j3d.org Code

Package org.j3d.util

Generalised utility classes for using Java 3D.


Interface Summary
ErrorReporter Generalised interface for reporting errors of any kind that happens in the Web3D codebase.

Class Summary
CharHashMap A hash map that uses primitive chars for the key rather than objects.
CircularList A circular list (buffer) implementation.
ColorUtils An set of utility functions that convert from one color space to another.
DefaultErrorReporter An implementation of the ErrorReporter interface that just writes everything to System.out.
DoubleHashMap A hash map that uses primitive doubles for the key rather than objects.
DynamicClassLoader A generalised class used to dynamically load other classes according to a preset set of rules.
FloatHashMap A hash map that uses primitive doubles for the key rather than objects.
HashSet A custom HashSet implementation.
I18nManager Manager of all internationalisation in the toolkit.
ImageLoader A convenience class that loads Icons for users and provides caching mechanisms.
ImageUtils A utility class that allows you to do various actions with images, such as conversions and creating items that are useful as textures.
IntHashMap A hash map that uses primitive ints for the key rather than objects.
MatrixUtils A utility class that performs various matrix operations on the javax.vecmath package.
ObjectArray Simple dynamic array structure that holds Object instances.
Queue Simple 'First In First Out' (FIFO) queue.
SAXEntityResolver An entity resolver for both DOM and SAX models of the SAX document.
SAXErrorHandler Common convenience implementation of the SAX ErrorHandler interface.
TriangleUtils An set of utility functions for taking basic triangle information and returning derived information that is useful for rendering.
UserSupplementData A generic holder for the various forms of data that would be stored in a Java3D node's userData.

Package org.j3d.util Description

Generalised utility classes for using Java 3D.

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