j3d.org Code

Class C3DAnalogData

  extended by org.j3d.loaders.c3d.C3DAnalogData

public class C3DAnalogData
extends java.lang.Object

The representation of a single channel of analog samples.

A trajectory may contain coordinate and/or analog data samples. This represents one channel of sampled analog values. All values are placed as their real floating point representations. If the underlying file had values in integer format, scaling will be performed before storing in this array.

The definition of the file format can be found at: http://www.c3d.org/

$Revision: 1.1 $
Justin Couch

Field Summary
 float[] analogSamples
          Analog sample data to go with each coordinate.
 int channelNumber
          The channel number for this analog data.
 java.lang.String description
          The description string associated with this data
 java.lang.String label
          The name or label associated with this trajectory data
 int numAnalogSamples
          The number of analog samples per frame of coordinate data
 int numFrames
          The number of valid frames of coordinate data
Constructor Summary
C3DAnalogData(int channel, java.lang.String label, java.lang.String description, int numFrames, int numAnalogSamples)
          Construct a new data object representing a specific trajectory
Method Summary
 java.lang.String toString()
          Generate a string representation of this header.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public final int channelNumber
The channel number for this analog data. Note that channel numbers are 1-based, not 0-based as is traditional for C/Java apps.


public final java.lang.String label
The name or label associated with this trajectory data


public final java.lang.String description
The description string associated with this data


public int numFrames
The number of valid frames of coordinate data


public float[] analogSamples
Analog sample data to go with each coordinate. The length of this array will be number of samples times the number of frames.


public int numAnalogSamples
The number of analog samples per frame of coordinate data

Constructor Detail


public C3DAnalogData(int channel,
                     java.lang.String label,
                     java.lang.String description,
                     int numFrames,
                     int numAnalogSamples)
Construct a new data object representing a specific trajectory

label - The name or label of this data
description - A description from the parameter information
channel - The channel number for this data
numFrames - The number of valid frames of data to process
numAnalogSamples - The number of samples per coordinate frame. If there are no analog samples, set this to zero
Method Detail


public java.lang.String toString()
Generate a string representation of this header.

toString in class java.lang.Object
Information about the header

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