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Uses of Interface

Packages that use ParticleFunction
org.j3d.geom.particle Generalised classes for providing particle systems in any rendering environment. 

Uses of ParticleFunction in org.j3d.geom.particle

Classes in org.j3d.geom.particle that implement ParticleFunction
 class BoundingBoxParticleFunction
          Clamps the position of a particle to within a BoundingBox.
 class ColorRampFunction
          Apply a colour change over time to the particle.
 class FrameCountParticleFunction
          Simple ParticleFunction that causes a ParticleSystem to run for a fixed number of frames from the start of this function, regardless of the particle's set lifetime.
 class GravityParticleFunction
          GravityMovementFunction applied a gravity force to Particles.
 class MaxTimeParticleFunction
          A ParticleFunction that is used to cull particles that have reached their maximum allowed time.
 class PhysicsFunction
          Movement function that performs basic F=MA calculations for all the physics that have been set up in this frame by other functions.
 class WindParticleFunction
          WindParticleFunction models a directional wind source.

Methods in org.j3d.geom.particle with parameters of type ParticleFunction
 void ParticleSystem.addParticleFunction(ParticleFunction function)
          Append a new particle function to the list.
 void ParticleSystem.insertParticleFunction(int index, ParticleFunction function)
          Insert a particle function at a specific place in the list.
 void ParticleSystem.removeParticleFunction(ParticleFunction function)
          Remove the first instance of the function defined.

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