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Uses of Class

Packages that use TrackData
org.j3d.loaders.discreet Classes for parsing Discreet's 3DS Max .3ds file format. 

Uses of TrackData in org.j3d.loaders.discreet

Subclasses of TrackData in org.j3d.loaders.discreet
 class ColorData
          A single color data from the keyframe tracking.
 class FalloffData
          A single set of spotlight falloff angle data from the keyframe tracking.
 class FieldOfViewData
          A single set of camera field of view angle data from the keyframe tracking.
 class HotspotData
          A single set of spotlight hotspot angle data from the keyframe tracking.
 class MorphData
          A single set of morph target data from the keyframe tracking.
 class PositionData
          A single set of position data from the keyframe tracking.
 class RollData
          A single set of camera roll data from the keyframe tracking.
 class RotationData
          A single set of rotation data from the keyframe tracking.
 class ScaleData
          A single set of scale data from the keyframe tracking.

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