j3d.org Code

Uses of Class

Packages that use HashSet
org.j3d.util Generalised utility classes for using Java 3D. 

Uses of HashSet in org.j3d.util

Methods in org.j3d.util with parameters of type HashSet
 boolean HashSet.addAll(HashSet hs)
          Adds all of the elements in the specified hash set to this set.
 boolean HashSet.removeAll(HashSet hs)
          Removes from this collection all of its elements that are contained in the specified hash set.
 void HashSet.retainAll(HashSet set)
          Retain everything that is in the given set, in this set.
 void HashSet.retainAll(HashSet set, HashSet diff)
          Retain everything that is in the given set, in this set, and move anything that is not, into the alternate set.

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