j3d.org Code

Class HumanoidManager

  extended by org.j3d.geom.hanim.HumanoidManager

public class HumanoidManager
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class for managing a collection of HAnimHumanoids in a scene.

The class just provides a single place for all the humanoids to be kept and updated as a single call, rather than having to do your own structure. There's nothing special about this class - just a collection of arrays and methods to do the updates.

$Revision: 1.3 $
Justin Couch

Constructor Summary
          Create a new, empty, instance of the manager.
Method Summary
 void addHumanoid(HAnimHumanoid human)
          Add a humanoid to the list to manage.
 void clear()
          Clear all the humanoids currently being managed.
 void removeHumanoid(HAnimHumanoid human)
          Remove a humanoid from the managed list.
 void setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter reporter)
          Register an error reporter with the object so that any errors generated by the object can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion.
 void updateAll()
          Update all the humanoids now.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HumanoidManager()
Create a new, empty, instance of the manager.

Method Detail


public void setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter reporter)
Register an error reporter with the object so that any errors generated by the object can be reported in a nice, pretty fashion. Setting a value of null will clear the currently set reporter. If one is already set, the new value replaces the old.

reporter - The instance to use or null


public void addHumanoid(HAnimHumanoid human)
Add a humanoid to the list to manage. This will check to make sure you're not adding it twice.

human - The humanoid instance to add


public void removeHumanoid(HAnimHumanoid human)
Remove a humanoid from the managed list. Requesting the removal of a humanoid that wasn't added in the first place is silently ignored.

human - The humanoid instance to remove


public void updateAll()
Update all the humanoids now.


public void clear()
Clear all the humanoids currently being managed.

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