMPatch(TerrainData, int, ViewFrustum, int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
Create a new patch based on the terrain and appearance information.
ROAMSplitMergeLandscape - Class in org.j3d.terrain.roam
ROAM implmentation of a landscape using the split-merge combination algorithm.
ROAMSplitMergeLandscape(ViewFrustum, TerrainData) - Constructor for class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMSplitMergeLandscape
Creates new Landscape based on the view information and the terrain data.
ROAMSplitMergeLandscape(ViewFrustum, TerrainData, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMSplitMergeLandscape
Creates new Landscape based on the view information and static terrain data, with a controlable patch size.
roll - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.RollData
The amount of roll to include value
ROLL_TRACK_TAG_KEY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
rollAngle - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
The roll angle of the light.
RollData - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
A single set of camera roll data from the keyframe tracking.
RollData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.RollData
rolloffs - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeSpotlightBlock
Spotlight cone roll track info
rolls - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeCameraBlock
The track camera roll info
rolls - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeRollBlock
The sets of keyframe/value pairs
rootJoint - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
This is the root joint for the skeleton
ROT_TRACK_TAG_KEY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
rotateX(float, Matrix4f) - Method in class org.j3d.util.MatrixUtils
Set the matrix to the rotation about the X axis by the given angle.
rotateY(float, Matrix4f) - Method in class org.j3d.util.MatrixUtils
Set the matrix to the rotation about the Y axis by the given angle.
rotation - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.RotationData
The rotation value in radians
RotationData - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
A single set of rotation data from the keyframe tracking.
RotationData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.RotationData
RotationInterpolator - Class in org.j3d.util.interpolator
An interpolator that works with positional coordinates.
RotationInterpolator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.RotationInterpolator
Create a new linear interpolator instance with the default size for the number of key values.
RotationInterpolator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.RotationInterpolator
Create an linear interpolator with the given basic size.
RotationInterpolator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.RotationInterpolator
Create a interpolator with the given basic size using the interpolation type.
rotations - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFrameBlock
The track rotation info
rotations - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeRotationBlock
The sets of keyframe/value pairs
rowNumber - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeBRecord
The row ID that this record belongs to (element 1).
rows - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
The number of rows of data in the file


SAXEntityResolver - Class in org.j3d.util
An entity resolver for both DOM and SAX models of the SAX document.
SAXEntityResolver() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.SAXEntityResolver
SAXErrorHandler - Class in org.j3d.util
Common convenience implementation of the SAX ErrorHandler interface.
SAXErrorHandler() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.SAXErrorHandler
Create a new error handler that prints to the standard System.out.
SAXErrorHandler(PrintStream) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.SAXErrorHandler
Create an error handler that uses the given output stream for writing debugging messages.
ScalarInterpolator - Class in org.j3d.util.interpolator
An interpolator that works with scalar values.
ScalarInterpolator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ScalarInterpolator
Create a new linear interpolator instance with the default size for the number of key values.
ScalarInterpolator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ScalarInterpolator
Create a linear interpolator with the given basic size.
ScalarInterpolator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ScalarInterpolator
Create a interpolator with the given basic size using the interpolation type.
scale - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.CharacterData
The generic scale that was applied to get these bounds
ScaleData - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
A single set of scale data from the keyframe tracking.
ScaleData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ScaleData
scaleFactor - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
The 3D scale factor used to convert ints to floats.
scales - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeFrameBlock
The track scale info
scales - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeScaleBlock
The sets of keyframe/value pairs
SCL_TRACK_TAG_KEY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
SECornerCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Coordibates if the south-west corner (element 11).
sectionIndicator - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The section of the area this file represent in 30 & 15 minute DEMs.
seeCone - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
Flag indicating if a cone indicating visiblity should be shown
seeOutline - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.CameraBlock
Flag indicating whether the camera view cone should be shown
selected - Variable in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointData
Flag indicating this is the currently selected viewpoint
selectedBackground - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Flag which of the 3 background structures should be used
selectedFog - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Flag which of the 3 fog structures should be used
selectViewpoint(ViewpointData) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointToolbar
Select the given viewpoint in the display
sendUpdateMsg() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Send an update message to the parent, if one has not already been sent.
set(int, Object) - Method in class org.j3d.util.ObjectArray
Set the value at the given index.
setActiveBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.SimpleTiledTerrainData
Set the bounding information, in number of tiles, of the area that the terrain rendering code will be limiting its access to.
setActiveBounds(Rectangle) - Method in interface org.j3d.terrain.TiledTerrainData
Set the bounding information, in number of tiles, of the area that the terrain rendering code will be limiting its access to.
setAllowUserStateChange(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationToolbar
Toggle whether the UI will allow the user to change the state selected for navigation.
setAmbientColor(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Set the ambient colour of this material.
setApplication(String, String) - Method in class org.j3d.util.I18nManager
Set the manager to use the given application's set of localisation settings.
setBboxCenter(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Set a new value for the bboxCenter of this segment.
setBboxCenter(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Set a new value for the bboxCenter of this segment.
setBboxCenter(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Set a new value for the bboxCenter of this segment.
setBboxSize(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Set a new value for the bboxSize of this segment.
setBboxSize(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Set a new value for the bboxSize of this segment.
setBboxSize(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Set a new value for the bboxSize of this segment.
setButtonNavigation(int, int) - Method in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationMouseProcessor
Set the ability to use a given state within the handler for a specific mouse button (up to 3).
setCaptureNextFrame() - Method in class org.j3d.ui.image.JPEGImageObserver
Tell the observer to capture the next frame it is told about.
setCenter(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Set a new value for the center of this site.
setCenter(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Set a new value for the center of this joint.
setCenter(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Set a new value for the center of this site.
setCenterOfMass(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Set a new value for the centerOfMass of this segment.
setChildren(HAnimObject[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Replace the existing children with the new set of children.
setChildren(Object[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Replace the existing children with the new set of children.
setChildren(Object[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Replace the existing children with the new set of children.
setCoefficients(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SuperShapeGenerator
Set the coefficient values to generate a new shape.
setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Set the initial color that that the particle is given.
setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Set this particle to a new colour.
setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Set the initial color that that the particle is given.
setColorIndices(int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the array of indices into the Color array.
setColorInterpolator(ColorInterpolator) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.HeightMapTerrainData
Set up a height color ramp to provide colour information.
setColorInterpolator(ColorInterpolator) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.SimpleTiledTerrainData
Set up a height color ramp to provide colour information.
setColorRamp(float[], float[], boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ColorRampFunction
Set the color data for the ramp to the new 3 component values.
setColorRamp(float[], float[], int, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ColorRampFunction
Set the color data for the ramp to the new 3 component values.
setColorRamp(float[], Color3f[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ColorRampGenerator
Set the color data for the ramp to the new 3 component values.
setColorRamp(float[], Color4f[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ColorRampGenerator
Set the color data for the ramp to the new 4 component values.
setColorRamp(float[], float[][]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ColorRampGenerator
Set the color data for the ramp to the new 3 or 4 component values.
setColorRamp(float[], float[][], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ColorRampGenerator
Set the color data for the ramp to the new 3 or 4 component values.
setColorRamp(float[], float[], boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ColorRampGenerator
Set the color data for the ramp to the new 3 or 4 component values.
setColorRamp(float[], float[], int, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ColorRampGenerator
Set the color data for the ramp to the new 3 or 4 component values.
setColorRange(Color4b, Color4b) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.HeightImageCreator
Set the colours for the minimum and maximum height.
setColors(Color3f[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the colors array.
setColors(Color4f[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the colors array.
setColors(Color3b[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the colors array.
setColors(Color4b[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the colors array.
setColors3(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the colors array.
setColors3(byte[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the colors array.
setColors4(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the colors array.
setColors4(byte[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the colors array.
setContourCounts(int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the list of contour counts.
setControlPoints(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BezierGenerator
Set the curve controlPoints.
setControlPoints(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BezierGenerator
Set the curve controlPoints from a subset of the given array.
setControlPoints(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the curve controlPoints.
setControlPoints(double[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the curve controlPoints.
setControlPoints(float[], float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the curve controlPoints.
setControlPoints(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the curve controlPoints.
setControlPoints(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the curve controlPoints from a subset of the given array.
setControlPoints(double[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the curve controlPoints from a subset of the given array.
setControlPoints(float[], int, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the curve controlPoints from a subset of the given array.
setControlPoints(double[], int, double[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the curve controlPoints from a subset of the given array.
setCoord(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Set a new value for the coord of this joint.
setCoordinateIndices(int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the array of indices into the Coordinate array.
setCoordinates(Point3f[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the coordinates array.
setCoordinates(Point3d[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the coordinates array.
setCoordinates(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the coordinates array.
setCoordinates(double[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the coordinates array.
setCoordIndex(int[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimDisplacer
Set a new value for the skinCoordIndex of this joint.
setCreaseAngle(float) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Set the crease angle that the object should use when shading.
setCustomSpringField(SpringNode[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringSystem
Create a custom spring field to be evaluated.
setCycleAge(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Set the cycle age to a new value.
setCycleTime(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Set the cycle time to a new value.
setData(String) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Set the random character data that was associated with this object.
setDepth(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Sets the depth of the particle.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
Set the description string.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameterGroup
Set the description string.
setDimensions(float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.BoxGenerator
Set the dimensions of the output box to the new values.
setDimensions(float, float, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Change the dimensions of the cone to be generated.
setDimensions(float, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Change the dimensions of the cone to be generated.
setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.MobiusGenerator
Change the dimensions of the cone to be generated.
setDimensions(float, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SphereGenerator
Change the dimensions of the sphere to be generated.
setDimensions(float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SpringGenerator
Change the dimensions of the torus to be generated.
setDimensions(float, float, int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Change the dimensions of the cone to be generated.
setDimensions(float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Change the dimensions of the cone to be generated.
setDimensions(float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.TorusGenerator
Change the dimensions of the torus to be generated.
setDirection(float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxTimePointEmitter
Change the initial velocity that the particles are endowed with by modifying the direction.
setDirection(float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PointEmitter
Change the initial velocity that the particles are endowed with by modifying the direction.
setDirection(float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PolylineEmitter
Change the initial velocity that the particles are endowed with by modifying the direction.
setDirection(float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.WindParticleFunction
Change the direction of the wind.
setDisplacements(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimDisplacer
Set a new value for the skinDisplacements of this joint.
setDisplacers(HAnimDisplacer[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Replace the existing displacers with the new set of displacers.
setDisplacers(HAnimDisplacer[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Replace the existing displacers with the new set of displacers.
setEmissiveColor(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Set the emissive colour of this material.
setEmitterLine(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PolylineEmitter
Change the line coordinates used as the emitter position.
setEmitterLine(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PolylineEmitter
Change the line coordinates used as the emitter position.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BoundingBoxParticleFunction
Set the enabled state of this function.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ColorRampFunction
Set the enabled state of this function.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.FrameCountParticleFunction
Set the enabled state of this function.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.GravityParticleFunction
Set the enabled state of this function.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxTimeParticleFunction
Set the enabled state of this function.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleFunction
Set the enabled state of this function.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PhysicsFunction
Set the enabled state of this function.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.WindParticleFunction
Set the enabled state of this function.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.image.JPEGSequenceObserver
Tell the observer to start or stop capturing the next frame it is told about.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationToolbar
Set the panel enabled or disabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointToolbar
Set the panel enabled or disabled.
setEquilibriumPoint(float) - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Wheel
Set the equilibrium point.
setEquilibriumPoint(float) - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.WheelDevice
Set the equilibriumPoint.
setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter) - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.DeviceManager
Register an error reporter with the engine so that any errors generated by the loading of script code can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter) - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.USBManager
Register an error reporter with the engine so that any errors generated by the loading of script code can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Register an error reporter with the object so that any errors generated by the object can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Register an error reporter with the object so that any errors generated by the object can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimObject
Register an error reporter with the object so that any errors generated by the object can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HumanoidManager
Register an error reporter with the object so that any errors generated by the object can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Register an error reporter with the object so that any errors generated by the object can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystemManager
Register an error reporter with the object so that any errors generated by the object can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dParser
Register an error reporter with the engine so that any errors generated by the parsing internals can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParser
Register an error reporter with the engine so that any errors generated by the parsing internals can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter) - Static method in class org.j3d.util.ImageLoader
Register an error reporter with the engine so that any errors generated by the loading of script code can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
setEuler(Vector3f, Matrix4f) - Method in class org.j3d.util.MatrixUtils
Set the upper 3x3 matrix based on the given the euler angles.
setEuler(float, float, float, Matrix4f) - Method in class org.j3d.util.MatrixUtils
Set the upper 3x3 matrix based on the given the euler angles.
setFacetCount(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Change the number of facets used to create this cone.
setFacetCount(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Change the number of facets used to create this cone.
setFacetCount(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SphereGenerator
Change the number of facets used to create this cone.
setFacetCount(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BezierGenerator
Change the number of facets used to create this cone.
setFacetCount(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Change the number of facets used to create this cone.
setFacetCount(int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Change the number of facets used to create this cone.
setFacetCount(int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SpringGenerator
Change the number of facets used to create this spring.
setFacetCount(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SuperShapeGenerator
Change the number of facets used to create this cone.
setFacetCount(int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.TorusGenerator
Change the number of facets used to create this cone.
setFileDetails(String, String) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.image.JPEGSequenceObserver
Set the recording details about the directory that should be written to and the base filename to use.
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.image.JPEGImageObserver
Set the filename that this will write to.
setFlags(int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Mutator to set the current flag state.
setGenerationFactors(float, int, float, long) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Set the factors that effect the generation of the terrain - heights randomness etc
setGravity(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.GravityParticleFunction
Change the gravity to a new value.
setGravity(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringSystem
Set a new gravity strength and direction vector.
setGustiness(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.WindParticleFunction
Change the gustiness that wind is blowing at.
setHeight(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Sets the height of the particle.
setHeightRange(float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.HeightDataCreator
Set the height range values.
setIndex(int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Set the index of this material in the file.
setInfo(String[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Set the new list of info strings.
setJoints(HAnimJoint[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Replace the existing joints with the new set of joints.
setKnots(int, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the curve degree and knots.
setKnots(int, double[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the curve degree and knots.
setLifetimeVariation(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Change the variation factor for the emitted particles.
setLifetimeVariation(float) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Change the variation factor for the emitted particles.
setLimitOrientation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Set a new value for the limitOrientation of this joint.
setLocation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Change the location displacement vector.
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameter
Changed the locked state of the object.
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameterGroup
Changed the locked state of the object.
setLoopDimensions(float, int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SpringGenerator
Change the loop information.
setLowerLimit(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Set a new value for the lowerLimit of this joint.
setMass(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Set a new value for the mass of this segment.
setMass(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Change the mass of the particle.
setMass(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Sets the mass of this particle.
setMass(float) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Change the mass of the particle.
setMaterial(int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Set the material index reference.
setMaxAngle(double) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.SuperShapeGenerator
Set the maximum angle to use for phi.
setMaxParticleCount(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Adjust the maximum number of particles that this initializer is going to work with.
setMaxParticleCount(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxAgePointEmitter
Adjust the maximum number of particles that this initializer is going to work with.
setMaxParticleCount(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxAgePointForceEmitter
Adjust the maximum number of particles that this initializer is going to work with.
setMaxParticleCount(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxTimePointEmitter
Adjust the maximum number of particles that this initializer is going to work with.
setMaxParticleCount(int) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Adjust the maximum number of particles that this initializer is going to work with.
setMaxParticleCount(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Change the maximum number of particles that can be generated.
setMaxParticleCount(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PointEmitter
Adjust the maximum number of particles that this initializer is going to work with.
setMaxParticleCount(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PolylineEmitter
Adjust the maximum number of particles that this initializer is going to work with.
setMomentsOfInertia(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSegment
Set a new value for the momentsOfInertia of this segment.
setMouseHandler(NavigationMouseProcessor) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationStateManager
Set the navigation handler instance to use.
setName(String) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimObject
Set the new name to associate with this object.
setName(String) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Set the name of this material.
setName(String) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Set the name property.
setNavigationState(int) - Method in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationStateListener
Notification that the panning state has changed to the new state.
setNavigationState(int) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationStateManager
Notification that the panning state has changed to the new state.
setNavigationState(int) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationToolbar
Notification that the panning state has changed to the new state.
setNavigationStateListener(NavigationStateListener) - Method in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationMouseProcessor
Set the listener for navigation state change notifications.
setNavigationStateListener(NavigationStateListener) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationStateManager
Set the listener for navigation state change notifications.
setNavigationStateListener(NavigationStateListener) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationToolbar
Set the listener for navigation state change notifications.
setNormalIndices(int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the array of indices into the Normal array.
setNormals(Vector3f[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the normals array.
setNormals(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the normals array.
setNumrefs(int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Mutator to set the number of vertex references for this surface.
setNumvert(int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Set the number of verticies for the object.
setOrigin(int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
Setup this patch with new data from the terrain.
setParent(HAnimObjectParent, float[], int, float[], int, Object, Object) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Set the parent of this node to the given reference.
setParent(HAnimObjectParent) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Set the parent of this node to the given reference.
setParseObserver(Ac3dParseObserver) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dParser
Set the observer for parsing events that can be used with this class.
setParseObserver(C3DParseObserver) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParser
Set the observer for parsing events that can be used with this class.
setParticleInitializer(ParticleInitializer) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Set the emitter used to initialise particles.
setParticleLifetime(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Change the maximum lifetime of the particles.
setParticleLifetime(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxAgePointEmitter
Change the maximum lifetime of the particles.
setParticleLifetime(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxAgePointForceEmitter
Change the maximum lifetime of the particles.
setParticleLifetime(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxTimePointEmitter
Change the maximum lifetime of the particles.
setParticleLifetime(int) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Change the maximum lifetime of the particles.
setParticleLifetime(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PointEmitter
Change the maximum lifetime of the particles.
setParticleLifetime(int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PolylineEmitter
Change the maximum lifetime of the particles.
setParticleVariation(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Change the variation factor for the emitted particles.
setParticleVariation(float) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Change the variation factor for the particles' properties, and does not effect the lifetime variation.
setPatchControlPoints(float[][]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Set the patch control points.
setPatchControlPoints(double[][]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Set the patch control points.
setPatchControlPoints(float[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Set the patch control points and weights at the same time.
setPatchControlPoints(double[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Set the patch control points and weights at the same time.
setPatchControlPoints(float[], int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Set the patch controlPoints.
setPatchControlPoints(double[], int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Set the patch controlPoints.
setPatchControlPoints(float[], int, int, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Set the patch controlPoints.
setPatchControlPoints(double[], int, int, double[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Set the patch controlPoints.
setPatchKnots(int, float[], int, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplinePatchGenerator
Set the bezier patch knots.
setPatchKnots(int, double[], int, double[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplinePatchGenerator
Set the bezier patch knots.
setPatchWeights(float[][]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Set the patch control point weights.
setPatchWeights(double[][]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Set the patch control point weights.
setPatchWeights(float[], int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Set the patch controlPoints.
setPatchWeights(double[], int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Set the patch controlPoints.
setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ExplosionPointEmitter
Change the basic position that the particles are being generated from.
setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxAgePointEmitter
Change the basic position that the particles are being generated from.
setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxAgePointForceEmitter
Change the basic position that the particles are being generated from.
setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxTimePointEmitter
Change the basic position that the particles are being generated from.
setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Set the new position of this particle.
setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PointEmitter
Change the basic position that the particles are being generated from.
setRandomSeed(long) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.TextureGenerator
Reset the random number generator using the new seed value.
SETree - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
The values of the nodes in the NW triangle of this patch
setResultantForce(Vector3f) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Sets the resultantForce applied to a particle.
setRGBColor(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Set the base colour of this material.
setRotation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Set a new value for the rotation of this site.
setRotation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Set a new value for the rotation of this joint.
setRotation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Set a new value for the rotation of this site.
setRotation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Mutator to set the rotation matrix for the object.
setRumblerX(float) - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.GamepadDevice
Set the rumblerX axis.
setRumblerX(float) - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Gamepad
Set the rumblerX axis.
setRumblerY(float) - Method in interface org.j3d.device.input.GamepadDevice
Set the rumblerY axis.
setRumblerY(float) - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Gamepad
Set the rumblerY axis.
setScale(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Set a new value for the scale of this site.
setScale(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Set a new value for the scale of this joint.
setScale(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Set a new value for the scale of this site.
setScaleOrientation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Set a new value for the scaleOrientation of this site.
setScaleOrientation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Set a new value for the scaleOrientation of this joint.
setScaleOrientation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Set a new value for the scaleOrientation of this site.
setSeaData(boolean, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Set all of the items related to the sea level information.
setSeedTerrain(float[][]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.FractalTerrainGenerator
Set the terrain that is used as a seed for the generator.
setSegments(HAnimSegment[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Replace the existing segments with the new set of segments.
setShininess(float) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Set the shininess factor of the object.
setSites(HAnimSite[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Replace the existing sites with the new set of sites.
setSkeleton(HAnimObject[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Replace the existing skeleton with the new set of skeleton.
setSkinCoord(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Set a new value for the skinCoord of this joint.
setSkinCoordIndex(int[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Set a new value for the skinCoordIndex of this joint.
setSkinCoordWeight(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Set a new value for the skinCoordWeight of this joint.
setSkinNormal(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Set a new value for the skinNormal of this joint.
setSpecularColor(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Set the specular colour of this material.
setSpeed(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Change the initial speed that the particles are endowed with.
setSpeed(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.MaxTimePointEmitter
Change the initial speed that the particles are endowed with.
setSpeed(float) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Change the initial speed that the particles are endowed with.
setSpeed(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PointEmitter
Change the initial speed that the particles are endowed with.
setSpeed(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.PolylineEmitter
Change the initial speed that the particles are endowed with.
setSpeed(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.WindParticleFunction
Change the speed that wind is blowing at.
setSpringConstant(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringSystem
Set a new value for how stretchy the springs are.
setStiffness(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Set a new value for the stiffness of this joint.
setStripCounts(int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the array of strip counts.
setSurfaceArea(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Change the apparent surface area.
setSurfaceArea(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Sets the surfaceArea.
setSurfaceArea(float) - Method in interface org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleInitializer
Change the apparent surface area.
setSystemName(String) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Sets the system name to a new value.
setTerrainDetail(float[], float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Set the details of the terrain height to use a flat array of values.
setTerrainDetail(float[][], float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.terrain.ElevationGridGenerator
Set the details of the terrain height to use a 2D array of values.
setTexCoordFunction(float[], int, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Set the keys and texture coordinates to use for geometry that wishes to change the texture coordinates over the lifetime of the particle.
setTexCoordSetMap(int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the mapping between texture coordinate sets and texture units.
setTexture(String) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Set the name of the texture file to use
setTexture(BufferedImage) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.HeightMapTerrainData
Set the texture to the new instance.
setTexture(BufferedImage) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractStaticTerrainData
Set the texture object that can be used with this terrain instance.
setTextureCoordinateIndices(int, int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets one of the texture coordinate index arrays.
setTextureCoordinateIndices(int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the array of indices into texture coordinate set 0.
setTextureCoordinateParams(int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
This method is used to specify the number of texture coordinate sets and the dimensionality of the texture coordinates.
setTextureCoordinates(int, TexCoord2f[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the 2D texture coordinates for the specified set.
setTextureCoordinates(int, TexCoord3f[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the texture coordinates array for the specified set.
setTextureCoordinates(Point3f[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the TextureCoordinates array by copying the data into the GeometryInfo object.
setTextureCoordinates(int, TexCoord4f[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the texture coordinates array for the specified set.
setTextureCoordinates(int, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the texture coordinates array by copying the data into the GeometryInfo object.
setTextureCoordinates2(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the texture coordinates array by copying the data into the GeometryInfo object, assuming two numbers (S and T) per vertex.
setTextureCoordinates3(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Sets the TextureCoordinates array by copying the data into the GeometryInfo object, assuming three numbers (S, T, & R) per vertex.
setTextureRepeat(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Change the texture repeat values.
setTextureTileGenerator(TextureTileGenerator) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractFreeFormTerrainData
Set the texture tile geneattor instance to the new value.
setTextureTileGenerator(TextureTileGenerator) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTiledTerrainData
Set the texture tile geneattor instance to the new value.
setToolbar(NavigationToolbar) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationStateManager
Set the toolbar instance to use.
setTranslation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Set a new value for the translation of this site.
setTranslation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Set a new value for the translation of this joint.
setTranslation(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
Set a new value for the translation of this site.
setTransparency(float) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Set the transparency amount.
setTurbulence(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.WindParticleFunction
Change the turbulence of the wind.
setType(String) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Set the type of object that this instance represents.
setUpperLimit(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Set a new value for the upperLimit of this joint.
setURL(String) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Set the informational URL that could be associated with this object.
setUseCoordIndexOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Tells the GeometryInfo that its data is formatted in the USE_COORD_INDEX_ONLY format with a single index list (the coordinate index list) that indexes into all data lists (coordinates, normals, colors, and texture coordinates).
setValue(byte) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DByteParameter
Set the parameter value as a single value.
setValue(byte[], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DByteParameter
Set the parameter value as a single array value.
setValue(byte[][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DByteParameter
Set the parameter value as a single dimensioned array value.
setValue(byte[][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DByteParameter
Set the parameter value as a two dimensioned array value.
setValue(byte[][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DByteParameter
Set the parameter value as a three dimensioned array value.
setValue(byte[][][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DByteParameter
Set the parameter value as a four dimensioned array value.
setValue(byte[][][][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DByteParameter
Set the parameter value as a five dimensioned array value.
setValue(byte[][][][][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DByteParameter
Set the parameter value as a six dimensioned array value.
setValue(float) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DFloatParameter
Set the parameter value as a single value.
setValue(float[], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DFloatParameter
Set the parameter value as a single array value.
setValue(float[][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DFloatParameter
Set the parameter value as a single dimensioned array value.
setValue(float[][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DFloatParameter
Set the parameter value as a two dimensioned array value.
setValue(float[][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DFloatParameter
Set the parameter value as a three dimensioned array value.
setValue(float[][][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DFloatParameter
Set the parameter value as a four dimensioned array value.
setValue(float[][][][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DFloatParameter
Set the parameter value as a five dimensioned array value.
setValue(float[][][][][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DFloatParameter
Set the parameter value as a six dimensioned array value.
setValue(int) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DIntParameter
Set the parameter value as a single value.
setValue(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DIntParameter
Set the parameter value as a single array value.
setValue(int[][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DIntParameter
Set the parameter value as a single dimensioned array value.
setValue(int[][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DIntParameter
Set the parameter value as a two dimensioned array value.
setValue(int[][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DIntParameter
Set the parameter value as a three dimensioned array value.
setValue(int[][][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DIntParameter
Set the parameter value as a four dimensioned array value.
setValue(int[][][][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DIntParameter
Set the parameter value as a five dimensioned array value.
setValue(int[][][][][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DIntParameter
Set the parameter value as a six dimensioned array value.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DStringParameter
Set the parameter value as a single value.
setValue(String[], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DStringParameter
Set the parameter value as a single dimensioned array value.
setValue(String[][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DStringParameter
Set the parameter value as a two dimensioned array value.
setValue(String[][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DStringParameter
Set the parameter value as a three dimensioned array value.
setValue(String[][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DStringParameter
Set the parameter value as a four dimensioned array value.
setValue(String[][][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DStringParameter
Set the parameter value as a five dimensioned array value.
setValue(String[][][][][][], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DStringParameter
Set the parameter value as a six dimensioned array value.
setVelocity(Vector3f) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Sets the velocity of the particle.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Set the new version string for this humanoid.
setView(Tuple3f, Vector3f) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.Landscape
Set the current viewing direction for the user.
setView(Tuple3f, Vector3f) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMSplitMergeLandscape
Change the view of the landscape.
setViewpoints(Object[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Replace the existing viewpoints with the new set of viewpoints.
setViewpoints(ViewpointData[]) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointToolbar
Set the viewpoint list to the given array.
setViewpointSelectionListener(ViewpointSelectionListener) - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointToolbar
Set the listener for viewpoint change notifications.
setWeight(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimDisplacer
Set a new value for the weight for the displacements.
setWeights(float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the control point weights to use with the existing control points.
setWeights(double[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the control point weights to use with the existing control points.
setWeights(float[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the control point weights to use with the existing control points.
setWeights(double[], int) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Set the control point weights to use with the existing control points.
setWidth(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Sets the width of the particle.
shadingType - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The shading type.
SHADOW_MAP_FILTER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the shadow map filter (0x1450)
SHADOW_MAP_RANGE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the shadow map range (0x1440)
SHADOW_MAP_SAMPLES - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the shadow map samples (0x1430)
SHADOW_MAP_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the size of a shadow map (0x1420)
shadowMapSize - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
If shadowed, the size of the map to create in pixels (square)
shadowParams - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
If shadows are being case, the parameters.
SHAPE_2D - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
SHAPE_BAD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents a invalid shape (0x5011)
SHAPE_HOOK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents a shape hook (0x5020)
SHAPE_OK - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents a valid shape (0x5010)
shiftModifier - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
Shift key modifier
shininessMap - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The shininess map associated with this material
shininessMask - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The shininess map associated with this material
shininessRatio - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The shininess ratio to a [0,1] range
shininessStrength - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The shininess converted to a [0,1] range.
shutdownDevice() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.vfx.VFXDriver
Shut down the entire device now.
SimpleTiledTerrainData - Class in org.j3d.loaders
Simplified implementation of the TiledTerrainData for any file format or loader that supports a static grid based data structure.
SimpleTiledTerrainData(HeightMapSource) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.SimpleTiledTerrainData
Create a new instance that sources the data from the given parser.
SimpleTiledTerrainData(float[][], boolean, Point2d) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.SimpleTiledTerrainData
Create a new instance that uses the passed height map data to this loader.
size() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleList
Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
size() - Method in class org.j3d.util.CharHashMap
Returns the number of keys in this hashtable.
size() - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
size() - Method in class org.j3d.util.DoubleHashMap
Returns the number of keys in this hashtable.
size() - Method in class org.j3d.util.FloatHashMap
Returns the number of keys in this hashtable.
size() - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
size() - Method in class org.j3d.util.IntHashMap
Returns the number of keys in this hashtable.
size() - Method in class org.j3d.util.ObjectArray
Get the count of the number of items in the array.
size() - Method in class org.j3d.util.Queue
Return the number of elements in the queue.
skeleton - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
The current collection of the root joint and any attached sites.
skeletonChanged - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
Flag indicating that the skeleton (rootJoint) has had one or more of it's children change and needs to be recalculated.
skinCoordIndex - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
The skin coordinate index values into the global coordinate list
skinCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
The current coordinates of the segment
skinCoordWeight - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
The skin coordinate weight values.
skinNormals - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
The current coordinates of the segment
skipBytes(int) - Method in class org.j3d.io.BlockDataInputStream
SMAGIC - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is a small magic number (0x2d2d)
smallestContourInterval - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The smallest primary contour interval (element 19).
smallestIntervalUnits - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The units for the smallest interval (element 20).
SMOOTH_GROUP_ENTRY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
SMOOTH_LIST - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the start of the smooth shading list
smoothgroups - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
Index lists for the groups of faces that should be smooth shaded
SOLID_BG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for a solid colour background (0x1200)
solidBackgroundColor - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Colours of the background.
sourceCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Reference to the array that holds the base coordinate values
sourceDate - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The year the data was created, as an int (element 21).
sourceNormals - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Reference to the array that holds the base normal values
southEdge - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Location of the SE corner, south edge.
spatialResolution - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Amount of resolution for each axis (element 15).
specularColor - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The specular colour of this block - transcribed to 3 value RGB [0,1]
specularMap - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The specular light map to be associated with this material
specularMask - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The specular light map to be associated with this material
speed - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
The initial speed of the particles.
SphereGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom
A customisable sphere where you can specify the radius, center and the number of segments to use around the radius.
SphereGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.SphereGenerator
Constructs a default sphere of radius 1 and uses 16 segments on the radius.
SphereGenerator(float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.SphereGenerator
Constructs a sphere of the given radius and uses 16 segments on the radius.
SphereGenerator(float, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.SphereGenerator
Constructs a sphere or hemi-sphere of the given radius and uses 16 segments on the radius.
SphereGenerator(float, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.SphereGenerator
Constructs a sphere of the given radius and controllable number of segments on the radius.
SphereGenerator(float, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.SphereGenerator
Constructs a sphere or hemi-sphere of the given radius and controllable number of segments on the radius.
splineBlend(int, int, double) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Calculate the blending value, this is done recursively.
splineData - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TrackData
Data that is set if splineFlags is non-zero.
splineFlags - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TrackData
keys for working with the spline information.
SPOT_LIGHT - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
Treat this as a spot light light
SPOT_LIGHT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents a spot light (0x4610)
SPOTLIGHT_NODE_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the spotlight keyframe data (0xB007)
spotlightInfo - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
Information about spotlight tracks
spotlightTargetInfo - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
Information about the spotlight target tracks
SpringEvaluatorCallback - Interface in org.j3d.geom.spring
Callback interface for optional processing of a node of springs if needed.
SpringGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom
A generator of Spring geometry with customisable inner radius, outer radius, number of loops, spacing and facet count.
SpringGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.SpringGenerator
Construct a default spring that has:
inner radius: 0.25
outer radius: 1.0
inner facet count: 16
outer facet count: 16
loop count: 4
loop spacing: 1.0
SpringGenerator(float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.SpringGenerator
Construct a spring that has the given radius values with all other values fixed at the defaults
SpringGenerator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.SpringGenerator
Construct a spring that has the given number of loops with all other values fixed at the defaults.
SpringGenerator(float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.SpringGenerator
Construct a spring with the given loop spacing and all other values fixed at the defaults.
SpringGenerator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.SpringGenerator
Construct a spring that has the selected number of facets but with all other values fixed at the defaults.
SpringGenerator(float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.SpringGenerator
Construct a spring with the given radius, spacing and loop count information.
SpringGenerator(float, float, float, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.SpringGenerator
Construct a spring with the given radius, spacing and loop count information, and facet count.
SpringNode - Class in org.j3d.geom.spring
Representation of a node in a collection that many springs are connected to.
SpringNode() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringNode
Create an empty version of this node.
SpringNode(float[], float[], int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringNode
Create a new node at the given position and normal.
SpringSystem - Class in org.j3d.geom.spring
An implementation of a spring system, particularly useful for modelling cloth dynamics.
SpringSystem() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringSystem
Create a new default spring system.
startButton - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The startButton value
startButton_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The startButton value
startFrame - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.KeyframeBlock
The start frame number for this animation.
STATIC_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.terrain.TerrainData
The source data type is a simple, static terrain
StaticTerrainData - Interface in org.j3d.terrain
Terrain data that represents a static collection of information.
STEP - Static variable in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Interpolator
The interpolator should act as a step interpolator between keys
stickX - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
The stickX value
stickX_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
Did the stickX value change
stickY - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
The stickY value
stickY_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
Did the stickY value change
stickZ - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
The stickY value
stickZ_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
Did the stickZ value change
STLFileReader - Class in org.j3d.loaders.stl
Class to read STL (Stereolithography) files.
STLFileReader(File) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Creates a STLFileReader object to read a STL file from a file.
STLFileReader(String) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Creates a STLFileReader object to read a STL file from a file.
STLFileReader(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Creates a STLFileReader object to read a STL file from a file.
STLFileReader(URL) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Creates a STLFileReader object to read a STL file from an URL.
STLFileReader(URL, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Creates a STLFileReader object to read a STL file from an URL.
STLFileReader(URL, Component) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Creates a STLFileReader object to read a STL file from an URL.
STLFileReader(URL, Component, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Creates a STLFileReader object to read a STL file from an URL.
STLFileReader(File, Component) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Creates a STLFileReader object to read a STL file from a file.
STLFileReader(File, Component, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Creates a STLFileReader object to read a STL file from a file.
STLFileReader(String, Component) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Creates a STLFileReader object to read a STL file from a file.
STLFileReader(String, Component, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.stl.STLFileReader
Creates a STLFileReader object to read a STL file from a file.
strength - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
A strength (percentage - [0,1]) for the texture map
stripCounts - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Storage for strip counts if the shape type uses it
subdivide(BSplineCurveData, float, BSplineCurveData, BSplineCurveData) - Static method in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineUtils
Subdivide the input curve into two curves, represented by the two output curve functions.
SuperShapeGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom
Generalised shape generator that is capable of generating almost any 2D shape using a standard algorithm.
SuperShapeGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.SuperShapeGenerator
Construct a new generator with default settings of 10 divisions over a single side between two control points.
SuperShapeGenerator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.SuperShapeGenerator
Construct a new generator with the specified number of tessellations over the side of the curve.
SUPPORTED_FORMAT_VERSION - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dParser
The latest version of the file format this parser supports.
surfaceArea - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Initial surface area given to all particles
surfaceArea - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Surface area of the particle in square meters
surfaceComplete(Ac3dObject, Ac3dSurface) - Method in interface org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dParseObserver
A surface definition from the previously declared object has been read.
suspectAreas - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Flag indicating the state of the data (Element 25)
SWCornerCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Coordinates of the south-west corner (element 11).


tangents - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
Listing of tangents for each vertex
target - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.CameraBlock
The location the camera is pointing at
target - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
If non-null, treat as a spotlight and this is the target location
TARGET_NODE_TAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the target keyframe data (0xB004)
terrainData - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.Landscape
Raw terrain information to be rendered
terrainData - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
Source terrain data
TerrainData - Interface in org.j3d.terrain
This class provides a generic interface to the terrain dataset.
TEX_VERTS_ENTRY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
TEXCOORD_LIST - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the sate of the UV texture map coords list
texCoordIndexes - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Storage for texture coordinate index information if the shape type requires it.
texCoordInterp - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Interpolator of texture coordinate handling
TexCoordInterpolator - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
Heavily customised interpolator for determining texture coordinates to apply to a given particle.
texCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
2D texture coordinates for this object
texCoordsChanged - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Flag indicating base values have changed
texture - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractStaticTerrainData
The texture object that is loaded for this instance.
TEXTURE_2D_DATA - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Request for 2D Texture coordinate data to be produced
TEXTURE_3D_DATA - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Request for 3D Texture coordinate data to be produced
textureAvailable - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTerrainData
Flag indicating if texture data is available from this dataset.
TextureBlock - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a single texture and its paramaters needed for rendering.
TextureBlock() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
TextureCache - Interface in org.j3d.texture
A representation of global cache for texture instance management.
TextureCacheFactory - Interface in org.j3d.texture
Abstract representation of what a factory for texture caches would look like.
textureCoordinates - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Texture coordinate information if requested.
TextureGenerator - Class in org.j3d.texture.procedural
Various utility methods for creating textures from procedural means.
TextureGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.texture.procedural.TextureGenerator
Create a new instance of this generator with default values set.
textureMap1 - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The first texture map to be associated with this material
textureMap2 - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The second texture map to be associated with this material
textureMask1 - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The first texture map to be associated with this material
textureMask2 - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The second texture map to be associated with this material
TextureTileGenerator - Interface in org.j3d.terrain
Generator for supplying instances of texture objects as tiles for large-scale terrains.
throttleSlider - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The throttleSlider value
throttleSlider - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
The throttleSlider value
throttleSlider - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.WheelState
The throttleSlider value
throttleSlider_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.GamepadState
The throttleSlider value
throttleSlider_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
Did the throttleSlider value change
throttleSlider_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.WheelState
The throttleSlider value
tileableNoise1(float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Create a 1D tileable noise function for the given width.
tileableNoise2(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Create a 2D tileable noise function for the given width and height.
tileableNoise3(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Create a 3D tileable noise function for the given width, height and depth.
tileableTurbulence2(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Create a turbulance function that can be tiled across a surface in 2D.
tileableTurbulence3(float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Create a turbulance function that can be tiled across a surface in 3D.
TILED_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.terrain.TerrainData
The source data comes in the form of tiles that may be dynamically loaded.
TiledTerrainData - Interface in org.j3d.terrain
Representatoin of data source that holds its data in tiles.
tileGenerator - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractFreeFormTerrainData
Reference to the currently set texture tile generator
tileGenerator - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.AbstractTiledTerrainData
Reference to the currently set texture tile generator
tileOrigin - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
The origin of the patch in tile coordinates
tiling - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
The map tiling type (Not for repeat, clamp etc).
TILT - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
TILT_STATE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationState
The navigation state is Tilt
timeNow - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
The time of this frame.
toArray() - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection; the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
toArray() - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection; the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
toArray() - Method in class org.j3d.util.ObjectArray
Turn the values of this array into a real array.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class org.j3d.util.ObjectArray
Turn the values of this array into a real array by copying them into the given array if possible.
TOKYO - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
TOP_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the top view (0x3010)
topExtent - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
The top-most extent Lat-Long if not UTM.
TorusGenerator - Class in org.j3d.geom
A generator of Torus geometry values.
TorusGenerator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.TorusGenerator
Construct a default torus.
TorusGenerator(float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.TorusGenerator
Construct a torus with the given inner and outer radius values.
TorusGenerator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.TorusGenerator
Construct a default torus with a selectable number of facets.
TorusGenerator(float, float, int, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.TorusGenerator
Construct a torus with given radius values and number of facets.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
Generate a string representation of this tracker's current state.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dMaterial
Provides a humantext string version of the current object state.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dObject
Generate a string representation of the internal state.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.ac3d.Ac3dSurface
Creates and returns the stringified version of the internal state.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DAnalogData
Generate a string representation of this header.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DByteParameter
Generate a string representation of this header.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DFloatParameter
Generate a string representation of this header.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
Generate a string representation of this header.
toString(boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
Alternate form of the toString() method that has the option of showing private data details from the internals of the way the file is stored.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DIntParameter
Generate a string representation of this header.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParameterGroup
Generate a string representation of this header.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DStringParameter
Generate a string representation of this header.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DTrajectoryData
Generate a string representation of this header.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointData
Return a string representation of this viewpoint.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.util.CircularList
Returns a string representation of this set.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.util.HashSet
Returns a string representation of this set.
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.BooleanInterpolator
Create a string representation of this interpolator's values
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ColorInterpolator
Create a string representation of this interpolator's values
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.Coordinate2DInterpolator
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.CoordinateInterpolator
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.IntegerInterpolator
Create a string representation of this interpolator's values
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.NormalInterpolator
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.PositionInterpolator
Create a string representation of this interpolator's values
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.RotationInterpolator
Create a string representation of this interpolator's values
toString() - Method in class org.j3d.util.interpolator.ScalarInterpolator
Create a string representation of this interpolator's values
toString2() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
Create a string representation of this patch.
TrackData - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Common information that all tracks keep with them.
TrackData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TrackData
trackDataAvailable(C3DTrajectoryData[]) - Method in interface org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DParseObserver
Tracker - Class in org.j3d.device.input
An abstract representation of a tracker.
Tracker() - Constructor for class org.j3d.device.input.Tracker
TrackerDevice - Interface in org.j3d.device.input
Devices which map data to trackers.
TrackerState - Class in org.j3d.device.input
Holds a single tracker's state.
TrackerState() - Constructor for class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
Create a new default state.
trajectorySampleRate - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DHeader
The trajectory sample rate
translate(float[], int, float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CoordinateUtils
Translate, in place, the coordintes by the given amount in each direction.
translate(float[][], int, float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CoordinateUtils
Translate, in place, the coordintes by the given amount in each direction.
translate(float[], int, float[], float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CoordinateUtils
Translate the coordintes by the given amount in each direction and place them in the destination array.
translate(float[][], int, float[][], float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.CoordinateUtils
Translate the coordintes by the given amount in each direction and place them in the destination array.
translate(float[][], int, float[][]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.NormalUtils
Translate the coordintes by the given amount in each direction and place them in the destination array.
TRANSLATE_RANGE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents range translate (0x4F50)
transparency - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The transparency converted to a [0,1] range
TreeNode - Class in org.j3d.terrain.roam
Represents a single node of the triangle mesh of the patch.
TRI_MESH - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The mesh is a triangle mesh
TRIANGLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Send to the constructor to inform that the data will be arranged so that each set of three vertices form an independent triangle
TRIANGLE_FAN_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Send to the constructor to inform that the data will be arranged so that the stripCounts array indicates how many vertices to use for each triangle fan.
TRIANGLE_FANS - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as a triangle fan array(s)
TRIANGLE_STRIP_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Send to the constructor to inform that the data will be arranged so that the stripCounts array indicates how many vertices to use for each triangle strip.
TRIANGLE_STRIPS - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as a triangle strip array(s)
TriangleMesh - Class in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
Representation of a single triangle mesh.
TriangleMesh() - Constructor for class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
TRIANGLES - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as individual unindexed triangles
TriangleUtils - Class in org.j3d.util
An set of utility functions for taking basic triangle information and returning derived information that is useful for rendering.
TriangleUtils() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.TriangleUtils
triangulate(GeometryInfo) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.Triangulator
This routine converts the GeometryInfo object from primitive type POLYGON_ARRAY to primitive type TRIANGLE_ARRAY using polygon decomposition techniques.
triangulateConcavePolygon(float[], int, int, int[], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.TriangulationUtils
Triangulate a concave polygon using an indexed coordinates array.
triangulateConcavePolygon(float[], int[], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.TriangulationUtils
Triangulate a concave polygon using an indexed coordinates array.
triangulateConcavePolygon(float[], int, int, int[], int, int[], int, int[], int, int[], int[], int[], int[], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.TriangulationUtils
Triangulate a concave polygon using an indexed coordinates array.
triangulateConcavePolygon(float[], int, int, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.TriangulationUtils
Triangulate a concave polygon in the given array.
triangulateConcavePolygon(float[], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.TriangulationUtils
Triangulate a concave polygon in the given array.
triangulateConcavePolygon(float[], int, int, int, int, int, int[], int[], int[], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.TriangulationUtils
Triangulate a concave polygon in the given array.
triangulatePolygon2D(int, int[], float[], int[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.TriangulationUtils
Triangulate a simple polygon that may have zero or more holes in it.
TriangulationUtils - Class in org.j3d.geom
Utility routines for triangulating arbitrary polygons.
TriangulationUtils() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.TriangulationUtils
Construct a new instance of the triangulation utilities.
TriangulationUtils(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.TriangulationUtils
Construct a new instance of the triangulation utilities with a given maximum polygon size hint.
Triangulator - Class in org.j3d.geom.triangulation
Triangulator is a utility for turning arbitrary polygons into triangles so they can be rendered by Java 3D.
Triangulator() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.Triangulator
Creates a new instance of the Triangulator.
Triangulator(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.Triangulator
Creates a new instance of a Triangulator.
triggerButton - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
The triggerButton value
triggerButton_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.JoystickState
Did triggerButton value change
turbulence2(float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Create a turbulance function in 2D using the original perlin noise function.
turbulence3(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.j3d.texture.procedural.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Create a turbulance function in 3D using the original perlin noise function.
twoSidedLighting - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
Flag indicating 2-sided lighting is set or not
type - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.LightBlock
The light type to treat this as.
TYPE_BUTTON - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
Only a button changed state, nothing else
TYPE_CLICK - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
The action type was a click
TYPE_DRAG - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
The action type was a drag
TYPE_MOVE - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
The action type was a movement
TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
No type event was processed
TYPE_ORIENTATION - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
The action type was a orientation change
TYPE_PRESS - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
The action type was a press
TYPE_RELEASE - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
The action type was a release
TYPE_WHEEL - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
The action type was a wheel rotation


UNDEFINED - Static variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.TreeNode
The visibility status of this node in the tree is not known.
unindexify() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.triangulation.GeometryInfo
Get rid of index lists by reorganizing data into an un-indexed format.
UNKNOWN_DATUM - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
UnsupportedFormatException - Exception in org.j3d.loaders
Exception for when the input file provided does not match the format that the parser can handle.
UnsupportedFormatException() - Constructor for exception org.j3d.loaders.UnsupportedFormatException
Create a blank exception with no message
UnsupportedFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception org.j3d.loaders.UnsupportedFormatException
Create an exception that contains the given message.
UnsupportedTypeException - Exception in org.j3d.geom
Exception for when one of the requested geometry generation types is not known or understood.
UnsupportedTypeException() - Constructor for exception org.j3d.geom.UnsupportedTypeException
Create a blank exception with no message
UnsupportedTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.j3d.geom.UnsupportedTypeException
Create an exception that contains the given message.
uOffset - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
The translation in the u direction
update(long) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Inform each of the ParticleFunctions so they can do any processing.
update() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystemManager
Update the registered particle systems now.
update(float) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringSystem
Time to update all the interactions between the springs and nodes.
update(float, SpringEvaluatorCallback) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringSystem
Time to update all the interactions between the springs and nodes.
update(float, SpringEvaluatorCallback, float[]) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.spring.SpringSystem
Time to update all the interactions between the springs and nodes.
updateAll() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HumanoidManager
Update all the humanoids now.
updateData() - Method in class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.AxisTracker
updateGeometry() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.particle.ParticleSystem
Update the arrays for the geometry object.
updateGeometry() - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
Request an update to the geometry.
updateLocation(Matrix4f, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimSite
All the skeletal changes are in for this frame, so update the matrix values now.
updateMatrix(float[], float[], float[], float[], float[], Matrix4f) - Static method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimObject
Calculate transforms needed to handle VRML semantics and place the results in the matrix variable of this class.
updatePatch(ROAMPatch, int, int) - Method in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMSplitMergeLandscape
Update the patch representation to be at the new tile location.
updateSent - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
Flag to say that we're already sent an update request and there's no need to send another.
updateSkeleton() - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
All the skeletal changes are in for this frame, so update the matrix values now.
updateSkeleton(Matrix4f, boolean) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
All the skeletal changes are in for this frame, so update the matrix values now.
updateSources(float[], int, float[], int, Object, Object) - Method in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimJoint
The global coordinate and/or normal values were changed by the user, so go through and update the local references.
USBManager - Class in org.j3d.device.input.jinput
A USB device.
USBManager() - Constructor for class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.USBManager
Construct a new instance of the manager
uScale - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
The scale in the U direction
USE_BEVEL - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
USE_BITMAP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
USE_BITMAP - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Flag instructing use of the bitmap background
USE_CONTOUR - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
USE_DISTANCE_CUE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for using another distance cue (0x2301)
USE_DISTANCE_FOG - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Flag instructing use of the solid colour fog
USE_FIT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
USE_FOG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for using another fog (0x2201)
USE_GRADIENT - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Flag instructing use of the gradient background
USE_LAYER_FOG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for using layered foh (0x2303)
USE_LAYER_FOG - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Flag instructing use of the gradient fog
USE_LINEAR_FOG - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Flag instructing use of the bitmap fog
USE_SCALE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
USE_SOLID_BG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for using a solid colour background (0x1201)
USE_SOLID_BG - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ObjectMesh
Flag instructing use of the solid colour background
USE_TEETER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
USE_TWEEN - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
USE_TWIST - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
USE_V_GRADIENT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for using a vertical gradient (0x1301)
useControlPointWeights - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineGenerator
Should we use control point weights.
useControlPointWeights - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
Should we use control point weights.
USER_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the user view (0x3070)
userData - Variable in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointData
User specific data they can associate with this viewpoint
userData - Variable in class org.j3d.util.UserSupplementData
Generic user data.
UserSupplementData - Class in org.j3d.util
A generic holder for the various forms of data that would be stored in a Java3D node's userData.
UserSupplementData() - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.UserSupplementData
Construct a new instance of the data.
utmProjection - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
True if this file is in UTM projection.
utmZone - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
The std UTM zone for this file


V_GRADIENT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for a vertical gradient (0x1300)
validate() - Method in class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons to provide an empty method when no processing really needs to be done.
VALIDATE_BATCH - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Batch process water body edit and RMSE computed from test points.
VALIDATE_L1_REVIEW - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Level 1 DEM's reviewed and edited.
VALIDATE_L2_VERIFIED - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Level 2 and 3 DEM's reviewed and edited.
VALIDATE_NONE - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
No data validation performed
VALIDATE_RMSE - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
RMSE computed from test points (record C added), no quantitative test, no interactive DEM editing or review.
VALIDATE_WATER - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Review and edit, including water edit.
variation - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.BaseEmitter
Amount of variation on the randomness
velocity - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
Current velocity in meters per second
VERSION - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The chunk is version number (0x0002)
version - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
The header string indicating version number.
VERSION_1_0 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
Header string constant representing V1.0
VERSION_1_1 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
Header string constant representing V1.1
VERSION_1_2 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
Header string constant representing V1.2
VERTEX_FLAG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the start of the vertex flag list
VERTEX_LIST - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID represents the start of the vertex list
vertexCount - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.GeometryData
The number of vertices stored in the coordinates array
vertexData - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
Raw vertex collection information
VertexData - Class in org.j3d.terrain.roam
Collection of vertex information for a patch of terrain.
VertexData(int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.j3d.terrain.roam.VertexData
Creates new VertexData that represents a fixed number of vertices.
VERTICAL_DATUM_MSL - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Local mean sea level vertical datum
VERTICAL_DATUM_NAVD - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD 88)vertical datum
VERTICAL_DATUM_NGVD - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
National Geodetic Vertical Datum 1929 (NGVD 29) vertical datum
verticalDatum - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
The veritcal datum in use (element 26)
verticalDatumShift - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMTypeARecord
Vertical datum shift (element 31).
vertices - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TriangleMesh
Vertex coordinates, flat style
VFXDriver - Class in org.j3d.device.input.vfx
Class which implements a global driver interface for the VFX3D handling.
viewFrustum - Variable in class org.j3d.terrain.roam.ROAMPatch
The view frustum used for this terrain
ViewFrustum - Class in org.j3d.util.frustum
A utility for tracking the ViewFrustum planes and determining if a triangle or point is visible.
ViewFrustum(int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.util.frustum.ViewFrustum
Create a new instance that on a given number of canvases that contribute to the total view frustum.
viewingPlatformMoved() - Method in class org.j3d.util.frustum.ViewFrustum
This method must be called when the view platform transform group has been updated.
VIEWPOINT_NEXT - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
Action a button might perform
VIEWPOINT_PREV - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
VIEWPOINT_RESET - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
ViewpointCellRenderer - Class in org.j3d.ui.navigation
An implementation of a ListCellRenderer specific for viewpoint data in the viewpoint selection toolbar.
ViewpointCellRenderer() - Constructor for class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointCellRenderer
Create a new default cell renderer.
ViewpointData - Class in org.j3d.ui.navigation
A class to represent viewpoint information so that we can put it on screen, move around to it etc etc.
ViewpointData(String, int) - Constructor for class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointData
Create a new data object initialised to the set of values.
viewpoints - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.hanim.HAnimHumanoid
The current collection of viewpoints nodes registered to this object.
viewpointSelected(ViewpointData) - Method in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointSelectionListener
A new viewpoint has been selected and this is it.
ViewpointSelectionListener - Interface in org.j3d.ui.navigation
A listener interface used to communicate changes in the navigation state from one handler to another.
ViewpointToolbar - Class in org.j3d.ui.navigation
A toolbar for all view manipulation commands that offers convenient and common code.
ViewpointToolbar() - Constructor for class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointToolbar
Create a new horizontal viewpoint toolbar with an empty list of viewpoints.
ViewpointToolbar(ViewpointData[]) - Constructor for class org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointToolbar
Create a new viewpoint toolbar that has the given list of viewpoints to be displayed.
VIEWPORT_DATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
VIEWPORT_DATA_3 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
VIEWPORT_DATA_OLD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
VIEWPORT_LAYOUT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
VIEWPORT_LAYOUT_OLD - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
VIEWPORT_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
VIS_LOFTER - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID for a visual lofter object (0x4011)
vOffset - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
The translation in the v direction
VPDATA - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
vScale - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.TextureBlock
The scale in the V direction


WALK - Static variable in class org.j3d.device.input.ButtonModeConstants
Absolute choice of a mode.
WALK_STATE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationState
The navigation state is Walking
wallClockBirth - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
The age of the particle in wall clock time (milliseconds), in this cycle
wallClockLife - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
The end time in wall clock time (milliseconds)
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.j3d.util.SAXErrorHandler
Process a warning exception.
warningReport(String, Exception) - Method in class org.j3d.util.DefaultErrorReporter
Notification of a warning in the way the system is currently operating.
warningReport(String, Exception) - Method in interface org.j3d.util.ErrorReporter
Notification of a warning in the way the system is currently operating.
WEAKREF_CACHE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.texture.TextureCacheFactory
ID for a cache implementation using weak references
weights - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.BSplineCurveData
The weight values for the curve if rational
WGS_72 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
WGS_84 - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.vterrain.BTHeader
Wheel - Class in org.j3d.device.input.jinput
A gamepad device implemented using the JInput library.
Wheel(Controller, String) - Constructor for class org.j3d.device.input.jinput.Wheel
wheelClicks - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
The number of 'clicks' a wheel has rotated by
WheelDevice - Interface in org.j3d.device.input
Devices which map data to gamepads.
WheelState - Class in org.j3d.device.input
Holds a single gamepad state.
WheelState() - Constructor for class org.j3d.device.input.WheelState
wheelX - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.WheelState
The wheelX value
wheelX_changed - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.WheelState
The wheelX value
width - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.particle.Particle
width of the particle in meters
widthFacetCount - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.spline.PatchGenerator
The number of sections used around the patch width
WINDOW_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
The ID is for the window view (0x3090)
WindParticleFunction - Class in org.j3d.geom.particle
WindParticleFunction models a directional wind source.
WindParticleFunction() - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.WindParticleFunction
Construct a new default wind particle function.
WindParticleFunction(float[], float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.j3d.geom.particle.WindParticleFunction
Construct a new wind function with the parameters provided.
wireframe - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
Flag indicating if the object should be rendered as wireframe
wireSize - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaterialBlock
The wire size to use if wireframe
wkPolygon - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Working places for a single quad
working2dCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
The current 2D coordinate list that we work from
workingCoords - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
The current coordinate list that we work from
workingIndicies - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
workingStrips - Variable in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
worldOri - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
The orientation in world coordinates
worldPos - Variable in class org.j3d.device.input.TrackerState
The position in world coordinates.
writeLittleEndian(short[], int, int, OutputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Writes signed short data in srcBuffer to stream in little endian order.
writeLittleEndian(int[], int, int, OutputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Writes signed int data in srcBuffer to stream in little endian order.
writeLittleEndian(long[], int, int, OutputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Writes signed long data in srcBuffer to stream in little endian order.
writeLittleEndian(int, int[], int, int, OutputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Writes signed int data in srcBuffer to stream in little endian order.
writeLittleEndian(float[], int, int, OutputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Writes float data in srcBuffer to stream in little endian order.
writeLittleEndian(double[], int, int, OutputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Writes double data in srcBuffer to stream in little endian order.
writeLittleEndian(OutputStream, short) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Writes signed short data to stream in little endian order.
writeLittleEndian(OutputStream, int) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Writes signed int data to stream in little endian order.
writeLittleEndian(OutputStream, long) - Static method in class org.j3d.io.EndianConverter
Writes signed long data to stream in little endian order.


X - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMRecord
x - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.PositionData
The x axis value
X_AXIS - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Cylinder intersection axis X
xAxis - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.RotationData
The x axis value
XDATA_APPNAME - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_DOUBLE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_ENTRY - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_FLOAT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_GROUP - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_LONG - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_RFU1 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_RFU2 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_RFU3 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_RFU4 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_RFU5 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_RFU6 - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_SECTION - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_SHORT - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_STRING - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
XDATA_VOID - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants
xScale - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ScaleData
The x scale value
XZ_CURVE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants


Y - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMRecord
y - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.PositionData
The y axis value
Y_AXIS - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Cylinder intersection axis Y
yAxis - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.RotationData
The y axis value
yScale - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ScaleData
The y scale value
YZ_CURVE - Static variable in interface org.j3d.loaders.discreet.MaxConstants


Z - Static variable in class org.j3d.loaders.dem.DEMRecord
z - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.PositionData
The z axis value
Z_AXIS - Static variable in class org.j3d.geom.IntersectionUtils
Cylinder intersection axis Z
zAxis - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.RotationData
The z axis value
zScale - Variable in class org.j3d.loaders.discreet.ScaleData
The z scale value

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