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Class UserSupplementData

  extended by org.j3d.util.UserSupplementData

public class UserSupplementData
extends java.lang.Object

A generic holder for the various forms of data that would be stored in a Java3D node's userData.

This library makes heavy use of the userData system provided by the core Java3D nodes. The types are varied and often more than one part of this API (or end-applications derived from this API) want to make use of it, and they clash.

Several of the APIs within this codebase assume the existance of this class for processing. If you don't provide it and start replacing it with your own structure, things can and will break. If your application is making use of user data as well, it is highly recommended that you extend this class and add extra information as fields.


Field Summary
 boolean collidable
          Flag to say whether this object or group is eligible for use in collision detection and avoidance routines.
 java.lang.Object geometryData
          Geometry data that could be used as the source of terrain following or collision detection.
 boolean isTerrain
          Flag to say whether this object or group is eligible for use in terrain following routines.
 java.lang.Object userData
          Generic user data.
Constructor Summary
          Construct a new instance of the data.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public java.lang.Object geometryData
Geometry data that could be used as the source of terrain following or collision detection. There are a number of classes that could appear here and the user code will need to check which has been provided. The most likely candidates are GeometryData and HeightDataSource.


public boolean collidable
Flag to say whether this object or group is eligible for use in collision detection and avoidance routines. If it is detected in a Group node then anything below this group node will not be eligible, thus allowing sub-sections of the scene graph to be marked off within a larger structure. A false value will disable collision detection for this group/shape. Default value is true;


public boolean isTerrain
Flag to say whether this object or group is eligible for use in terrain following routines. If it is detected in a Group node then anything below this group node will not be eligible, thus allowing sub-sections of the scene graph to be marked off within a larger structure. A false value will disable terrain following for this group/shape. Default value is true;


public java.lang.Object userData
Generic user data. As this class assumes it will take the place of the normal user data, we need somewhere to store generic junk. This is it.

Constructor Detail


public UserSupplementData()
Construct a new instance of the data. Collidable and isTerrain initialised to false.

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