j3d.org Code

Uses of Class

Packages that use BSplineCurveData
org.j3d.geom.spline Spline and parametric surface geometry. 

Uses of BSplineCurveData in org.j3d.geom.spline

Methods in org.j3d.geom.spline with parameters of type BSplineCurveData
static void BSplineUtils.insertKnot(BSplineCurveData inputCurve, float knot, BSplineCurveData outputCurve)
          Insert a new knot value into the curve.
static void BSplineUtils.insertKnot(BSplineCurveData inputCurve, float knot, int times, BSplineCurveData outputCurve)
          Insert a new knot value multiple times into the curve.
static void BSplineUtils.interpolatePoint(BSplineCurveData inputCurve, float t, float[] point)
          Given the curve data, evaluate the exact point point on the curve in 3D space for the given value of t.
static void BSplineUtils.subdivide(BSplineCurveData inputCurve, float fraction, BSplineCurveData outputCurve1, BSplineCurveData outputCurve2)
          Subdivide the input curve into two curves, represented by the two output curve functions.

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